Roscoe's Story


Black Friday Shopping?

Portal Mini

Yep. Purchases made today qualify as “early Black Friday,” don't they?

Anyway, I had a quick chat early this morning with my daughter who lives 1,000 miles away and learned she's getting a FB Portal device. And I learned that my granddaughters who also live 1,000 miles away will be getting Portals, too.

Since there will be no travelling over the holidays, these little devices (well, my Portal Mini ordered this morning and that will be delivered tomorrow is small, though I understand the rest of the family is getting bigger models) will make it easier for us to be virtually together. It'll also make it easier to connect with friends and family elsewhere: the Philippines, Germany, ...

And the adventure continues.

Published on 20 November 2020, ~13:40 Central Time.

#RoscoeEllis #blog #SeniorLiving #Friday #shopping #portal

by Roscoe

This afternoon I was surprised to see...

05 April 2020 – 13:45

... the long line of shoppers waiting to be let into the HEB Store on Austin Highway. Aided by cute little markers either painted or glued onto the sidewalk, everyone in line was keeping a safe, six-foot distance from everyone else. And I took my place at the end of the line.

As shoppers in the store completed their purchases and left by a big exit door, an employee there would keep count and call over to another guard at the entrance that he could now let a batch of us in.

The system worked well. Shopping in the store was less stressful than I've found it really recently. And the shelves were better stocked. There were only two items on my list that I couldn't find. And neither of them were “critical.”

And so the adventure continues.

#SeniorLiving #pandemic #chores #shopping

by Roscoe