Roscoe's Quick Notes


All things considered, this has been a pretty good Saturday.

Though my hips are still as wonky and unsteady as ever, I did go out with the wife to enjoy lunch at a favorite restaurant. Of the 3 games I followed today, one of my college football teams won big, and my MLB team was winning big when I had to turn away. I was just too tired to finish the 9th inning.

posted Saturday 30/Sep/2023 ~21:20 #QNSEP2023

Closing down a good Thursday by following NFL football, the Lions vs Packers.

Was able to take the wife out to lunch at a favorite restaurant today, and placed a grocery delivery order that I expect to arrive tomorrow morning. This evening I'll be prepping the October rent check for mailing and a bank deposit for tomorrow morning.

It's been a productive day despite the wonky hips.

posted Thursday 28/Sep/2023 ~18:18 #QNSEP2023

A quiet Wednesday is now in the books. Nothing particularly new or news-worthy to report from the Roscoe-verse. (He says, hoping not to jinx a day not yet fully ended.)

posted Wednesday 27/Sep/2023 ~19:50 #QNSEP2023

Finding myself fading fast this Tuesday night, and earlier than usual. Not surprising as I woke really early this morning.

Hips were slightly less bad today than most days, I'm happy to say.

posted Tuesday 26/Sep/2023 ~20:00 #QNSEP2023

So this Monday morning I took time to watch and study the instructional CD that details 10 exercises designed to loosen up my hip flexor muscles and help me regain normal strength and stability in my hips and lower back. Dang! If I could do all those exercises I wouldn't need to do them. Still, I'm going to try. I'll start out slowly, doing a few of them each day. Hopefully they'll help.

posted Monday 25/Sep/2023 ~18:55 #QNSEP2023

Another quiet Sunday. Again the hips were too painful and unsteady for me to even think about going to Mass this morning. Or going anywhere else today for that matter.

Glad my Rangers won their game against the Mariners this afternoon, but disappointed the Cowboys lost to the Cardinals.

posted Sunday 24/Sep/2023 ~ 18:50 #QNSEP2023

Saturday early afternoon finds me listening to the radio broadcast of Aggies Football because none of the TV games available to me right now are interesting.

posted Saturday 23/Sep/2023 ~12:30 #QNSEP2023

One lesson learned this Friday: I should apply that Blue Emu ointment much more frequently to my hips. Stuff really works, but it does wear off after a few hours.

posted Friday 22/Sep/2023 ~22:20 #QNSEP2023

This Thursday was not terribly unlike the two most recent days. So much of my time has been spent reading. Thank goodness my Kindle has font sizing that I can adjust to my wonky eyesight!

For the last few days I've been using Blue Emu ointment on my hips and lower back. The only changes it has made in my condition are: it has lessened my need for oral pain medication during the day (tylenol and ibuprofen), and has let me sleep better at night. But my hips are still very unsteady and walking for any distance at all (from my room to the kitchen, from the recliner in the front room to... anywhere) is a risky proposition.

posted Thursday 21/Sep/2023 ~19:45 #QNSEP2023

There's nothing quite like loosing oneself in a good book. That's been the story of this Wednesday in the Roscoe-verse.

Darned hips prevented my from doing anything physical today, but it's been a good day anyway.

posted Wednesday 20/Sep/2023 ~21:10 #QNSEP2023