Roscoe's Quick Notes


Today I linked my Standard Notes app to the big Debian laptop back in my room. Now I'm one step closer to replacing Google Keep with SN. Next step will be setting up SN folders. By the end of February I plan to have that step completed.

posted Wednesday, Jan 31, 2024 at 3:12 PM #QNJAN2024

Listening to the pregame show of tonight's IU Hoosiers vs Iowa Hawkeyes. I'll stay with the radio broadcast of this game until it's over, then I'll start shutting things down and get ready for bed.

It's been a good Tuesday, though I thought it was Wednesday early in the morning. Got my weekly laundry done today, and mailed out the February rent.

posted Tuesday, Jan 30, 2024 at 5:42 PM #QNJAN2024

Mid-afternoon Monday and no complaints about the day so far. The early morning Doctor's appointment went well, even though the nature of that appointment was changed without telling me in advance.

Hopefully I'll be able to handle next week's appointment as well.

posted Monday, Jan 29, 2024 at 3:35 PM #QNJAN2024

What a slow Sunday this has been! I've done little more than eat and watch football on TV.

Did have a nice phone conversation with a brother Knight I've not talked with in nearly a year.

Tomorrow morning early I report for lab work.

posted Sunday 28/Jan/2024 ~18:30 #QNJAN2024

This Saturday is unfolding nicely. Last night's pretty good sleep helped, I'm sure. The hips are lass painful and more stable than they've been recently, and I've already handled some of the chores I'd set for myself.

posted Saturday, Jan 27, 2024 at 10:41 AM #QNJAN2024


I won this Correspondence Chess game today, catching the Black King with a nifty Queen-Bishop-Knight Combination Checkmate.

posted Friday 26/Jan/2024 ~17:20 #QNJAN2024 #chess

Replaced the front yard flag pole, new flag pole kit, new American flag. Looks way better.

posted Thursday 25/Jan/2024 ~18:45 #QNJAN2024

Dozing my way through a very rainy Wednesday. Thunder and stormy weather woke me several times during last night. And the rain has continued through the morning, is expected to continue through the afternoon and evening and into the night, not stopping until after midnight. Good sleeping weather, this.

posted Wednesday, Jan 24, 2024 at 10:58 AM #QNJAN2024

Back to the note cards.

For a large chunk of my adult life I was a heavy user of 3x5 note cards to organize my daily activities. I've gotten away from that in recent years. It is my intention to begin using them again. Starting today.

posted Tuesday, Jan 23, 2024 at 1:08 PM #QNJAN2024

Note to self: just because you can wake up relatively pain-free and able to walk from room to room without the aid of a walking stick, that is NOT a reason to stop taking the pain meds! Better to consider reducing the dosage at each scheduled time the meds are to be taken and see how that works.

posted Monday 22/Jan/2024 ~18:00 #QNJAN2024