Spencer Scott Pugh


I really miss YouTube. I gave it up for Lent and talked about it here.

But I truly do miss being on the platform, talking with subscribers, watching videos in my free time, and creating helpful content for those looking to make intentional tech purchases.

Luckily, I do have a good amount of sponsored videos lined up for my return and I can't wait to release them into the wild.


This really has shown me how much of a hold YouTube has on my life and is encouraging me to tread lightly with this passion.

I hope I can place new restraints and limits on my usage both physically and in my mind space when I return to the platform.

God is most important, followed by family, friends, and work. Then comes fun little personal projects like YouTube.

So, as always, I need to keep that list right-side up.

I am thankful and excited to continue creating and making a little extra cash for the family bank account via YouTube.

So, here is to a renewed outlook on a passion. Lent is good. God is good.

#contentcreation #journal #god

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This morning as I drove the kids to daycare something simple yet amazing happened.

I glanced into my rear view mirror and asked my daughter, Lina, if she had her water bottle back there in her car seat.

I watched her think for a split second about what I said and simply nod her head.

This sounds simple and mundane and not special whatsoever, but it struck me that this, as simple as it was, was an interaction I would have with a friend, my wife, a colleague – an adult.

However this wasn't a friend, my wife, or a colleague. This was my daughter. Someone I created (with my wife).

I had a very simple, yet very real interaction with something I made.

I talk a lot about how I love making YouTube videos because you go from something that didn't exist to something you can package up and share with the world. Out of nothing, something.


But this isn't just some art piece or stereo system or YouTube video. This is a living, breathing human being. That started as nothing and is now something.

How beautiful and gracious that our God allows us to create life much the same way he did?! We get to experience the creation, love, and admiration of our own offspring.

It was just a simple question and an unspoken answer, but it was beautiful. And it made me wonder at all God has done and all he allows us to do.

We have a good, good Father.

#god #family