viewFar from my favorite Sunday, this. Arthritis flared up more intensely than it has in... I don't know how many weeks, or months. Left shoulder was most troublesome early on, weak and VERY painful, then the fingers of both hands, then the other shoulder and all along my back from shoulders to hips. Needless to say, I got no yard work done.
posted Sunday, Jul 21, 2024 at ~5:32 PM #QNJUL2024
viewIt has taken most of this Saturday to charge up the lithium batteries for my weed eater and lawn mower. Plans are to put those tools to work tomorrow as I try to get some yard work done before the 10 to 15 days of rain sets in Sunday night.
posted Saturday, Jul 20, 2024 at ~5:47 PM #QNJUL2024
viewMid-afternoon Friday and the day is developing nicely. Quietly and nicely. Watching the Cubs vs D-Backs game at the moment.
Sometime this weekend I may mow the front yard. Would like to get that done before next week's rain. We're forecast to have rain starting Sunday night and then every day from Monday through Friday.
posted Friday, Jul 19, 2024 at ~2:59 PM #QNJUL2024
viewNot my favorite Thursday, but generally quiet, which I like very much. Avoided the news mostly, because so much of it is lies or idle conjecture. And I'm close to finishing the last book in a series of novels I've been reading for ... heck, a long time. Hopefully I'll wrap that up before putting head to pillow tonight.
posted Thursday, Jul 18, 2024 at ~7:22 PM #QNJUL2024
viewThis is one slow-moving Wednesday. With no special projects to attend to, I'm sticking to the basic chores, moving slowly, and hoping the mental fog that's been hovering over me for the past week will finally lift.
posted Wednesday, Jul 17, 2024 at ~4:14 PM #QNJUL2024
viewI'm going to pay for this tomorrow, for sure. A 45 min. work shift this morning, then one hour and 15 min. this afternoon cutting branches in the back yard, hauling the bigger ones to the front curb, and stuffing the green organics bin with smaller ones.
Fingers, shoulders, and my back are already letting me know: I'm going to pay for this tomorrow.
posted Tuesday, Jul 16, 2024 at ~5:21 PM #QNJUL2024
With a chessboard more heavily populated by both Black and White Armies at the end of the game than has been the case in many of my recent wins, this club tournament game ended late last night when I caught the Black King in a Queen-Bishop-Knight Combination Checkmate.
posted Monday 15/Jul/2024 ~15:00 #QNJUL2024
Though greatly distracted by the ongoing revelations regarding yesterday's assassination attempt on the life of President Trump, I was still able to close out two correspondence club tournament chess games this morning, winning both with Rook-Queen (and the edge of the chessboard) combination checkmates. The final boards of both games are shown, along with end game move records: one at the top of this blog post, and the other below.

posted Sunday 14/Jul/2024 ~12:50 #QNJUL2024
viewEarly Saturday afternoon and I've accomplished the one “physical” chore I'd set for myself this weekend: hauled the big branches from the backyard to the front curb for Monday's brush collection by the city. Thunder was rolling and a light rain falling. Glad I got it done before the day's forecast thunderstorms hit in force.
Listening now to the radio call of the early afternoon MLB Game of the LA Dodgers vs the Detroit Tigers. When this game ends I'll find another to follow. And this evening there'll be tonight's Svengoolie.
posted Saturday, Jul 13, 2024 at 12:38 PM #QNJUL2024 #chores #Svengoolie #baseball
I won this CC Club tournament game a few minutes ago with a Queen-Rook Combination Checkmate on my 35th White move.
posted Friday 12/Jul/2024 ~13:20 #QNJUL2024 #chess