Roscoe's Story


One pretty cool tool, but...

... exactly how am I going to use it?

A few days ago I read Jason's post on Fosstodon about his plans to use Standard Notes as a blogging platform. I've known about Standard Notes for awhile, but have never seriously considered using it. Looking now at all the features of this powerful note taking tool I see there's much more to it than I'd previously thought.

I may not us it as a primary blog as Jason's doing – heck, I've already got three different blogs running in a rather coordinated manner: Roscoe's Story, Roscoe's Notebook, and my twitter feed. But I always have been and still am a notorious note taker. And it's sometimes frustrating to lose information that's been copied on some 3x5 card or paper notebook and subsequently misplaced or thrown away.

Anyway, I've now got the Standard Notes desktop app running on my Linux machine, and the Android app on my phone and tablet. Surely I'll be able to use this cool tool to my advantage.

And the adventure continues.

Published on 19 August 2020, ~18:00 CDT, this is my post number 58/100/365 of the blogging challenge.

#100DaysToOffload #blog #RoscoeEllis #StandardNotes #notetaking

by Roscoe