
I am a mother, wife, daughter, sister, friend and Social Worker. Trying to spread love & kindness out into the world ❤️

I really love a good sugar cookie. I make these cookies every year. The entire family loves them including the dogs. They follow me everywhere and wait by the oven as they cook. I swear they remember these cookies. I of course have to share some of them, just a wee bit anyways.

I normally give them away for gifts or bring them over to someone’s house when we get together but of course this is not going to happen this year, thanks to Corona.

**2 Cups of cubed butter**

**2 Cups of white sugar**

**2 eggs**

**3 teaspoons of vanilla**

**3 teaspoons of baking powder**

**1/2 teaspoon of salt**

**6 Cups of flour**

Once the cookie dough is all mixed together, cover and refrigerate for an hour. Take out the chilled dough and roll with a rolling pin to the desired thickness. Then use cookie cutters and press them into the dough. Place cut out cookies on a tray. Bake the cookies at 350 until slightly brown. While the cookies are cooling prepare the icing.

Icing Recipe:

2 Cups of icing sugar

4 Tablespoons of butter

1 Tablespoon of vanilla

1 Tablespoon of whole milk

Beat butter and sugar and slowly add the remaining ingredients until light and fluffy. Once the cookies have cooled to room temperature, you can start icing.

Decorating the cookies is by far the best part. I usually stick to white icing but in the past I have used food colouring just depends on the look that you sre going for. I always add some colour by using a variety of sprinkles.

This year I made snowmen, presents and stars. The snowmen made me laugh because they kind of looked like a pug from behind. I plan to do make more cookies but next time, I will add some extra details so that they look like chubby Christmas pugs. This will be adorable but for now they are just snowmen that pugs love to eat.

Can you see what I see? This is a pug statue and the dogs also thought this was a real life puppy. They are little hams over here!

I store the cookies in these adorbale little Tupperware containers. These also work great for gift giving. I got them at the dollar store so nice and cheap.

Thanks for reading ❤️

Values can be defined as basic beliefs that guide and motivate our attitudes and actions. Values shape us into being the person that we are. They also inspire us to be the person that we want to be.

“Every moment of every day, whether you realize it or not, you are making a decision of how to spend your time, of what to pay attention to, of where to direct your energy.”

Mark Manson

I recently was asked, what are my top ten VALUES?

I closed my eyes and sat back, thinking about who I was and what I stood for. Wow, this was a deep question and one that I had not thought about in a long time. I could easily name off values that I aspire to have; however, do I really practice these values in my life. What values are just goals of mine because that is not the same thing. These have to be my values and not that of others.

How do I treat people?

How do I handle myself?

What do I value the most?

Who do I value the most?

What are my priorities?

My Top Ten Values

1) Family

2) Honesty

3) Spirituality

4) Loyalty

5) Kindness

6) Humility

7) Equality

8) Adventure

9) Respect

10) Empathy

These ten values, are what I hold important in my life. I am willing to stand by all of them and walk that talk. These ten values are essentially the foundations of me. My values have changed at times throughout my life. I have learned lessons along the way that profoundly impacted my values. What I valued in my 20s is certainly different that what I value today; however, some remain constant. I believe some values came naturally to me like empathy, equality and kindness. Honesty, adventure and spirituality are values that I work at because they matter to me but they are not always easy.

I strongly encourage you to take a look within and evaluate your own values. I intend to do this every few years and see if my values change.

What are your top ten values?

Thanks for reading ❤️

I believed that we needed a hot cocoa station with mini marshmallows, candy canes and sprinkles. There is even some Baileys and Kahlua for the adults. I of course have whip cream in the fridge because who doesn’t like some whip for and extra special treat.

This teddy bear is so annoying but a tradition in our family. He’s much more fun than the elf on the shelf because he sings and dances in his underpants. His name is Tom and he only come out during the holidays. He rocks out to the Bob Seger song “Old Time Rock & Roll.” I’ll have to get Gord to do a Cinnamon video of him performing. The dogs despise poor Tom.

I love using fun colours on the tree because it makes me think of Elf the movie and Buddy the main character. This is one of my favourite movies to watch during the holiday season.

A stocking hung for all of us. There really is nothing cozier than a wood fireplace on a winter night.

Many of our decorations have been with us for years and each hold a special meaning. I love those personal touches that give our tree so much meaning. Griffin loves the magic of Christmas and always helps me decorate the tree as we listen to some Michael Bublé songs playing in the background.

These letters are too cute, they even light up! The letters represents each one of us so G for Griffin, D for Dad, M for Momma and J for Jake.

The scents of Christmas are my very favourite. I adore candles especially during the holidays. My all time favorite candle is Thymes Fraiser Fir. This candle seriously makes your entire home smell like Christmas heaven. I miss the smell of a fresh cut tree so this helps because it smells even better.

We got a fake tree a couple years ago and I love that it has snow dusted ever so slightly on the leaves. There are even some realistic looking pine cones and it is really pretty. It came pre-lit and that is by far the best part. My mom has the bigger version of the tree and I loved it so much that we went out and got the same one the next day.

Plaid is kinda my jam. I don’t think you can ever have too much plaid.

This just makes me laugh because I am not sure about you but I am not feeling so calm lately. The world does not seem bright these days either.

This pandemic is kicking our butts but maybe the holiday season will add a little bright into our days. If your not into decorating, I feel you. I was this way for years but I started with some small pieces here and there and it really makes a difference. The boys seem to also enjoy the home being decorated and so I was sold.

Thanks for reading ❤️

Coil Subscribers only check out my favourite Christmas song from one of my top Christmas movies 🎥


I attended a great workshop a while back and one of the speakers mentioned a tool that he uses daily with his own kids. It’s basic and easy and anyone can try this.

It is just one simple question...

“What was your happy crappy today?”

It makes so much sense, I thought I was doing this but I really wasn’t. I was getting lost in the chaos of a busy family and tech just like so many others.

I love how this one question can help us reconnect and stay connected.

No magic tricks here or training needed, this is all about going back to the basics.

I want to know how my kids are doing each and everyday and not just the bad stuff either. I want to know about what made them light up in the day. This stuff really matters! Face to face contact is where it is at! COVID has certainly reminded all of us of that.

Phone calls, text messages and even zoom meetings are just not the same as meaningful in person connection.

Gord barely shares about his day unless asked. I like hearing about his day. I care about him so much and sometimes I feel so disconnected. We spend so much time apart, I often feel like we are just two ships passing in the night. I learn about his life often from reading about it on Coil. This makes me sad. I want to know about his happy crappy too.

I am prepared to answer this question myself. I struggle at times to identify the happy but never the crappy. The shitty stuff always comes easy to me. I have never had a day yet where there wasn’t one happy part to highlight. It can be as simple as your morning coffee or a smile from a stranger.

The happy is what life is all about. This is the stuff that brings you joy and pleasure. This is the best part of life!

My favorite time to do this is mainly during dinner. This is when we sit down as a family and chat. It’s casual and easy and we go through the happy crappy, while we eat. This time is truly special and it seems to be getting much more enjoyable as the kids grow. I remember the days of mess, high chairs and curious toddlers always on the move. Now it’s so nice to have real conversations with my three favorite people.

This question just opens up an incredible opportunity to connect and learn from one another. These are the people in your world that matter the most to you. I encourage you to ask your family about their own happy crappy.

I bet you won’t regret it.

Thanks for reading ❤️

What was my happy crappy for today? Check out below for Coil subscribers only.


I have been trying to find my Christmas spirit these days. I have to admit, this pandemic is hitting me hard. My spirits are low and with everything going on in the world. I am struggling to feel festive and jolly. We are only a month away from the big day and I have not purchased one single gift. I have not hung any of our decorations or sent out cards. We have no special plans either. I need to get out of this funk for the sake of the kids. We learned last night that there is likely not going to be any social gatherings permitted. This is really hard to process because I love being with my family and have never not spent the holidays with them. Christmas is really all about family so I am determined to make this a memorable occasion. I have decided on a candy cane theme. This means lots of red and white colors and fun candy inspired decor. I am on a budget as well so it is time to be creative and start crafting.

Thanks for reading ❤️

Taking a nice hot bath has always been a place of sanctuary for me. This is where I can go and soak away my troubles. I just add in some Epsom salts and bubble bath and I am in heaven. Depending on my mood, I may even pour myself a glass of wine. I love to add some chill music and even some candles for ambiance, now this makes me one happy momma.

Life has been so much harder these days and I have noticed that I haven’t been doing a good job of managing my anxiety. I have been having more bad days than good days. So it was time to make my mental health a priority because otherwise I am going to be forced to deal with the consequences. I decided to finally give float therapy a try, this is something that I have always wanted to do but for some reason or another, just never have.

I was so excited as I drove over to my appointment. I had been looking forward to floating all day. I was warmly greeted by the staff and asked to compete the necessary paperwork before the session. There was a lengthy screening process due to COVID-19. I was assured at the time of booking, that the company took every safety measure possible to ensure that clients and staff were following COVID-19 protocols. The tanks were very clean the owner assured me as they are filled with large quantities of Epsom salts and now even have chlorine added as an extra precaution. The water is not drained between sessions though, but I was told not to worry because the water is extremely clean. I was feeling somewhat better but not totally at ease. COVID-19 cases continue to be going up daily in my community and at an alarming rate.

The staff also informed me that it was strongly recommend that I only go in the tank in my birthday suit. This apparently enhances the overall experience. I felt a little uncomfortable with the idea of me being naked but reminded myself, that I needed to be open minded. She handed me a cloth, hair tie, ear plugs and cream to cover any cuts that I may have.

Oh gross, now I was thinking not about my cuts but that of the other people that soaked in the tank before me.

Then the staff member showed me to my private room. It was less than thrilling, the space was not warm nor welcoming. She showed me the ins and outs of the tank. There was a button inside that was only to be used in case of an emergency.

What!? I wondered what type of emergency was she talking about.

Things were starting to get weird.

Then she pointed out a spray bottle on the side of the tank. This was only needed should I get saltwater in my eyes. She stressed, “do not touch your eyes!” because they will burn from the salt water. This had me worried. I have never been good at following rules. Then she said enjoy and was gone!

I awkwardly took off my clothing and entered the shower. The tap would not adjust properly so I was being pelted with room temperature water. This is how I expected prison showers to feel like. My mind started to wander as I examined the shower. I gave it a thorough inspection wondering when it had last been cleaned.

The tank looked like an alien pod with piercing blue lights shining back at me. This was anything but soothing. I slowly immersed myself into the water and was shocked to find out that this water was also luke warm. I finally got the courage to shut the lid on the tank. The blue light was not comforting at all so I turned off the lights.

Now, I lay in cool water in total and complete darkness. I had nothing but my thoughts with which were now running rampant.

I could not stop thinking about this god damn Corona.

At this point, I was fairly certain that I was infected with the virus. My right hand was also clinging just below the emergency button as I awaited for a possible emergency. I was spiraling with one anxious thought after another. I recalled how happy I was earlier, as I was driving over to the appointment. I couldn’t help but laugh out loud. This was crazy all of this was utterly bizzare. I had willingly signed myself up for this shit.

The session was for 60 long minutes! This is also 3600 seconds...

I was only 15 minutes in and I already wanted out!

I tried some breathing techniques to calm my mind; however, I was still thinking about how silly this entire thing was and how NOT relaxed I was, wasn’t this the entire point?! I also had a nagging itch on my nose so I gently scratched the spot making sure not to touch anywhere near my eyes. My nose started to burn badly. Great, now I’m terribly uncomfortable and I was starting to feel colder by the second.

I finally had enough.

I was getting out and didn’t care that I probably still had 30 minutes left. I was calling it!

The room was completely dark.

Just as I crept out of the tank...Bam!

The lights turned on. They must have been on a motion sensor but it made me jump.

I quickly showered off but was not warming up a bit because the water temperature was ridiculous. I raced to get dressed and sat on the uncomfortable plastic chair just waiting. I checked my phone and I still had 25 more minutes to go.

Screw this...

I’m done

I left the room.

Paid the front desk the $70 fee.

I politely declined the monthly membership because I will not be coming back. Ever!

Float therapy does not make this momma happy!

Thanks for reading ❤️

For Coil subscribers please check out my hidden content


I am astonished that I have written 100 blogs.

I have had so much fun along the way. I believe storytelling is the absolute best way to learn and I have learned so much. Coil has given me much more than just a platform to blog on; I am

not only blogging but am now part of a fantastic community. Sharing personal stories in such a public way has been oddly satisfying.

I have shared.

I have cried.

I have laughed.

I have read.

I have learned.

I have healed.

When this adventure all started, I seriously wondered if anyone would actually read my articles?

I am 100 blogs in and surprisingly the answer is yes!

I am so humbled by all of your support. You guys have inspired me to keep going even when I doubted myself. Meeting all of you amazing creators, has sincerely been the best part of this journey for sure. Getting upvotes or being part of the boost program, is just an added bonus.

Cintia, your healthy recipes and passion for food makes me want to cook better and make healthier choices.

Nick, your music is delightful and I appreciate your willingness to teach others.

Marco, your always teaching me something new about crypto and I have learned so much from you.

Lego, your love for your family comes through in all of your articles and it makes my heart happy.

Michael, you are a wonderful storyteller. You always keep it real. I have been inspired by your strength as you boldly and bravely kick cancer in the butt.

Catera, your passion for performing arts and musical theatre is refreshing and I admire your talent. You are a star!

John, you are a teacher at heart. Your talent and passion for learning is remarkable. Keep doing what you do because it matters.

Tahlia, you are a gem! You are so wise. I cannot wait to see where life takes you. The sky is the limit!

Patty, you are the sweetest soul. I am blown away by your compassion and kindness. Please keep shining because you my dear make this world a brighter place.

Riley, you are so wise and beautiful inside and out. Your kindness and positive energy does not go unnoticed. You are so talented, never give up on your dreams.

Ferdi, you are so committed to whatever you take on. I love reading about your adventures with your son Noah.

Sophie, continue to keep chasing your dreams and I have no doubt that you will make them all come true. You are going places!

Gord, you are my hero. I sincerely could not have done this without your love and support. One of your weaknesses has now become your strength! keep talking loudly and bravely.

Seth, your bold decision to switch careers has reminded me to always live life fully and to not be afraid to take chances.

Leslie, you are so creative and always brighten up my day. Thanks for sharing with us your wonderful talent.

Rebecca, you are a powerful woman. I am inspired by your passion for motherhood and your sweet little girl. You will be an amazing doula.

Damian, your travel blogs and photographs continue to fuel my passion for travel. Your sense of adventure is contagious.

Srdan, you are truly unique and have so much to share with this world. I appreciate your attention to details.

Adam, you always open up my mind to different perspectives and ideas. I love that you push others to think.

Sandra, your videos are so much fun! You have the best energy and I love your ability to make me laugh even on dark days.

Colin, you are so funny. I love your album covers, they crack me up. I need to have more fun and you remind me of this all the time.

There are so many other creators that I have not mentioned but so admire; however, please know that you all matter to me. This journey would simply not have been the same without you.

Thanks for always showing up and being there for me and others in the Coil community.

Thanks for reading ❤️

I am forty-three today.

Wait?! What, how can I be this old?

I still feel young at heart. I remember turning twenty like it was yesterday. I get it, I am not young anymore, this I know; however, I still have so much more life to live. This pandemic has really shown me the importance of living my life fully. I will never take my life for granted because it is never guaranteed. I decided to narrow down a list of goals that I want to achieve in the next half of my life.

  1. Pursue a masters in Social Work and open up a private practice to provide counselling specifically to children and youth.
  2. Travel to all the places that I have dreamed of going this includes Australia, New Orleans and Bali.
  3. Love myself more.
  4. XRP to pay off so we can live a more comfortable life and help our loved ones so that they can also live more comfortably.
  5. Give back to others by both contributing financially and doing more volunteer work.
  6. Take both the boys on special trips for their 18th Birthdays. (Jake has already chosen NYC and Griffin is still undecided)
  7. Continue to spread kindness out into the world.
  8. Become a mother to wonderful daughter-in-laws and eventually become a grandmother.
  9. Pay off our home and invest in a vacation spot for friends and loved ones to enjoy.
  10. Write a book.

Thanks for reading ❤️

Check out my final thoughts for Coil Subscribers only. If you haven’t already signed up to Coil, you need to because it is seriously the best community.


I go to the bathroom and this includes number two.

I bleed once a month.

I swear like a trucker sometimes and it makes me happy.

I fart and burp.

I have hair on my legs and armpits and I shave because I want to, not because I have to.

I eat a lot and order steak and potatoes over salads.

I finish what is on my plate and sometimes even take seconds.

I like to watch hockey and especially the fights.

I enjoy ultimate fighting, wrestling and boxing.

I am solid and weigh much more than anyone would expect.

I like scary movies, the scarier the better.

I snore.

I hate laundry and refuse to iron.

I am tough but I have never been in a physical fight before.

I’m a fighter by nature and would never go down without a fight.

I am a messy eater and always spill on my clothes.

I am not prim and proper and don’t want to be.

I am fiercely loyal and would protect my family at all costs.

I am not fragile.

I have had two babies and one without any pain meds. I never screamed once. I am tough.

I have a high pain tolerance.

I work hard to put food on the table and a roof over our heads.

I am loud at times and am not afraid to speak my mind.

I can have body odour.

I would pick a pair of jeans over a dress every time.

I get moody and have bad days and it has nothing to do with my period.

I am smart and can do anything that I put my mind too.

I will not apologize for my intelligence. There is so much more to me than just my femininity and beauty. Seriously, we need to stop labelling women as fragile. This backwards thinking only makes women feel inferior and shamed.

I even felt shame writing this article because I have been taught that females are held to different standards. I have been conditioned to think this way.

I refuse to raise my boys to believe that women are delicate and so different than them because it’s straight up bullshit.

Thanks for reading ❤️

My friend Sharon and I headed off for a girls trip. This is something we look forward to all year. We are both natural caregivers and adore our families and jobs but this weekend it was about self-care and time just for US. This marks our second annual trip and we plan to continue this tradition every year.

Day One

We started the trip off right at Cross Iron Mills an amazing outlet mall just outside of Calgary. The best part is the designer purse stores like Coach and Fossil. We are also excellent shoppers and love a good deal.

Once we arrived in Banff, we checked into one of my favorite hotels in the park. Moose Hotel & Suites. This place is so charming and always makes you feel a million miles away from the hustle and bustle of real life.

Mr. Moose, was my partner for the weekend. Let me tell you, it was kinda freaky waking up and seeing him each morning.

Of course we just had to order room service well because we could! For two mommas, there really is nothing better than the simplicity of picking up the phone and having someone bring you food. The extra bonus is that you don’t even have to do the dishes.

Day Two

We went for breakfast at a new restaurant called Tooloulou’s, the food was superb. The cuisine is Cajun inspired and definitely hit the spot. I even treated myself to a hot chocolate with Baileys. This was a great start to our very first day.

We decided to go for a drive and check out some sights. Lake Minnewanka is magical and it happens to be near where Gord and I got married. Here are some of the pics from the day as we explored the mountainside.

A herd of Elk stopped to cross the road as we were driving through the mountains. I always feel so blessed to see wildlife out in their natural elements, wild and free.

We then finished the night off with some nachos, margaritas and a soak in the outdoor hot tub. Really what more could a girl want.

Day Three

We woke up early and walked over to the neighbouring coffee shop, Whitebark Cafe. They served up a mean chai tea latte and a scrumptious granola banana muffin.

I ended up taking a glorious catnap which never ever happens in my normal everyday life.

Today was all about pampering and self indulgence. We both were booked in for 60 minute massages. They were worth every penny and the experience was AMAZING. The spa had a tranquil outdoor patio with a hot tub and a quiet and calming lounge area to rest.

We enjoyed Tooloulous so much that we decided to come back and try some Cajun food for lunch. I was more than satisfied with my meal. We started off with hush puppies and andouillee mac n’ cheese. I then ordered the Taste of N’awlin’s. This was a little bit of everything delicious including creole jambalaya, shrimp lobster etouffee, seafood sausage gumbo and dirty rice. We also had to try the Gator Bait drink special.

With our bellies full and our hearts content we went back to the hotel to read. We found our favorite reading spot, just in the main lobby of the hotel. We made ourselves cozy and curled up on the chairs beside the massive wood burning fireplace. This was divine watching the fire roar and crack as we relaxed in silence.

Then it was off to the movies! I have so missed going to the movies during the pandemic and decided today was the day. The show playing was “Let Him Go” starring Kevin Costner and Diane Lane. It was so moving and brought out all kinds of emotions. The movie is about a loving married couple, who are deeply invested in their only grandson. The pair go on a wild journey to keep him safe. We shed many tears but also lots of laughs, so that in my books means that this was a great film.

Day Four

Sharon opened up my eyes to the wonderful world of Audible. I am now totally obsessed and have been thoroughly enjoying this app. I currently am listening to Matthew McConaughey’s book Greenlights. Wow, he has lived a really incredible life and him being the narrator is by far the best part. So I listened away and we got ready for brunch.

The Primrose restaurant is located in the Rimrock Resort Hotel. The views are incredible and worth the drive up. This was our destination for today’s brunch.

Afterwards, we were ladies on a mission. We wanted to recreate the famous photographer Nicholas Morant’s iconic photograph of the Rocky Mountians. He was one of the first to capture the infamous spot along the Canadian Pacific Railway back in the 20th Century. The train runs all along the Bow River but timing is everything and there is no set schedule. I think waiting for the train is simply part of the fun.

We took the scenic route as we headed from Banff towards Lake Louise. The Bow Valley Parkway is stunning and definitely off the beaten path and certainly worth the extra time. Here are some of the photographs that we snapped on this adventure.

We arrived at the spot and it was breathtaking. We waited and waited but still no train. It may have not gone as planned but it was satisfying just to see the view of Morant’s Curve. Our photographs turned out fantastic even without the train.

Then we made the short drive over to the Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise. In the summer months, the hotel offers views of beautiful turquoise water surrounded by towering white tipped mountains. During the winter months, the grounds turn into a winter wonderland. The lake if cleared off is the perfect spot to play hockey or ice skate, how Canadian is that eh! The lake that day sadly wasn’t in good enough conditions for skating but it was fun to visit nonetheless.

This was our last night in Banff so we decided to go out with a bang. I had a craving for some Alberta Beef. We found the perfect restaurant called Chuck’s Steakhouse. The food was lovely and the steak was cooked to perfection.

That evening we called our bestie Amanda who lives in Winnipeg. We had the best time laughing and catching up even if it was only through FaceTime.

Day Five

Well, sadly all good things must come to an end. We started the day with a soak in the hot tub and then completed some last minute shopping. We couldn’t come back empty handed. The boys are suckers for chocolate so I stopped in at Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory. I grabbed them some candy apples and bear claws.

We also loved all of the Rocky Mountain Soap Co. products that were being used at the hotel. These products are natural and also smell and feel amazing. I have attached the link below and they also offer shipping worldwide.

We wanted something quick and easy to eat as we needed to get on the road as soon as possible. We settled on Eddie Burger + Bar. The burgers were juicy and flavourful. It was an excellent decision and we will for sure be back.

It was home time and we made our way to Edmonton in around 4 hours. The drive went by so fast because we were busy sharing stories and talking. The weather also cooperated and the roads were in good condition.

Spending this cherished time with one of my best friends, was truly better than any therapy.

Thanks for reading ❤️