

the day smells like pumpkins drying after a rain storm. rich earth mingling with warm memories remember sitting, enjoying coffee, reading remember tobacco burning the same yellowed skin spot those leaves crackling under people walking by

why do memories come alive after so many years asleep. like some zombie summoned by Solomon.

life, a dance, an incantation to summon lost things an invitation to remember


Come and save the world That's what people say.

That's the anthem that they chose to sing since I was a little kid.

They put the burden on my shoulders as soon as I could stand.

Come and save the world Is what people say.

With what would they have me do?

They took away education. They took away blame to ongoing abusers. They made it my concern with commercials storybooks and programs to save the whales.

They told me to save the world Then took no ownership of what had been done.

Generations of wealth But they leave me with none.

Come and save the world

I'll try my best.


Sing to me a song of golden sand Of water wheels and boats Of mermaids swimming through the rivulets sing to me of ancient Rome about the world about the people sing me a song of golden sand laughing at the waves


I care about you. More than anything. That's why you let me grow. You don't force me. You don't.

You love me So you let me learn.


It's off – the way the willow lines the ways Sliding along the riverbank Like friends following a snake.

The wind tearing over the river Over the field Over my shoes Making all the little rocks tremble in the parking lot.

Even being here is special.

It's not every day you go to a cemetery. It's not every day the sun can feel this cold.

Yet you sit here and look out on the willows that even now take in the wind and breathe out soft echoing murmurs so quiet but you can hear them.

The laughter of better days Carried on the wind.

#poetry #poem

Two windows opened One across from the other.

In one house laughter In one house screams.

They muddy the air In the in between.

No neighbor dared To ever intervene.

Who can fix the inside When all actors are unseen.

Are as mad as peacocks Preening different things.

One a taste of wonder the other simply demeans.


art without enough colors. writing without the right words.

ive never been outside and seen a lack of nature but somehow when im creating

things feel left out like this piece of paper could use more

more of me

ive got nothing left to give


What was it That first moved the paintbrush to paper That whisper that bleed through time That feeling that took over.

Smearing all the paint across canvas.

We made this life From all those happy accidents.


The eruption was sudden Light cast skyward. That melted into mist, That flowed into the air around us.

We sat playing

While the Earth surged around us. Earthquakes in harmony to the sound. That blew from flutes That came from our drums That escaped from trembling metal wire

We took, the magic that was locked away. In each of us, Those lost notes that were hidden. Shimmered back free.

Some told us it was prophecy.

But for us it was just another day That for us, playing music together. Was like a snake shedding skin Another newer version hiding just within

#poetry #poem

Escape is a cliffhanger.

The unknown is it's own ecstasy. Feeling your first few steps past the front door. The way, of being carefree.

Live. Dance. Learn anything.

It's all that life's promise has given to me.
