

Starting A Record Collection

Because why the fuck not? I already have a record chosen that I am going to order after I make a donation RAINN (sexual abuse survivor hotline). I found a record on “insounds.com” and it is called Air Casanova 70 and it is a Record Store Day exclusive (which i think makes it p cool) and it has a bad ass blue/white splatter pattern on the vinyl, itself. Comes in a clear sleeve. Now, I do not own a turntable, yet. But i have the AudioTechnica unit in my Amazon cart ($99 thing) + a set of $99 speakers + a $23 vinyl rack. I am not too worried about a stand (because the 'rents have tons of shit like that at their house I can borrow) and I am not too worried about having only one record to spin because I am going to make a trip to The Thrifty Hanger and see what kind of records they have for sale and buy like 20 of them (bc they are guaranteed to be super-cheap). I don't even give a fuck what records I buy, I just want a lot straight from the start! So, this is what I am doing and I am going to s.l.o.w.l.y. customize my records player set up as time goes by and s.l.o.w.l.y. build up my vinyl collection as times go by as well.

This is going to be a fun endeavor as I have v much so wanted to start a collection for quite a while. So...winning!

Anyway, the sun is going down and it is a v nice night for #STLWX and I am feeling p good. Twitter has all but slowed to a complete halt and the maority of the people who used to use it on a daily basis have vanished. I think the worse and worse the news gets across the United States, the more and more people just abandon that social network altogether because they like to avoid the news and...idk, watch SNL or some lame fucking shit. I never understood why people are quitters for things like that. I guess they do not have the stomach to face adversity on the Internet, which is very sad/pathetic.

Anyway, be back in a bit!

it's 4:05 AM so of course i just had a Red Bull

i was tired. probably because i had just woken up. so i had my last Red Bull. i drank three last night and was incredibly wired. just feel chill right now.

Today, around noon, i am going to the 'rents house to hang w/ the dad and the #stlwx is gonna be friggin' great. 63 F right now, high of 74 later today. Fucking beautiful. I am gonna bring the MacBook over to the 'rents and do some blogging on their screened-in patio.

that's all for now.

64 F

and it is damn beautiful #STLWX

i had a frreshhhh shower, and gonna walk to the gas station in a bit, maybe. idk what I will get, but it will be there waiting for me.

hope everyone is having a nice Saturday evening, wherever you are :)

Be back in a bit!

The Wind Has Picked Up

The air outside is very warm (~81 F) but the wind is very strong, so it feels a little bit cooler. Thunderstorms are in the forecast and the way it feels outside right now, I believe it. I did have plans to walk to SLCL this AM but I would rather not get poured on so, I will simply stay home.

I am also making a “master list” on Twitter of people I have always followed/always will follow because I am fairly bored right now. At least the #stlwx is nice :)

re-doing the #budget

so i decided that since i had all sorts of shit scribbled down on my budget and that i had a lot of things written in the margins, i would just go ahead and start over. So i did. I now have things exactly where i want them to be and when it comes to buy anything (whatever it is that i may or may not buy, i may save the $$$), then nothing will be pre-decided. #goodtimes

As for this evening, there was a pretty steady warm rain here in STL and it was friggin' beautiful and now i have the sliding glass door open and i am enjoying the (cooled-off) #stlwx and a brilliant sunset. Really enjoying this evening. I also had a p good noodles dinner, so....happy :)

be back in a bit!

such a beautiful night

it was a warm rain earlier (one that i missed), and now it is very cool outside. I have the window + sliding glass door wide open and enjoying every minute of this cooled-off #stlwx.

And earlier today i had a p productive meeting with Kevin and everything is on the up-and-up except that he wants me to do 500 million things that i have absolutely zero plans on doing. Dude is completely over-ambitious and it is annoying as fuck.

What i am focusing on at this stage of my life right now,is a tattoo. I will be armed w/ $400+ to get a GOOD one in about 1.5 weeks and it is going to look awesome, whatever i decide to get.

i will be up late

be back in a bit

Springing For ProtonMail

I think i am going to do that today. ProtonMail is (probably) the most secure e-mail service out there and life hasn't gotten incredibly inconvenient w/o an e-mail acct, but i can tell that at some point i am going to need some sort of e-mail acct to function on the WWW. So i am going to pay for a $50 per year membership and customize the hell out of that sumbitch. LOL! I got the cashola to do it, i just need to “get around” to it.

This stemmed from me RE-joining Tumblr (for the millionth time) and needing an e-mail acct TO join and I could create an acct anywhere right this moment, but none of the other service providers out there are any good (or as attractive, UI-wise) as PM. So, there we go.

Now i am trying to think of other Web services i may need in the future but when i say that, i put emphasis on THE FUTURE because i have no plans on paying for anything other than ProtonMail today because i have other things to pay for.

Anyway, that is about all for now. It rained. It was nice. Gonna enjoy more of it on the balcony if it rains again. kthxbye #stlwx

i don't have a gd thing to do...

....which is fine as i worked my ass off today at the 'rents house, cleaning out the shed and doing other various things around their house. But i would like to have some activity for this evening now that i am home sweet home.

Tomorrow i am going over there again to hang w/ the dad as my mom does some running around, etc. I am going to continue cleaning up what i was doing today only this time, inside. Fuck the #STLWX.

I am also looking to decrease my reliance on my phone (altogether) and wanting to get a TAILS OS (a live, secure OS) on this RPi (via USB) however, there is no version of TAILS or any other “secure” OS that runs on an ARM chipset.

I will figure this out.

Be back in a bit!

Here we go

Back to my old (true) identity on the WWW. I figured...well idk wth i figured. But i have a book to promote & i need to keep my Twitter acct & blog off of lock-down & actually promote Littered Thoughts a little bit even though the site is not ready yet, nor is the promotional materials distributed yet. It will be though! (in the next week)

the #STLWX is my fucking jam today and tomorrow it will be just as nice for when i head over to the 'rents to do some laundry & kick it for a bit.

be back soon