
Still need more time to work on my theory about that certain puzzle piece. But I feel like I’m getting Warm.

I wanted to run away from home at 15. But didn't have the stupidity nor courage to actually do it.

Okay I think I found another piece of the puzzle.

Desperate Housewives is actually a good show and psychologically correct, gender discomfort aside.

They often have one episode per season about disasters, one of them is a natural disaster. Always made me think about all the storms during my childhood in a small town near the beach I grew up in (not the one I'm living in now).

Sometimes the storms came when there were only two of us at home, as mom was having a shift at the hospital. So I had to go outside looking for adults to help us.

After the whole thing was over, we were all relatively happy in the windy weather, looking for a day off school. While parents reconstructed houses and roads. And heard the news some elderly couldn't make it during the storms. No electricity for a whole week, so we had to rely on newspapers to pass the time. No matter how much I hated my neighbors, they all became oddly kind and helpful that day.

Realize I still have a French house playlist so I don't have to listen to “They don't know about us” on repeat anymore.

I like autumn.

On the other hand, being highly agreeable is not all that socially profitable for the other gender. Having “integrity” is.

The smart ones will have nuanced opinions on everything. Very easy to observe in political space. But the mask always slips when they have trouble separating between responsibility of individual and collective.

Because all the cognitive understanding of how to be an upstanding citizen can't cure an impaired relational experience.

It all started with a group of teenage girls who wanted to prove that “kill them with kindness” was the best motto of all time.

I used to assume they wanted something from me. But I only had 0.5$ allowance so that never made sense.

Come to think about it, they were desperate to convince themselves way more than they wanted to convince me. That they were incapable of hate.

On the topic of receiving bad treatment, I almost got someone expelled in 10th grade.

Oh wait! It was the same kid that I psychoanalyzed in 6th grade.

Give you this candy 🍭