Writing for Behemoth

A Place for My Ideas

If you have read this blog, by now, you know that I adore George Orwell. Nonetheless, it is one thing to read his marvellous novels and essays, it is another thing to read his memories during Battle of Britain! Penguin’s publication is truly elite.


I watched many films (it is one of my passion), but I've never passed by any film like Never Cry Wolf (1983). It is simply a brilliant film: a masterpiece.

At times when I am alone in my room... I like to watch it and just enjoy its excellent narration, beautiful sceneries and touching background music.


“Master and Margarita” is one of three novels that had a profound influence on me as a teenager... with “Great Expectation” and “George Orwell's Essays”. Beforehand, I had read about Bulgakov's bold mail to Stalin in thirties, and surprisingly, the very proper return telephone call and the vital help of Stalin (1).


I got familiar with this visual novel very late: the summer of 2017! And it was only due to Justin Carmical's excellent review that I got curious.


It all started with listing to Melvyn Bragg's fantastic podcasts “The Value of Culture” on BBC's Channel 4.


Great Expectation is one of the three books that influenced me as a teenager. I found this wonderful book in our library and quickly was absorbed in it. I remember that I asked my Mom to give it to a binding expert to change and re-new its cover.


I always admired Oriana Fallaci. For me, she is one of the greatest people in twentieth century.


I always appreciate beautiful voices... especially dramatic or deep ones. I can remember people's voices as much as their faces. Perhaps that's why I'm so fond of operas. With this preface, I'd like to introduce a film: Don Quixote (2000).


In my old library, I have three volume books: Ahmad Shamloo’s (of course, the censored version) poems and translations (poems, shorts novels). One of the translated stories was the first chapter of the book: The little world of Don Camillo by Giovannino Guareschi.


I always like to play Democracy 3. It is a government simulation game based on the current situation of six countries: Canada, US, Britain, Germany, France, and Australia. It is full of funny facts (e.g., maple syrup consumption rate In Canada) and interesting quotes (e.g., Karl Marx’s or Homer Simpsons).