Roscoe's Quick Notes


I won this Correspondence Chess game today by catching the Black King in a Queen-pawn Combination checkmate.

Queen-pawn Checkmate

posted Thursday 07/Dec/2023 ~14:00 #QNDEC2023 #chess

My eyes were tired following this morning's cataract assessment appointment. But I could still see my way to winning this correspondence chess game with a Rook-Bishop Combination Mate.

Rook-Bishop Combination Checkmate

posted Wednesday 06/Dec/2023 ~18:00 #QNDEC2023 #chess

Enough about my darned hips. They do seem to be getting better, though very slowly.

My correspondence chess work has been occupying more of my time these past several months. Through the late Summer and Autumn months my game load has averaged from 1 to 2 dozen active games most days. New tournaments I've entered have increased my game load quite a bit, and when play starts in one of those new tourneys later this month, and the other in January... well, it's a good thing I'm fully retired.

Jan. and Feb. could see me working on 3 or 4 doz. active games per day. Making 1 move per game per day, and allowing proper reflection and study time between moves won't leave many extra hours.

Here is the final board position of a game I won today. White and I fought for over 60 full moves before I checkmated his King using all four of my remaining pieces and the edge of the board. It was my Bishop that delivered the mating move.


posted Monday 04/Dec/2923 ~16:00 #QNDEC2023 #chess