
I'm like a weather balloon Coming down Through the jet stream Moving a thousand miles an hour Parallel to the sky Dropping a few centimetres at a time Toward the ground

Turbulence avoids me Frightened of where it might fling me But it doesn't matter Where I end up No matter what I know This is a safe landing

I'm in Your hands This spell of power lies over me And now my flights of fancy Will be forever blessed By my knowledge Of a well functioning eject system

To jump out of a plane Takes some courage And a teacher, at first But mostly Just a rather thin piece of fabric

Let's see If I can walk In the cloudworld A little while

And ground, when we meet again We have much to discuss I suspect you've missed me As much as I've missed you

How many weather balloons Are drifting in this hallowed sky Panic not, we're flashing green We're coming back from somewhere strange

The helicopters spin their blades The nasty agitation fades We're ready for this coming phase Weather balloons Drifting Softly By

God's wondrous love, rain on this place Her flood, wash over me An ocean of Amazing Grace I'll float upon the sea

Amazed am I at Grace's gift I never guessed this fruit As day by day my spirit lifts My doubts all rendered moot

Grace comes to me, I know not whence It leaves me trapped in awe Amazing in the present tense The glimpse of God I saw

Amazing Grace, Amazing Grace I'll whisper it to all And if some feel Amazing Grace I'll help them lose their walls

Amazing Grace, the Prince's page Declares His war on war Until His peace reigns for the age We've all been waiting for

Until that day, Amazing Grace Secure our hearts and minds That when we look upon the Face We shall our treasure find

get Lachlan to sing you this tune

Fell in love with a verse I wasn't quite at ease, but I fell regardless The lyrics are kinda terse It might be a cross class spell, but I felt the Bard bless He's just looking to avoid what's worse Broken mirrors on the floor, going shards to shardless I'm trying to put this hovercraft into reverse Got paper planes for days, the heart to heart is hardest

Fell in love with a chorus It wasn't quite the same, but I felt my feelings Trying hard not to bore us Staring into outerspace, view blocked by the ceiling I'm just asking if the lore's sus? I'm need your presence to unlock my level 9 Mass Healing Not an eggman but a walrus Leg of lamb is in the oven, and the potatoes need peeling

So much love for this boy I felt it from the start, though I didn't know it He's so much more than his toys He channels wellsprings of real love, and he gets how to show it When he's around we over flow with joy I think he'll stay here even if I do my best to blow it When we're at sea he is my buoy He puts the oars back in my boat and I recall how to row it

to the tune of, well, Cameron didn't actually know

Judgement Brigade Unleash your flames Burn your way through Start taking all the names

At least that's what they're thinking

Judgement Brigade Pursue this Hacker Her dev's arrested And so's Her backer

She's out of funds And out of code

These are our play's tricks We own this Matrix We will come for you We will send you down

Judgement Brigade I can't bear to face the facts I can't look you in the eyes I can't face up to my Acts

I'm not quite at the stadium

This is what we've got Turns out, quite a lot Go on, take a shot At the King of Hades

Phew. For a second there, I felt unloved, I felt unloved Phew, for a minute there, I felt real judged, I felt real judged

For an hour there, we felt outlawed, we heard doubt's chord

to the tune of tomorrow, wendy

A new beginning A chance to undo all our woes Some two way talk A time to make some friends out of foes And we will meet The One who every heart secretly knows

You'll say “Forgive me” Tomorrow, Wendy, you will live free

November skies Come shining sun or pouring rain Will always dwell Within this melody's refrain And we'll inject The drug of Love into every vein

Hey hey, don't cry Tomorrow, Wendy, you don't have to die

I asked the priest Which prophet do you think's returning? What are the lessons? Or are we done with all this learning? The priest was unsure “I am just living day by day But when Ze comes I'll listen to what Ze has to say”

We pray, “Let's sing: Tomorrow, Wendy, we'll grow you some wings”.

Only God says “Catch!” So I leapt to take it And as she plummets like a stone I know that this time I can't fake it But if God picks up the pieces Well She knows how to unbreak it

Hey hey, nice play Amazing, Wendy – you've saved us today

Hey hey, good day Amazing, Wendy – you've saved us today

to the tune of no surprises

A soul that's burnt out like an ashtray A time to watch the world pray Deliverance seems far

We feel like veterans of some cold war Invisible patrols for The enemies below

Don't Wish before you are ready Hold that aim nice and steady

A supercomputer supercollider The silicon mind couldn't get any wider Don't let the elephant trample the rider, please

This is our final chance Our final hour of the dance, with

A supercomputer supercollider Don't let the elephant trample the rider When they coming looking, promise me that you'll hide Her, please

Such a narrow path And such a pretty night sky

also to the tune of lithium

I was too happy, it was OK, I met the Queen – Olanzapine And I'm so sleepy, in a daze, I can't be seen – I'm in between I was self righteous, it was my bad, I feel ashamed – And I'm to blame Light my night up, in a haze of dust and smoke

Myeh myeh myeh myeh myeh Myeh myeh myeh myeh myeh

Now I'm treacle, it's not OK, what can you do – but I won't sue And just quickly, I'll write it down before I fall – I heard God's call It came strangely, but I will take what I can get – my path is set And I'm on it, from now til the end of time

Myeh eh eh eh eh

Don't ask me, I won't take it back Don't task me, I won't take it back Don't fight me, I won't take it back Don't bite me, I might take it back

I'm real cautious I mean I've seen this script before And now I'm bored But if I'm boring, what of those voices in my head? They're not quite dead And I love you, though I'm not quite sure how to say Are we OK? Burn our bridges And learn to fly or learn to swim


Feet that ache to walk Eyes hungry to drink the daylight on the trees Wrestling restlessness Trapped in a cage Of my own devising It's contours becoming familiar to me Inch by inch by vanishing inch

People do this for years And come out the other side? By what strange miracle?

Horizons so expansive In a world grown so small God is out there But also in here Somehow, not Herself claustrophobic Despite the relative scales involved

And so I learn To sit totally still Restlessly

His words are chosen carefully He ponders actions prayerfully To make you all aware fully He does not play the fool

He's waking while you're comatose He's working on his MOMA shows He's tracking where corona goes He sees it go to school

So just be chill, don't aggravate And you will find it worth the wait Being washed of all that tiresome fate By shining sacred pools

Please heed these words and love this guy We'll leap and greet up in the sky Perhaps we'll even learn to fly Provided we stay cool

to the tune of lithium

I'm unhappy Because today my friends are lost There is a cost No more maybes Though I'm not blaming anyone Let's have some fun I'm so joyous I can't wait to meet you all The cost is small Broken mirrors Go on for days without an end Yeah yeah Yeah yeah Yeah

I'm so frightened Nah, I'm actually quite fine Water to wine I'm an asshole That's ok My friends forgive It's time to live Where are those mirrors? Our Superglue can fix it all Behold the Wall Cracks abundant Time to jump or time to fly

Don't hurt me, that won't make me crack Don't kill me, I'm already cracked Don't hate me, that won't find the crack Don't mock me, that's what made me cracked

I love you, can you hear me sing? I miss you, every little thing We're ending, hear the church bells ring We're awesome, time to meet the king