viewHave been dealing with a bad left shoulder today. For some unknown reason my arthritis has flared up there. So I've dosed with extra-strength Tylenol, had the wife rub ointment onto that shoulder, and have avoided using it any more than has been absolutely necessary.
Waiting patiently now for the Pregame Show for tonight's Yankees vs Rays MLB Game to begin.
posted Thursday, Jul 11, 2024 at 4:34 PM #QNJUL2024
I won this CC Club Tournament Game earlier this morning with Qh1 Checkmate. For the last several moves of our game, made very quickly for CC, White had been so focused on mounting an attack on my Black King that he failed to notice I'd backed up my Queen with my d6 Bishop (19...Bd6). That set up the Checkmate just a few moves later.
posted Wednesday 10/Jul/2024 #QNJUL2024
viewCold watermelon and quiet Lofi music, nice. And reading a few chapters deeper into a novel I've been enjoying lately. Closing out one of the gentler days to come my way recently.
posted Tuesday, Jul 9, 2024 at ~5:47 PM #QNJUL2024
viewLogging into one of my Correspondence Chess Clubs this morning I found the following message waiting for me:
“Congratulations on being the winner of your group in the 2nd round of Casual Chess section, 234th GameKnot tournament!
3rd round will start on Monday, July 15th, 2024.”
So, it looks like I'll find myself paired in a bunch of new chess games next Monday. And the adventure continues.
posted Monday 08/Jul/2024 ~10:00 #QNJUL2024
Earlier today I won this club tournament game by moving my f2 pawn to the f1 square, promoting it to a Queen, and checkmating the White King.
posted Sunday 07/Jul/2024 ~12:20 #QNJUL2024
viewA relaxing Saturday is winding down. There were no major chores to handle. Emptied the car from our fishing trip Wednesday night and put the poles and old doors from the garage into one of the back yard sheds.
Enjoyed another nap or two during the day, and I sense myself starting to fade while watching the 1st hour of tonight's Svengoolie Show. May turn in early, before the show ends. We'll see.
posted Saturday, Jul 6, 2024 at ~7:50 PM #QNJUL2024
viewThis morning I trimmed the front lawn. Took me an hour and a half, but at least I got it done before the worst of the day's heat settled in.
Two hour-long power naps also came my way. The first came as I was sitting in my padded, reclining office chair shortly after coming inside from the above mentioned yard work.
The second nap happened as I was listening to the radio call of this afternoon's baseball game.
Listening now to tonight's Rangers vs Rays game, I'm wondering if I'll be able to follow all nine innings before falling asleep again. Think I'll get my bed ready, just in case.
posted Friday, Jul 5, 2024 at ~8:10 PM #QNJUL2024
viewUntil last night, I had not been pier fishing since I was a little boy off the pier on the St. Joe River below my Grandparents Burket's house in Mishawaka, IN. But yesterday afternoon found me and Sylvia headed down to Corpus Christi, TX where we spent all night fishing off the CosWay Pier.

We had a great time and brought home a mess of fish which Sylvia is in the process of cleaning in our kitchen right now.

As for me, I've got sleep to catch up on and I'm headed to bed shortly.
Oh yeah, Happy American Independence Day, every one. Stay safe and be thankful for what we have,
posted Thursday 04/Jul/2024 ~09:45 #QNJUL2024
It took many more moves than I'd have preferred, and I had to destroy nearly his entire army along the way, but I finally checkmated the extremely slippery White King yesterday morning in this club tournament game using my Rook, Queen, and the edge of the chessboard.
posted Wednesday 03/Jul/2024 ~08:45 #QNJUL2024
viewSpent half an hour this morning doing yard work, loading the big green organics bin with fallen branches in the back yard. Worked up a respectable sweat out there in the heat and even now, 5 hours later, I'm still drained.
posted Tuesday, Jul 2, 2024 at ~4:50 PM #QNJUL2024