Roscoe's Quick Notes


A productive Wednesday, this. I spent most of the afternoon shadowing a team of plumbers who were working on the plugged kitchen drain I've been talking about for the past week. I think they finally fixed the problem. Hope so anyway.

And I've been dealing with a nasty toothache all day. It actually woke me at 03:00 and stayed with me all day. no fun, that.

posted Wednesday, Feb 28, 2024 at 7:24 PM #QNFEB2024

First, a few words about yesterday. Monday 26 Feb. 2024 actually did happen in the Roscoe-verse. And it was actually a pretty good day, all things considered. While I was comfortable doing all the chores tackled on Sunday, doing them drained me more than expected. Monday, therefore, had to be considered a “recovery” day. Despite that, Monday brought a number of extra chores which I handled quite well. But I spent the entire day moving through the fog of getting things done on a “recovery day.” And that kept me away from the mental clarity needed to properly post to this blog until I was just so exhausted at day's end.

There's a lot ahead of me today, but I'm facing it with more energy and more confidence than I had at any time yesterday. I'm expecting this to be a good Tuesday.

posted Tuesday, Feb 27, 2024 at ~9:35 AM #QNFEB2024

The plan for today: work on the back yard, cutting grass before things heat up this afternoon (we're supposed to see mid 80s); then following another Texas Rangers Spring Training Game.

Yeah. I think I can handle that.

posted Sunday, Feb 25, 2024 at 10:07 AM #QNFEB2024

Saturday Checkmate

I won this Correspondence Chess game midday Saturday by catching the Black King in a Knight-Rook-Knight combination checkmate.

posted Saturday 24 February 2024 ~12:15 #QNFEB2024 #chess

Facing this Saturday relaxed, calmer, and with a healthier attitude than I've had most mornings recently. And for that I'm MOST thankful.

posted Saturday, Feb 24, 2024 at 9:35 AM #QNFEB2024

Up early today. Heard noises coming from my furnace fan at ~03:00, couldn't get it to quiet down until I switched off the power to the unit at the fuse box out in the garage. So... I'm going to have to call the landlord again. And I'll have to tell him the kitchen drain is still very slow.

I hate complaining, but...

posted Fri Feb 2024 06:20 #QNFEB2024

A busy Thursday, this. First part of my day, almost the entire morning, was spent recovering from all the work done yesterday afternoon out in the back yard, letting the body recover and then working on my chess games.

Happiest part of the afternoon was starting up my central a/c unit and enjoying the cool air flowing out of the vents. and this evening I'm wrapping up my weekly laundry. Though I didn't get started on the more serious chores of the day until late, they got taken care of.

posted Thursday, Feb 22, 2024 at 8:05 PM #QNFEB2024

Rook-Bishop Checkmate

My first win of the day. I checkmated the White King with a Rook- Bishop Combination this morning. This Correspondence Chess game began a month ago and proceeded through 34 full moves before my Rxf1# brought it to an end.

posted Wednesday 21/Feb/2024 ~08:45 #QNFEB2024 #chess

Ordinarily I'd be getting ready for a midmorning nap now. But this Tuesday morning I'm waiting for a plumber to arrive and fix the blockage / leak at my kitchen sink. Hope he gets here soon, fixes things quickly, then leaves. I'd like to get at that nap before the morning gets too old.

posted Tue Feb 2024 08:48 #QNFEB2024

Patiently waiting for a plumber to call (or come by) to fix the kitchen sink blockage/leak that the wife and I tried to fix this past weekend. I called the landlord this morning and he said he'd call his plumber and give him my new phone number and tell him to come right over. That's been an hour ago now. And I'm still patiently waiting.

posted Monday, Feb 19, 2024 at 11:12 AM #QNFEB2024