Roscoe's Quick Notes


Queen-Knight Combination Checkmate

I won this Correspondence Chess game a few minutes ago with a Queen-Knight Combination Checkmate.

posted Thursday 20/Jun/2024 ~13:00 #QNJUN2024

Later this afternoon, Sylvia and I are being taken out to a Texas Roadhouse for an early dinner. I've been looking over their online menu and ... drooling. :)

posted Wednesday, Jun 19, 2024 at ~1:06 PM #QNJUN2024

Midday Tuesday and all is well in the Roscoe-verse. This morning I cut away a big, deformed toenail that has become increasingly bothersome in recent years. Now I can walk MUCH easier!

posted Tuesday, Jun 18, 2024 at ~12:109 PM #QNJUN2024

This afternoon I received an automated reminder call from a doctor's office about an appointment I supposedly have with him later this week. Only thing is, I DON'T have any appointment with him at all. I tried calling his office back at the number they left for me and got stuck in an endless loop of automated messages. Grr...! I'll try calling back tomorrow morning.

posted Monday 17/Jun/2024 ~19:50 #QNJUN2024

Happy Fathers Day to all the dads out there.

Mine died decades ago. Favorite memories with him include throwing the baseball and shooting basketball hoops in the back yard when I was a boy.

posted Sunday, Jun 16, 2024 at 12:59 PM #QNJUN2024

Bishop-Bishop Checkmate

I won this correspondence chess game today with a Bishop-Bishop Combination Checkmate. The C6- Bishop delivers the mating move, while my H4-Bishop covers the Black King's only possible flight squares.

posted Saturday 15/Jun/2024 ~15:00 #QNJUN2024

Independence Day 2020

TGIF! Wishing you all a fantastic Friday and a Happy Flag Day.

posted Friday 14/Jun/2024 ~09:40 #QNJUN2024

Rook-Rook Checkmate

A few hours ago I won this Correspondence Chess game with the Black pieces by catching the White King in a nifty Rook-Rook Combination Checkmate.

posted Thursday 13/Jun/2024 ~13:40 #QNJUN2024

Early afternoon of what I'm calling a recovery day. Yesterday I handled two “major” chores: my weekly laundry, and cutting branches in the back yard. Shoulders and hands are sore today from all that work, especially with the tree tools. That's no surprise, but it does earn me a “rest” day.

posted Wed Jun 2024 ~12:59 #QNJUN2024

noted @ ~15:15 – About an hour ago I was finishing a work shift, cutting branches in the back yard, when the wife called to me, “Honey!... The Internet has gone out!” So I set the snips aside and went in to see what I could do.

Sure enough, our home Internet is down. According to the help-line, our neighborhood is having an Internet outage. Google says they have a work crew working on the problem and predict the problem may be fixed by ~21:30 tonight.

Luckily I have OTA antennae hooked up to our TVs and I was able to pull in a game show network on the front room TV to keep the wife entertained. I'm basically a radio guy myself, and I've got no problem taking advantage of the wide variety of San Antonio's music, news, talk and sports stations.

noted @ ~18:00 – And... the home Internet comes back up... but intermittently. It comes and goes. So I'm going to try and post this now.

posted Tuesday 11/Jun/2024 ~18:15 #QNJUN2024