Roscoe's Quick Notes


Looking forward to an interesting week. We have house guests. Step daughter and her partner (husband-to-be?) are visiting from out of state.

posted Monday, Jun 10, 2024 at ~8:59 AM #QNJUN2024

Early afternoon of a pretty good Father's Day. (It was only late in the day that we realized today isn't Fathers Day. Fathers Day is next Sunday. Ha!) Sylvia took me out for brunch at a favorite restaurant and a frozen yogurt dessert. Back home in time for the early innings of the Rangers vs Giants game.

posted Sunday, Jun 9, 2024 at ~1:42 PM #QNJUN2024

Early Saturday afternoon, listening to the Phillies vs Mets MBL game being played in London, England of all places. Glad that I have an MLB TV AtBat subscription so I can listen to Mets game announcers rather than the FOX Sports guys on TV coverage.

Later this afternoon I'll follow the Rangers vs Giants game. And tonight will be Svengoolie.

posted Saturday, Jun 8, 2024 at ~12:30 PM #QNJUN2024

Early evening Friday and I'm pleased at how the day has gone. The one major “project' of this day has been my 4-month follow-up Doctor's appointment, and that went very well.

posted Friday, Jun 7, 2024 at ~5:05 PM #QNJUN2024

Mildly annoyed that the City didn't empty my blue recycle bin today. I had it out to the curb plenty early.

posted Thursday, Jun 6, 2024 at ~4:35 PM #QNJUN2024

Just home from a BIG buffet lunch at Golden Corral. This used to be one of our favorite restaurants before Bidenomics tightened our belts. Lord, I'm so stuffed right now!

posted Wednesday, Jun 5, 2024 at ~2:00 PM #QNJUN2024

Late afternoon Tuesday and one major chore accomplished today: sorted through paperwork in my home/office, aggregated numerous passwords and mailing addresses. Two imposing piles of correspondence either filed away or otherwise disposed of.

Glad to see the American flag I mounted on the front porch yesterday is still flying. Not too sure about the permanence of my mounting.

posted Tuesday, Jun 4, 2024 at ~4:38 PM #QNJUN2024

Late afternoon Monday and I consider this day a success. Three main chores accomplished: 1.) did my weekly laundry, and 2.) downloaded and printed financial docs to summarize my budget work for another month, and 3.) remounted the American flag on my front porch.

posted Monday, Jun 3, 2024 at ~4:10 PM #QNJUN2024

Late morning of another quiet Sunday. It's a pretty day outside, but the heat and humidity out there will have me inside with the a/c (hopefully) all day.

An early afternoon Rangers game and a late afternoon USFL game are slated to be my TV entertainment options today.

posted Sunday, Jun 2, 2024 at ~11:25 AM #QNJUN2024

Watching tonight's Svengoolie and enjoying the end of a day that has gone more smoothly than I suspected it might. A disturbing social event never materialized.

posted Saturday, Jun 1, 2024 at ~8:20 PM #QNJUN2024