Roscoe's Quick Notes


This Tuesday brought another home internet outage. This was only two hours long. When it hit, ~14:10, I didn't panic. Not at all. I'm starting to get used to the darned things. Called the ISP and was told that they knew about the issue, that they had a team in the field working to fix it, and expected it to be fixed in about 4 hours. Actually, it only took about 2 hours. Service came back at ~16:10 and it's been good ever since.

Hips are still very bad in the morning hours, but they become lass bad as the day wears on. Interesting.

posted Tuesday 19/Sep/2023 ~ 19:20 #QNSEP2023

Monday morning found me with hips feeling less bad than they have for several weeks. Less bad is still a long way from good, but it clearly was an improvement. But why?

Yesterday afternoon I did some light chair exercises that were intended to improve my flexibility and strengthen my hips. Maybe they helped. I'm trying that again today.

posted Monday 18/Sep/2023 ~14:30 #QNSEP2023

Not much to say about this Sunday. Missed Mass again due to my wonky hips.

Watched two NFL games and both my teams won. That was nice.

Yoga mat was delivered today so I can start doing floor exercises tomorrow. I won't have to worry about falling when I'm already on the floor, will I? Ha!

posted Sunday 17/ Sep/2023 ~19:25 #QNSEP2023

I started this Saturday with the goal of following 2 college football games and a Rangers game. Knowing that tonight's Svengoolie movie was one I'd already seen several times and never really enjoyed, I was hoping the baseball game would entertain me sufficiently. However... it isn't. Maybe I should just turn off the game, forget about Svengoolie tonight, and lose myself in a book.

posted Saturday 16/Sep/2023 ~18:55 #QNSEP2023

Ready for the start of tonight's Texas Rangers vs Cleveland Guardians game. RangersGuardiansGameday I've got the radio set to 105.3 the Fan for the call of the game, and I'll follow the stats updated in real time on the Rangers MLB Gameday screen.

posted Friday 15/Sep/2023 ~19:00 #QNSEP2023

What a messed up Thursday this has been. I was thinking it was Wednesday through the early part of the day. Actually wished someone a Happy Humpday... Duh!

Cataracts have been bothering me quite a bit lately. Eye doctor earlier this year offered to replace them for me. I told him I'd hold off on the surgery for a bit. He said to give him a call when I decided I'd like to see again. Thinking about that.

And the hips are still wonky. Nearly fell over in the garage this morning. Glad I caught myself in time.

posted Thursday 14/Sep/2023 ~19:45 #QNSEP2023

A pretty good Wednesday, all things considered. Two phone calls from two different KofC officers lifted my spirits surprisingly. I was able to give the one good counsel and the other good advice. And it is gratifying to know they both still hold me in good regard despite my sudden retirement from active duty.

Though I continue to lose weight steadily, and my b/p is holding at good low numbers, my hips continue to be as unsteady as ever and walking, even for very short distances is so painful I have to stop after a few steps and collect myself before walking any farther. I'm thinking now that this all may be what caused my fall back in May rather than the result of it.

posted Wednesday 13/Sep/2023 ~19:20 #QNSEP2023

Last night's (season ending? career ending?) injury to Aaron Rodgers and his exit from the game was a major disappointment that lingered into this Tuesday morning. Hope he recovers. But if he decides to finally, fully retire from active NFL play, I'll certainly respect his decision.

After all, it was as a result of my fall this May and my VERY SLOW recovery from the spinal cord trauma that resulted from that fall, that I've decided to fully retire from my leadership role in the KofC Fourth Degree. As we age, we need to accept the limitations our body imposes on us and adjust our lifestyles accordingly.

posted Tuesday 12/Sep/2023 ~11:20 #QNSEP2023

An odd Monday, but not a bad Monday. Since my super-slowly healing hips have got me side lined from much of my life away from home, and probably will for the foreseeable future, I've decided to ramp up my Correspondence Chess activity. So today I joined some new CC tournaments. The new games coming my way will keep me plenty busy for the next several months. Heh.

posted Monday 11/Sep/2023 ~19:15 #QNSEP2023

Stretch time of the Rangers / A's game and we're up 9 to 4. Go Rangers!

I've got the MLB Gameday Screen showing box score and game stats updating in real time up on the TV in my room and the radio call playing through the Echo Show device. Think I'll use this same system to follow the Cowboys game tonight. It's so much more relaxing than watching the games on TV.

And the hips are still a major problem .

posted Sunday 10/Sep/2023 ~16:10 #QNSEP2023