Roscoe's Quick Notes


So much of this Thursday was spent following reports of the case being heard before the SCOTUS re: Colorado trying to disallow President Trump's name from appearing on ballots in their State. And then I was anticipating the Tucker Carlson interview with Vladimir Putin, then listening to the recording of that two-hour interview. Exhausted now, and none the wiser. About anything.

posted Thursday, Feb 8, 2024 at 7:27 PM #QNFEB2024

It's been a quietly productive Wednesday. Did my weekly laundry, assembled a little footstool to use back here in my room (I've wanted one for the longest time, now I've got one, heh), and placed a grocery delivery order.

posted Wednesday, Feb 7, 2024 at 7:17 PM #QNFEB2024

With a sigh of relief I'm happy to note that both issues about which I was concerned earlier today, have now been resolved in my favor. So... not a bad Tuesday after all.

posted Tuesday, Feb 6, 2024 at ~4:53 PM #QNFEB2024

This is not shaping up to be one of my better Tuesdays. Hope events unfolding during the ahead prove me wrong.

posted Tuesday, Feb 6, 2024 at 8:02 AM #QNFEB2024

One extremely fast moving Monday is finally winding down. I'd assigned myself two main chores for today. One is already completed, and the other I'll be able to wrap up before turning in tonight, or maybe tomorrow morning early.

posted Monday 05/Feb/2024 ~19:15 #QNFEB2024

A few minutes ago I e-filed my 2023 Federal taxes, and I've already received a text and an email letting me know the IRS has accepted my filing. In a few days or weeks my little tax refund should be deposited in my personal checking account It's always a relief to have completed that annual chore.

posted Sunday, Feb 4, 2024 at 1:41 PM #QNFEB2024

I woke this morning thinking that today was Sunday, and immediately began stressing over how much work had to be done in preparation for Monday, which is going to be time-compressed by a lengthy doctor's appointment. When I realized that today is Saturday, not Sunday, I breathed a sigh of relief. There is plenty of time to do what needs to be done.

posted Saturday, Feb 3, 2024 at 9:54 AM #QNFEB2024

Friday morning and all is well in the Roscoe-verse. Highs in the mid-70s to start this weekend.

Was glad to see the flag pole out front still standing when I woke this morning. But heavy winds and storms are due later today, so I've brought the flag in. When the new hardware arrives today, I'll be ready to reset the flag pole bracket again. When the rains stop and the winds die down, maybe later this weekend.

posted Friday, Feb 2, 2024 at 9:01 AM #QNFEB2024

Well, this Thursday has just flown by! The only unusual chore I tackled today was remounting the flag pole in my front porch. This was another temporary mount. I have hardware ordered from Amazon that “should” allow me to make it more permanent. Until that happens I'll have to haul the flag inside whenever we have a big wind.

posted Thursday 01/Feb/2024 ~21:20 #QNFEB2024