
Random writings

Maybe we'll try a post with a title and see how it fits. I like titles. A good title can really add something I think. I kinda like how titles and headings are optional on here. You just at a H1 in Markdown. Simple.

I haven't forgotten about this thing. I'm still not quite sure what this is. Oh well, we'll figure it out sometime. I missed a few days. So sue me.

It was my birthday. I was a little under the weather. Life interrupted, or whatever.

We finished watching the entire seven seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer the other night just tonight we finished season eight of Beverly Hills, 90210 and it got me thinking a bit about endings.

I just ended another trip around the sun, and have begun a new one. The days becoming shorter have come to an end. It'll be brighter from here on out.

In a way every day is an ending. Every hour. Every second.

It's just what we choose to do with the next one that counts, and how we remember those that we've left behind.

Goodnight. See you in the new day.

I just finished watching Dopesick and all I can say is: screw the pharmaceutical industry. I hope they all rot in hell. That's about it.

What else has been happening?

My birthday inches closer. Who ever thought I'd make it to this far?

Got started on a major refactor at work. I hope it works out.

I don't think I have very much today, tonight. And that's OK.

Maybe tomorrow.


Dearest Internet,

Perhaps a form more like a letter would suit these posts better. I'm still not sure. I'm still finding my feet. It feels like I haven't written properly in years. I should probably stop thinking and just let whatever comes come.

It's my birthday on Friday. Again. Last year I didn't really do anything. This time I'm organising karaoke on Saturday night at the Brunno again, like I did for my big four oh a few years ago, like we used to do almost every night when we used to live in New Farm. I've been inviting a few people. I wonder who will show up. It should be a good night anyway.

So, that's Monday down. Three more days to go. The big project is actually coming along. We're making strides. Slowly but surely.

And my new computer monitor arrived. An early birthday present from Amy. It's big and super crisp and I like it. I might play some DOOM Eternal on it right now actually, while Amy attempt to get Vada to sleep.

Until next time,


“Who wants to tell me about their day?”

That's the question we've been asking over dinner, ever since we decided as a family to be more present with each other. We all take turns telling each other about our day. It's been a great change. And I think it's brought us closer together.

That's what I want to try here. A simple journal, for the most part. Occasionally delving deeper into various subjects and rabbit holes, if time permits, if the shoe fits.

Anyway. Not too much has happened since last time. Yesterday was Saturday. Today it is Sunday. Got me thinking of Friday, the greatest music video in the history of the Internet, which I rediscovered after many years. Back in the day, like the song says, it was all partying partying, but these days, as a parent, life is a lot calmer.

Yesterday I went for a drive to get some chips and do some shopping. We had dinner and told each other about our days. We got Vada to sleep. We watched some TV.

Lately we've been rewatching “Ed”, one of my favourite shows from when I was younger, which after its strange disappearance for decades, someone on the Bring Back Ed Facebook Page recently uncovered a decent quality recording. It's amazing.

Then we went to sleep.

This morning I baked sourdough. It's been great having an oven again. And I watched X-Men with Vada. Heading to a picnic with friends soon. Better get ready.

See you soon.

For a while now, I've been searching for somewhere to put a few wayward daily thoughts down. I gave Notion a shot with a kind of a daily brain dump, but it never felt quite right.

All efforts to utilise Obsidian to its full potential, as of yet, have failed. I even once had a self-hosted WriteFreely instance running on an old Raspberry Pi, which has since been archived and decommissioned.

So here I am again on for now. It seems to have virtually everything I need. It's simple. It's free (for now). It has basic ActivityPub integration.

Eventually I'd love to do something like what Simon has done on his static site and integrate likes and comments through ActivityPub so you can interact over Mastodon etc. But that's for later down the track.

For now, this is it. Until next time!