
Something unique about this work is the B story sprinkled throughout the narrative following Silvio's Son. Interestingly enough, it is divided into four parts. Coincidence? :–)

FORMAT: Scenes are divided into their four parts – Premise, Problem, Dilemma, Paradox. Furthermore, each part has it's own Premise, Problem, Dilemma, Paradox in the four line descriptions below it.

ACT ONE {38:00}

SCENE 1 {6:15}

Premise 1:00 – 2:45

Soldiers in suburbia, Kate & Reggie in truck with FBI teammates

Truck rams through house, taking perps by surprise

Agents arrest perps, Kate clears rooms, empty, empty...

Shots miss Kate, she returns fire, hits – suspect down

Problem 2:45 – 3:45

Man's dead, a hole's in the wall, Kate's OK, Reggie enters

Reggie sees something in the hole in the wall – WTF

Peel away dry wall, massive stench forces them back

Two dead bodies, bloody with plastic wrapped on their heads

Dilemma 3:45 – 5:45

Throwing up outside, Kate and Reggie gather themselves

Subordinate asks what to report, Kate says “the truth”

Dave arrives to survey scene, How many? Lots and probably more

They know Manuel Diaz is involved – no way to prove it

Paradox 5:45 – 7:15

Reggie breaks outside, PD is clearing shed

A floor door is uncovered, a lock is on it, call for cutters

“PD found something”, Kate goes toward the door —

Explosion! – dust, debris, blood — a severed arm

SCENE 2 {5:45}

Premise 7:15 – 8:15

Kate showers off the blood from the catastrophe

Kate's hands tremble as she tends her head wound

Kate stares into her reflection in the fogged mirror

News report – “Such a heavy body count this close to Phoenix...”

Problem 8:15 – 9:15

In DHS with Reggie – “What's going on”, officials talk Kate's resume

Official calls her a “Thumper” – her 5th Officer Involved Shooting

Reggie? Matt – “No lawyers on this train, just give me the girl”

Kate turns around – all eyes on her

Dilemma 9:15 – 11:00

They call her in, Manuel Diaz is senior member of a cartel

They inform Kate who's ignorant of Diaz's brother and cousin

Kate “This is not my department”, runs kidnap response team

Matt – “Are you married?” Kate – “Am I married?”

Paradox 11:00 – 13:00

Told to wait outside, Who are they? No clue, Matt wears flip flops

call Kate in, introduces Matt, expanding scope, she'll act as liaison

Where – “El Paso 'area'”, objective – “dramatically overreact”

Find men responsible? “The men who are really responsible”

SCENE A (part) {1:45}

Premise 13:00 – 14:45

Son wakes up father to get ready for his soccer match, says “OK”

Excited Son tells Mom to make eggs and coffee, father reflects

At breakfast, Father sneaks alcohol in coffee, wife catches him

Father winks at son, son “winks” back with both eyes

SCENE 3 {4:15}

Premise 14:45 – 16:00

Reggie's driving Kate to airport to ID checkpoint

Reggie not on list, he has to turn around

Kate diffuses, will call Reggie, he leaves

Matt leads her to board a luxury private jet

Problem 16:00 – 17:00

“DOD flies around in private jets now?”

Alejandro intro – “Been to Juarez before?”

Kate thought El Paso, Matt sleepily dismisses question

Awkward silence from Alejandro

Dilemma 17:00 – 18:00

Jet takes off from tarmac

Over desert with mountains in the distance

Over more radical, indistinct territory

Two unidentified pilots at the helm

Paradox 18:00 – 19:00

Alejandro is sleeping, his hand is shaking

He suddenly wakes up from nightmare, startling Kate

Kate – “Are you OK?”, probes Alejandro for more info

Alejandro – “Asking how a watch works ...keep an eye on the time”

SCENE 4 {5:00}

Premise 19:00 – 20:00

Steve gives them ride, small talk with Matt

Matt talks about Fiji, Steve – “Leave Fiji alone terrorists”

Matt – “Who's going over there today?” marshals, DEA...

He pulled a team, Matt “...'team' makes me feel all warm and fuzzy”

Problem 20:00 – 21:45

Leader explains Juarez mission to room full of police and soldiers

Calls Matt “man of the hour”, he plans to come along

Jokingly, Keith asks “you sober?”, Matt jokes back

Leader “Anyone not in this room is a potential shooter”

Dilemma 21:45 – 23:00

Kate hangs back and probes Alejandro – was a DA

Kate “Who do you work for?” Alejandro – “I go where I'm sent”

Kate “Where were you sent from?” Alejandro “Cartagena”

Alejandro “'ll doubt the end you'll understand”

Paradox 23:00 – 24:00

Matt enters, Kate – “Is he CIA? Are you?”, Matt, DoD just follow

Kate not authorized to obey Alejandro, especially in Mexico

Matt “Fine...stay here”, Kate “...want to know what I'm getting into”

Matt – “You know you're doing nothing in Phoenix”

SCENE 5 {5:30}

Premise 24:00 – 25:30

Landscape of nice orderly houses in grid streets

beyond neighborhood, land is indistinct desert

A fence separates similar roads, but one is paved with power lines

Nestled in the wilderness – Juarez

Problem 25:30 – 26:15

Steve – “President Taft went to visit...took 4,000 men with him”

“It almost was called off...some guy had a pistol”

”...just walk up and blow [Taft's] brains out...but it was avoided”

“4,000 troops – think he felt safe?”

Dilemma 26:15 – 27:45

SUV Convoy quickly crosses into Juarez

Heavily armed policia joins to escort convoy

The policia accelerate beside them

Alejandro readies himself for possible attack

Paradox 27:45 – 29:30

Citizens hanging out, not minding the police activity

Closed bridge alters path, Alejandro – “Welcome to Juarez”

Mutilated bodies hang from the bridge with a banner

Steve – “It's brilliant, what they do” – make it seemed deserved

SCENE 6 {4:30}

Premise 29:30 – 31:00

Convoy stops

Gunshots in the distance

Missing women posters

Steve – “Those aren't firecrackers”

Problem 31:00 – 32:00

Convoy pulls into facility, Matt and others enter

Alejandro – “Nothing will happen here”

Alejandro – “Keep an eye out for the State Police...”

The large group exits with one man with a bag over his head

Dilemma 32:00 – 33:00

Convoy takes off with prisoner

Spotter vehicle tracks their speed

They call it out – “Eyes on rooftops”

Spotter vehicle disappears from view

Paradox 33:00 – 34:00

Policia escorts peel off, authorities wave convoy through

Traffic jam at border crossing

“What are we gonna do now?”

“Car broke down up ahead...gonna take a while, stand by”

SCENE 7 {4:00}

Premise 34:00 -35:00

Cars of unsuspecting people drive bumper-to-bumper

Suspicious car, Alejandro tells Kate to take her service weapon out

They call out red Impala and green Civic as potential threats

Alejandro points gun at the cars, telling Kate to roll window down

Problem 35:00 – 36:00

Alejandro – “Gun!”, rules “...must be engaged to engage”

They are denied permission to exit vehicle until suspects do

See lane clearing, “If it's coming it's coming now”

“Sleeping” gangster is holding a gun

Dilemma 36:00 – 37:00

Convoy stares down cars

Tattooed gangster exits car, soldiers establish perimeter

Standoff with young gangster, Alejandro – “Do you want to die?”

First car group killed, Kate – “WTF are we doing?”

Paradox 36:45 – 38:00

Guns on second car, Steve shakes head 'don't try it'

As they retreat – second car group attacks, gets killed

State Police attempts to kill Kate, she shoots him

National news? Steve – “Won't even make the papers in El Paso”

ACT TWO {40:00}

SCENE 8 {5:30}

Premise 38:00 – 39:15

Team all exit and go inside, Matt – “ a little nutty, huh?”

Kate confronts Matt – “that was f'n illegal”

Matt says she's here because he knew Reggie wasn't ready

Matt – “This is the future, Kate”

Problem 39:15 – 40:15

Steve is giving Guillermo water in interrogation room

Matt – “You didn't think we'd get you...” G. – “No hablo ingles”

Matt – “I love it when they 'no hablo ingles'”

Matt – “I brought and old buddy of yours, I'll bet you'll hablo to him”

Dilemma 40:15 – 41:45

Visitor kept prisoner alive, apologizes for difficulty of mission

Alejandro asks about Visitor's family

Visitor informs about Fausto's tunnel into Arizona, time ticking

Alejandro tells visitor that it's better that he not go into the room

Paradox 41:45 – 43:30

Matt hums patriotic song as Alejandro enters

Steve steps out and turns off camera

Matt – “...keep looking at me for? No hablas ingles, remember?”

No questions asked, struggling is heard

SCENE 9 {4:30}

Premise 43:30 – 45:15

Kate gets a cigarette from a soldier

Another soldier – “Like fireworks? Wanna see something cool?”

They travel up rooftop, gunshots can be heard

Explosion – Juarez in chaos, Kate “Unbelievable”

Problem 45:15 46:15

Matt's on the phone setting up things in Tucson

Reggie “They let me on base when you need a ride, don't they”

Reggie asks Kate if she's OK, Matt – “She's fine”

Reggie – “Who's that?” Kate – “We're going to Tucson”

Dilemma 46:15 – 47:15

They pull into an immigration facility and are confronted by Official

Official “...Matt, why are you holding up my transport

Official “How's the auditor gonna react...$8,000...Dominoes Pizza”

Reggie – “..what happened in El Paso” K. – “...we weren't in El Paso”

Paradox 47:15 – 48:00

Kate walks to hundreds of immigrants sit on the floor near buses

A group of men, some look at her

Kate averts her eyes, then looks up

A group of women, all stare at her

SCENE 10 {5:00}

Premise 48:00 – 49:15

A. – “We want to talk to the people caught around Nogales area”

Translator tells groups A, D, and E to stay, everyone else on buses

The people hesitate to move, but comply

Kate – “What are we looking for?” Matt – “Just keep watching”

Problem 49:15 – 50:30

Alejandro asks where immigrants are from, about their families, etc

Reggie wants to get some answers as to what's going on

Kate already asked, “You think you can do better?” – Reggie – “Yeah”

Kate – “Go ahead”— Reggie immediately and loudly calls Matt over

Dilemma 50:30 – 51:45

Reggie – “I want to know objective or I walk” Kate – “I walk too”

Matt – “What do you wanna know?” Reggie – “Everything”

Guillermo told about a tunnel, trying to find where migrants avoid

Kate doesn't believe Guillermo 'just told' them where drug tunnel is

Paradox – 51:45 – 53:00

Reggie – “Just tell us the truth”, Matt “...get Manuel to go see boss”

Alejandro on Fausto, everyday people are kidnapped/killed for him

Reggie – “just don't keep us in the dark” Alejandro “...afraid?”

They get sent home, Reggie “drove 100 miles”, Kate – “blessing”

SCENE 11 {4:15}

Premise 53:00-54:15

Kate lays in bed dejected

On computer looking up gruesome images of drug war

She continues to click through faster, expressionless

Can't take it anymore, slams computer closed, grabs cigarette

SCENE A (part) {0:45}

Problem 54:15-55:00

Mother calls Son to come eat, they sit at table

Son – “Where's Dad?” Mom – “He's working”

Son – “When's he back?” Mom – “I don't know”

She pauses eating and looks at him concerned

SCENE 11 (cont'd)

Problem 55:00 – 56:00

Reggie probes in Kates personal life, K. “Ask me something else”

Reggie warns Kate about Matt, CIA or DoD

Reggie – “You need somebody watching your 6...”

K. – “not scratching surface” R. – “Sure picked... MFers to show us”

Dilemma 56:00 – 56:45

Kate and Reggie arrive at motel

Matt cracks door and jokes “What's the password”

Told to observe as immigrants explain crossing locations

Alejandro – “This is our spot”, the immigrants collectively “No”

Paradox 56:45 – 58:00

Immigrant – “[It's] drug land...never cross where there are tunnels”

Immigrant – “For years it was the best place to cross...”

Alejandro asks him to mark the trail, hidden behind and old car

Matt – “So Guillermo was telling the truth”

SCENE 12 {6:30}

Premise 58:00 – 59:30

Bank surveillance cameras

Matt points out target and importance of receipt

She leaves bank, SWAT raid and arrest her

Matt “Even if his dog opened an account...freeze it”

Problem 59:30

Officer – “Mobile money launderer”, dumps out banded wads

Kate – “You coming?” Matt – “Don't go in the bank”

Kate gets recorded by cameras, Investigator has frozen accounts

Line of credit – Investigator – “This money is invisible”

Dilemma 1:01:00 – 1:02:15

Matt – “It's a bogus bust, Kate. You can't prosecute it...”

Kate – prosecute, Matt – “gotta get Manuel called back to Mexico”

While his kids play in the pool, Manuel Diaz gets word

Diaz holds the same colored band in his hand

Paradox 1:02:15 – 1:04:30

The criminal activity is suspect but isn't illegal

Prosecuted more than last 2 years combined – feeling it?

Bring in people like Matt to stir the pot – create opportunities

FBI Director “The boundaries' been moved”

SCENE 13 {6:15}

Premise 1:04:30 – 1:06:15

Kate grabs beers, spaces out, Ted is at bar

Reggie talks about her “bra situation”

Team says Kate used to look the best, but now, no

Kate “You sound like my mother”, R. – “Maybe I am your mother”

Problem 1:05:30 – 1:07:15

Ted at bar is looking over as Reggie continues to chatter

Kate – “Where have you taken me”

Ted comes over, “You gonna introduce me?”

Kate remembers Ted struck out in slow pitch softball

Dilemma 1:07:15 – 1:08:15

Reggie – “Ted, he's a good guy...divorced”

At table Ted tells Kate something in her ear, she smiles

Kate and Ted enjoy dancing

The dancing transforms into kissing

Paradox 1:08:15 – 1:10:45

Ted and Kate kiss in Kate's apartment

Kate sees Ted has same colored band, she stops

Kate tries to fight Ted and get her gun

Alejandro is there with gun pointed at Ted

SCENE 14 {5:30}

Premise 1:10:45 – 1:12:00

Kate – “You used me as bait”

Matt – “You used yourself as bait. I told you not to go in the bank”

Pretend like it was planned. Good news, plan is working

Reggie – “I thought he was a friend”

Problem 1:12:00 – 1:13:45

Ted asks how he's going to talk if they keep hitting him

Matt asks him about other dirty cops, Ted avoids question

Alejandro pulls Ted's hair, Ted – “OK, OK!!”

M. – beauty of beat to pulp “No one...notice a few more scratches”

Dilemma 1:13:45 – 1:14:30

Matt will get to decide if his daughter gets federal protection

Ted stalls, says he's in over his head

Alejandro gives Ted a 'wet willy' – he screams “get it out!”

A. – “which phone” T. – “The sh*tty one” A. – “That's the sh*tty one?”

Paradox 1:14:30 – 1:16:15

Alejandro asks how Kate's feeling – “You should have shot him”

Kate – “I just tried to have sex with my hitman”

Alejandro, it wasn't a hit – “They're after us, not you”

Alejandro – “You remind me of someone very special to me”

SCENE A (part) {1:45}

Dilemma 1:16:15 – 1:18:00

Son brings Father breakfast

Son asks Father if he's working today? Father – “Tonight”

Son – “Do you want to play soccer in the park?”, Father agrees

Son reaches to touch father's gun, Father “Never touch that!”

ACT THREE {37:00}

SCENE 15 {4:30}

Premise 1:18:00 – 1:19:30

Kate – “...what's the plan”, Matt – “We're going hunting”

Alejandro greets Kate, gently asks her about how she's doing

Soldier briefs his team, Matt – “...consider [Uniforms] bandits too”

Soldier asks Matt for RoE, Matt – “We'll save that for later”

Problem 1:19:30 – 1:20:30

Soldier – “...clearing and placing an agent...creating a diversion”

Confirmation on Diaz moving, 'not dressed', 'didn't tell us'

“CIA can't operate within borders w/o domestic agency attached”

Matt – “That's it. That's why you're here”

Dilemma 1:20:30 – 1:21:30

In shock Kate walks out to the car, plates, “Front and back”

Reggie – “Kate, f*ck these people...we don't have to do this”

Reggie wants to walk, Kate – “No. I have to know”

3 SUV convoy pulls out from cheap motel

Paradox 1:21:30 – 1:22:30

A load of drugs are carted out in a garage

The Father from earlier is waiting with an open trunk

They load the drugs into the State Police car

He pulls out on his way, a storm is on the horizon

SCENE 16 {4:45}

Premise 1:22:30 – 1:23:30

Diaz crosses the border

Gotta hit tunnel as soon as they get there

Update on target location, everyone is suiting up incl. Kate & Reg

Soldier – “Don't shoot anyone on my f*cking team”

Problem 1:23:30 – 1:24:45

Alejandro suits up in black

Alejandro tests night vision, looks at Kate

They split squads and move out

They descend into horizon and vanish in the darkness

Dilemma 1:24:45 – 1:26:15

Weapons drawn, they travel and scan area

Soldiers running, see car body that's a sign the entrance is close

Satellite image of two teams splitting up

Two teams meet up – leader gives look back (don't shoot my team)

Paradox 1:26:30 – 1:27:15

“12 meters straight ahead”

Matt – “Need to boogie...quiet 'til we find the center”

Alejandro – “Draw fighters...Don't follow me, I'll be fine”

RoE? Matt “Weapons free, my friend. Weapons free”

SCENE 17 {4:45}

Premise 1:27:15 – 1:28:45

They position themselves at the tunnel entrance

Leader enters tunnel wielding knife

Knife slashes are heard, gagging and grunts

Follow a trail of dead bodies to Leader

Problem 1:28:45 – 1:29:45

Kate and rest of team move down into tunnel

light in tunnel – A soldier removes his helmet and advances

Kate bumps her head, keeps moving...

Kate and Reggie remove helmets and advance

Dilemma 1:29:45 – 1:30:45

Shooting and yelling starts

Soldiers lay down suppressive fire, Matt joins in to help

Shooting intensifies as they move deeper into the tunnel

Kate is hit in the weapon, Reggie – “Leave it, stay on my 6”

Paradox 1:30:45 – 1:32:00

Alejandro goes deeper in tunnel

Kate leaves Reggie and follows

Father argues with worker to hurry, he's shot by Alejandro

Kate tells Alejandro to freeze, Alejandro shoots Kate in vest

SCENE 18 {5:00}

Premise 1:32:00 – 1:33:00

Alejandro reports in, gets directions from radio

Alejandro tells Silvio what to do

Silvio – “I have a son”

Alejandro – “What you do now is for your family”

Problem 1:33:00 – 1:34:30

Matt congratulates team on clean op

Reggie – “Where's Kate?”, Kate appears, punches Matt in the face

Matt trips her, Reggie fights soldiers – pinned gun to face

She struggles as Matt tells her to stop moving

Dilemma 1:34:30 – 1:36:15

Matt – “...wrong tunnel, you saw things you shouldn't have seen”

Kate – “What is Medellin?”, he explains it's about control

Kate thinks Alejandro = Cartel, Matt says he works for whoever

Matt – “So he can get the person who cut off his wife's head...”

Paradox 1:36:15 – 1:37:00

Kate – “He can't do this”

Kate – “I'm not the person you're gonna hide it all behind”

Kate – “I'm gonna talk” Matt – “No, you're not”

Kate – “I'll tell everyone...” Matt – “That would be a major mistake”

SCENE 19 {5:45}

Premise 1:37:00 – 1:38:00

Ride in car, see car on road, Alejandro confirms it's Diaz

Alejandro tells Silvio “Accelerate. You're going to pull over that car” Silvio does, Diaz looking in rear-view – “This motherf*cker”

Diaz slows, Alejandro – “Very good”

Problem 1:38:00 – 1:39:30

Diaz pulls over, removes gun from bag

Silvio told to order Diaz to 'leave the car', stays in, again, leaves

Raise jacket, Diaz – “You know who I am?”, Silvio – “I'll kill you”

Alejandro – “What a good police officer you make, Silvio”

Dilemma 1:39:30 – 1:41:00

Alejandro tells Silvio to exit the car, he hesitantly complies

Diaz – “What do you want?”, Alejandro kills Silvio, wounds Diaz

Diaz – “Do you know who I am?”, A. – “I know who you are”

A. – “If you try anything, your daughters will be violated by 20 men”

Paradox 1:41:00 – 1:42:45

Diaz gets in car at Alejandro's gunpoint, Silvio lays dead on road

They arrive. Guard – “it's Manuel Diaz. Clear”, instantly shot dead

Diaz – “What happens when we get to the house”

Diaz creeps, guards investigate, he's bleeding out, all shot dead

SCENE 20 {5:00}

Premise 1:42:45 – 1:44:00

Alejandro enters house, Radio “6 remain”

Moves thru the house, shoots guard dead

Sees family of 4 eating. Maid and him lock eyes, she stays silent

He spits in the house as he approaches

Problem 1:44:00 – 1:45:30

Alejandro pulls gun on Fausto – “Stay calm or we're dead”

Alejandro asks if children speak English, no, then they will

Alejandro – “Eat, eat”, no one moves

A. – “Every night you have families killed and yet here you dine”

Dilemma 1:45:30 – 1:46:30

F. – “Do you think the people that sent you here are any different”

F. – “Your wife, you think she'd be proud of what you've become”

A. – “don't forget about my daughter”, Fausto – “It wasn't personal”

Alejandro – “For me it is”

Paradox 1:46:30 – 1:47:45

Fausto – “Not in front of my boys”

Wife starts crying as Alejandro stares at Fausto

Alejandro – “Time to meet God” Alejandro kills Fausto's family

Alejandro – “Go ahead and finish your meal”, kills Fausto

SCENE 21 {6:30}

Premise 1:47:45 – 1:50:00

Kate smokes on balcony, senses a presence

A. – “I would recommend not standing on balconies for a while”

Alejandro sits with gun, tells Kate to sit

A. – “You remind me of the daughter they took away from me”

Problem 1:50:00 – 1:51:15

He needs her to sign a paper saying the operation was by the book

Kate – “I can't sign that”, Alejandro – “Sign it”

Kate stares at the paper, begins to cry

Alejandro comforts her “It's OK”, leads her hand to the pen

Dilemma 1:51:15 – 1:53:00

Kate – “I can't sign that”

Alejandro puts gun to her head, “You would be committing suicide”

She thinks as tears stream down, he wipes them

A. “You should move to a small town...rule of law still exists”

Paradox 1:53:00 – 1:54:15

Kate points a gun at Alejandro as he walks away

He stares at her and calmly faces her

She breaks down trembling and tearing up

She lowers the gun, he walks away

SCENE A (part) {1:00}

Paradox 1:54:15 – 1:55:15

Son stares at father's empty bed

His soccer game begins, no lines on field

Son takes shot – distant gunshots ring out pausing the action

Whistle blows and they continue playing


Thank you.

Examine the story structures of the following breakdowns:

A Story's Structure (Overview)

12 Angry Men

Blade Runner 2049


Fake Scenes vs. Real Scenes

more coming soon

by Adam W. Parker

Each scene has been broken down as follows:

Scene # (Duration)





For all the musings about the sense of atmosphere, make no mistake, “My Neighbor Totoro” stands on a rock solid structural foundation, with ~20 minute acts and ~5 minute scenes – never failing to tell a story at any moment.

(CREDITS 0:00 – 2:15)

ACT ONE (18:15)

SCENE 1 (3:45)

Two sisters and dad moving

A man is on the road – sisters hide – not police, they wave “hi”

Meet boy, tells new neighbors to stop by

Excited about how creepy new house is – maybe haunted!

SCENE 2 (3:30)

Huge tree, what is it?

Walk on knees in house, acorns

acorns are falling from ceiling – squirrels or rats?

little creatures – soot gremlins or ghosts

SCENE 3 (6:00)

Dad tells girls to find stairs and open window, they do, but it's dark

Go upstairs, gremlins scurry, Satsuki opens window & leaves

Mei stays, stares, finger in hole – burst! catches one!

Granny is downstairs, Mei's catch vanished! – they're 'soot sprites'

SCENE 4 (5:00)

Fetches water to clean house – cleaning montage

Nervous boy delivers package – “your house is haunted!”

It's cake, harsh winds, prepares dinner, storm moves in

Satsuki's scared, Dad laughs loudly, it makes scary things go away

ACT TWO (20:30)

SCENE 5 (3:30)

Wash clothes, done with chores – time to see mom

Bike ride to hospital, boy sticks tongue out

They travel, get lost, take a break, arrive

Tell mom about haunted house, Mei sleep with mom / not scared

SCENE 6 (5:00)

Dad oversleeps, Satsuki makes lunch for everyone

Satsuki has school friend already, Mei runs “errands”

Mei – “Lunch time yet?” – Dad “We just ate”, Mei explores

“Ghost Rabbit” appears, Mei follows, it disappears, under house

SCENE 7 (6:00)

Ghost Rabbits try to sneak past Mei, she catches them, chases

They run into a secret tunnel, Mei follows, falls into tree hole

Encounters big animal, it's asleep, she tries to wake it

Mei introduces herself and names Totoro, falls asleep on him

SCENE 8 (6:00)

Satsuki gets home, Dad lost track of time, Mei's missing

Search, finds hat, tunnel, and Mei lying down

She wakes up – “Where's Totoro”, was she dreaming?

Finds tree – no opening, trees and humans – friends, Letter to mom

ACT THREE (20:30)

SCENE 9 (5:00)

Mei left with Granny, Boy admires Satsuki, teacher catches him

Mei appears at school with Granny, demanded to see Satsuki

Mei's in classroom – drawing Totoro, dark clouds

Heavy rain, Boy shoves umbrella to Satsuki runs away – smiles

SCENE 10 (4:00)

Satsuki wants to take umbrella to Dad, returns boy's umbrella

Sisters wait at stop, Dad's not on the bus, next one for sure

Getting late, Mei's sleepy, sleeps on Satsuki

Totoro shows up to wait at the bus stop

SCENE 11 (5:00)

Leaf on head – too small, rain hits his nose

Satsuki offers him umbrella, he uses it

Enjoys umbrella, stomps so ran patters on it. Catbus arrives

Gives Satsuki a gift, takes umbrella, leaves on catbus, Dad arrives

SCENE 12 (6:30)

Letter to mom, Totoro gifted acorns, planted but won't grow

During the night Totoro shows up, performs ritual, sprout appears

Seeds continue to grow to form one huge tree

Totoro spins top, takes Sisters on ride high in the sky

ACT FOUR (22:30)

SCENE 13 (4:30)

Dad is out, Sisters & Granny pick vegetables, garden's like a market

Mom is visiting home, plan to give her veggies to heal her

Telegram – Dad won't be home til later, opens, hospital – bad news?

Go to find phone, Mei runs after but gets lost

SCENE 14 (4:00)

Satsuki manages to call dad, he calms her and says he'll call back

Mei catches up with Satsuki, Mom isn't doing well, no visit

Mei refuses to accept, Satsuki – “You want her to die, Mei?”

Granny says “just a cold”, Satsuki “...dead already?”, cries

SCENE 15 (6:00)

Mei runs away towards hospital alone, they can't find her

No passersby have scene Mei

Boy says everyone's looking but no luck, found sandal in the pond

Rescue searchers probe pond, Satsuki arrives, not Mei's sandal

SCENE 16 (8:00)

Satsuki runs to big tree, asks to see Totoro, in tunnel

Trips and falls on Totoro, asks for help, he calls catbus

Satsuki boards catbus, trees part as the scamper

Finds Mei, to hospital, Mom is OK, girls spy from tree


Thank you.

Examine the story structures of the following breakdowns:

A Story's Structure (Overview)

12 Angry Men

Blade Runner 2049


Fake Scenes vs. Real Scenes

more coming soon

By Adam W. Parker

Just like many characters with fake IDs tried to pass for the real Korben Dallas in The Fifth Element, many “fake” scenes try to pass as actual scenes in movies. These counterfeit scenes are very hard to spot. They often:

  • are very creative
  • reveal character
  • move the plot forward
  • have interesting conflict
  • resolve a goal

What these “scenes” do not do is tell a story. They do not evolve a premise, to a problem, to a dilemma, to a paradox.

The best way to tell the difference is to use examples. So, let's take a side-by-side look at a fake scene and a real scene (more like snippets) – both by the talented writer/director Luc Besson. I chose these because they are very similar. They each occur relatively early in the overall story, have similar lengths, and have the main Protagonist taking custody of a special alien being wanted by various other groups.

(I will be blunt in this analysis. Please note, this is not directed as an insult to Luc Besson. He has made classic films. With hard work, we may be able to make something half as good as he has made.)

Let's dive in!

Fake Scene(s) - (~24 minutes)

It's frankly difficult to break this section of the movie down, for the very reason that it is a fake scene(s). It is devoid of major reversals (paradoxical movements) and includes far too much unnecessary information. But I'll do my best...

Dilemma 17:00 – 20:00

Minister reiterates mission to retrieve top secret, rare, Converter

Meet team, “...dressed like that?”, they're undercover tourists

“Did you read memo?”, V and L will have to split up

V – “Will you marry me?”, she avoids with kiss & smiles as leaving

I believe everything in this movement could have been cut, or rather condensed into the next movement. There is a lot of wasted chatter about the "memo" and it's neither integral to the plot or at all funny. It's worthless. The running proposal "conflict" between Valerian and Laureline neither contributes as a payoff to previous beats nor as a set up for subsequent movements. He just repeats it every so often. Still, if it did actually matter, it could also be massaged into their radio chatter, or during a critical moment. Here, it just lays lifeless.

Paradox 20:00 – 25:00

Big Market rules explained, 2 strangers, “Welcome to Big Market!”

L takes control of guard, breaks into Big Market with box

V enters Big Market and splits off from the group

V given portal box, gun, and made to be invisible

This is home to some necessary world-building. Still, the exposition is not dramatized. It's five straight minutes of explaining the rules of the world and setting the pieces on the board in the most boring way possible. The one opportunity for drama is between Laureline's group and the tower guard. But that is quickly squashed with no unforeseen problem whatsoever. The fact that a soldier can remote-control people and objects with his tech is a VERY cool idea that isn't at all dramatically exploited now or later.

Premise 25:00 – 29:00

2 strangers in exchange meeting with Big Guy, V enters

Deal goes bad, guns drawn, Mexican standoff

Invisible gun appears, V confiscates the Converter

Guard “dog” attacks V, shootout begins, V on the run

This movement works very well for the most part. The one thing that holds it back from being great is the last beat. It makes no sense why Valerian is walking out rather than just converting his arm right then and there. Disregarding this, the fact that the dog attacks his arm box is in no way paradoxical. It is a valid Problem and moves the bigger story forward but it ignores this smaller story. For example, if he earlier used his "floating hand" to somehow mesmerize and distract this "dog" but now it comes back and wants to play - ruining Valerian's control of the situation - it would be valid. As is, it's a surprise rather than a reversal.

Problem 29:00 – 34:00

APB on V, invisible no more, metal balls on box

V uses box to crash thru sewer to lower levels, meets kid

V uses balls against guard, kid's angry mom, escapes to surface

Runs into wall, L fixes box as he fires, V examines pearl

Setting aside the logistical aspects of how Valerian moves through space - this whole movement feels like filler. It's essentially Valerian screaming and running through Big Market with a couple of obstacles in the way. Laureline fixing the box right before the "dog" bites Valerian's hand off is not paradoxical - it's just convenient. But again, it moves the overall story forward at the expense of this movement. (Our nagging subconscious is willing to forgive the lack of storytelling because "maybe it will pay off in the next movement" but we are starting to sense a pattern.)

Dilemma 34:00 – 38:00

Big Guy releases Big Monster, chases them onto bus

It gets on roof, tears up bus, V calls for his ship

Team is destroyed as they hop to ship, barely making it

Monster is on ship! Hyper-speed kills it

More running and screaming... The biggest missed opportunity in this part is how Valerian and Laureline interact with their teammates. They have absolutely NO hint of a concern for the others dying by the hand of this beast. They have no empathy at all, nor any lack of empathy. They are purely apathetic. What I mean to say is there is no Dilemma here - and this is the Dilemma movement. This is supposed to be the heart and soul of the conflict. (At this moment of viewing, our subconscious throws up red flags - this is not a good scene (or a scene at all) and this may not turn out to be a good movie.)

Paradox 38:00 – 41:00

L handles creature, feeds it high-grade uranium

Pearl contains Megatons of energy, classified info

Alien in dream had pearl just like it

V proposes (again), doesn't know honeymoon after wed

We do not need the extended beat where Laureline interacts with the creature. But it could still work as a shorter aside. The other beats of research into the pearl work great, but it would have worked better if this was the first time both we and Valerian realized the pearl was the same as in his "dream". The banter between Valerian and Laureline at the end really put a fork in any chemistry that was possible. It's getting annoying the way the relationship is told and not shown. Otherwise, this is an OK movement that could have wrapped up a good scene if what had preceded it was substantive.


Real Scene(s) – The Fifth Element (~23 minutes)

Problem 21:00 – 24:00

48 hours til death, only 5th element can stop it

5th element's ship draws near, is attacked, crashes and burns

“We are lost”, gov't plans, father is sent home, 300 years for nothing

One “survivor” – a hand

This is a perfect fractal with a great paradoxical ending. Is there a survivor? Yes and no.

Dilemma 24:00 – 27:00

It's enough to regenerate, superhuman, can't wait to meet him

Danger? No, he will be killed if threat, hand over kill switch, proceed

Machine reconstructs body, hides body from view, completes

Remove shield – it's a woman!

Another great fractal. The expectation for this to be a man is subtly hinted at several times through their use of pronouns. They are in a sort of limbo throughout - this could either turn out really good or really bad. In great storytelling fashion - it's both/and with a dash of "not in the way you expected".

Paradox 27:00 – 30:00

Snap pictures, Leeloo writhes from flash, can't escape

She speaks unknown language, General approaches her

General taunts Leeloo behind unbreakable glass

She punches through glass! and breaks through wall to escape!

Again, storytelling perfection. With one punch through the unbreakable glass she at once solidifies her superhuman status in a great "show don't tell" moment. And a leap through the wall underlines her wild, unpredictable nature.

Premise 30:00 – 32:30

Police hunt for her, she's on the building ledge, incredibly high up

Police try to get her to come back, she walks further out

Flying Police unit w/ loudspeaker and lights traps her

She jumps! Crashing into Korben's cab!

This fractal is solid. It does the job of making this jump psychologically believable as far as motivations - she feels trapped and overwhelmed - but it's also paradoxical in that this is an act of escape but would surely end in death.

Problem 32:30 – 36:00

Korben fights not to crash, Leeloo's alive and well

Leeloo rambles, they exchange smiles, “big bada boom”

Police arrive, Leeloo, “ple-ase hel-p”, Korben – help or not?

Korben floors it, that was “so stupid” but he's thrilled about it

This is a perfect fractal. Nothing to add.

Dilemma 36:00 – 39:30

Cops get APB, Korben ruins their lunch, chase

Scan blocker = weapons live, evasive moves

Korben loses tail, nope, cab is shot up

Dives into the fog, loses police, Leeloo says “Vito Cornelius”

This is solid but the ending beat is a bit underwhelming. It could have been a great "hidden in plain sight" moment but didn't quite come through. The cab being vertical is a nice touch, but if we had a POV of the cops scanning right past the taxi (even seeing a part of it), it would have made the moment truly paradoxical.

Paradox 39:30 – 44:00

Vito is dismissive at first, sees her tattoo, she's the 5th, he faints

It's a miracle, Vito goes to prepare for when she wakes

Korben kiss? explains himself at gunpoint, remember me?

Priest runs in wearing robe matching her tattoos, she's relieved

A solid ending. Nothing more to add.



So there you have it. Far too much credit is given to acting, production design, and tone regarding the success of a story. The main culprit is always the story. As long as you can complete successful fractals back-to-back the viewer won't be able to turn away. Because you will actually be telling a story.

Thank you.

Examine the story structures of the following breakdowns:

A Story's Structure (Overview)

12 Angry Men

Blade Runner 2049



more coming soon

by Adam W. Parker

What establishes the tempo of a movie? Why do some action movies bore us while some one-room dramas have us on the edge of our seats? Maybe we just “don't like that type of movie”.

No, I say.

One of the quickest ways to bore your audience is to have an inconsistent tempo (the quickest way being faulty dramatic structure). So, how is a consistent tempo established? It's established by moving through dramatic sequences (Premise, Problem, Dilemma, Paradox) within a similar amount of time.

Blade Runner 2049 is an interesting case study in this regard. While it remains consistent on the Act level (the first three are ~40 minutes with the last being ~30 minutes), the length of the scenes varies wildly – the shortest lasting 5 minutes while the longest clocks in at over 11 minutes.

This is similar to a song slowing to half speed and picking back up. It can work (as I think it does here) but if handled sloppily, it can cause the viewer to lose interest. Again, I think the artists rein in the tempo by limiting the time variance to the scene level and not letting it slip into the Act level which would have emphasized the pace even more.

But most importantly, this story never strays from actually telling a story – as each intended scene is a valid dramatic unit.

*ACT ONE (40:00)*

Credits (0:00:00 – 0:2:00)

SCENE 1 (11:30)

Premise 0:02:00 – 0:05:30

K in LAPD vehicle over smoggy view, solar panels, indoor farms

A worm farmer in protective gear sees K land close

K exits vehicle, approaches house, and enters

Sapper also cautiously enters house. K is waiting. Silence

Problem 0:05:30 – 0:06:45

K apologizes for intruding “I was careful not to drag in any dirt”

Sapper – “I don't mind the dirt. I do mind unannounced visits”

'Are you police?' – 'Are you Sapper' 'a farmer' (of designed worms)

K – prefers “empty stomach until the hard part of the day is done”

Dilemma 0:06:45 – 0:09:45

K knows Sapper hasn't always been a farmer – bag Military issue

Sapper – 'plan on taking me in?' K reveals gun. Plans to kill

Sapper refuses eye scan and they fight. K wins

Sapper to K 'You kill you're own kind because never seen a miracle'

Paradox 0:09:45 – 0:12:30

K kills Sapper and checks in with HQ in his car

K sees a live flower infertile soil – 'a miracle'

Delays his return and scans the earth with drone

Finds a box buried far underneath the tree – excavation team sent

SCENE 2 (11:00)

Premise 0:12:30 – 0:16:00

K travels through dark, gritty, neon, city to LAPD HQ

Baseline test inter-cut with abuse from human colleagues

Test continues. “Constant K” always passes. He's never emotional

K passes hostile tenets – his door's tagged “F**K OFF SKINNER”

Problem 0:16:00 – 0:18:00

K activates a console as he enters his home. Chats with Joi

K drinks a drink that he pours for her

She says she's making him food even though he cooked his own

Joi is a hologram and offers K holographic food

Dilemma 0:18:00 – 0:20:30

Joi tries to cheer K up, talking, reading, or dancing

K – “..or do you wanna open your present”

The occasion? Anniversary? No, but “Let's just say that it is”

An emanator – the device allows her to go 'anywhere'

Paradox 0:20:30 – 0:23:30

Joi embraces the “feel” of simulated raindrops

She approaches K and they caress each other

Joi – “I'm so happy...with you” K – “You don't have to say that”

K “kisses” hologram but she is frozen during most intimate moment

SCENE 3 (6:00)

Premise 0:23:30 – 0:24:45

Buried 30 years, Sapper's case contains bones and hair

A woman's bones that were cleaned and meticulously laid to rest

Cause of death? no trauma a except fracture to narrow birth canal

She died in child birth

Problem 0:24:45 – 0:25:30

'What's that?' – K notices marks on the hip bones

Notching in the iliac crest – “fine-point, like a scalpel”

Looks like an emergency C-section – tried to save her?

Went to the trouble of burying – “a sentimental skin-job”

Dilemma 0:25:30 – 0:26:45

Where's the child? No other bodies in the field

Coco and other officer leave, K takes controls of autopsy machine

He zooms in and scans finds serial code in bone

“That's not possible” – she was a replicant that reproduced

Paradox 0:26:45 – 0:29:30

Madam warns 'no wall' = war – “So what you saw...didn't happen”

K – “You want it gone?” Madam – “Erase everything”

Even the child? K's reluctant to retire something born – it has a soul

“You've been getting on fine without one” – without “a soul”

SCENE 4 (7:30)

Premise 0:29:30 – 0:31:30

K goes to Wallace HQ with hair sample for info

Clerk – It's old – pre-blackout. “That's gonna be tough”

Luv gets K's alert while on call with client, reschedules call

Everything digital was wiped – everything was digital (baby pics)

Problem 0:31:30 – 0:34:15

Replicant was pre-Prohibition. Standard. Luv arrives is “Named”

Ancient models give bad name. Praises Wallace. K a customer

Archive room – Listens to Deckard & Rachael audio

“It was unclear what she least to someone”

Dilemma 0:34:15 – 0:36:00

“We were difficult to spot then”

Luv asks if anything was unusual about her to warrant investigation

K – “She likes him” Luv – personal questions show desire, asks K

K – “Please thank Mr. Wallace for your time”

Paradox 0:36:00 – 0:37:00

Partner – “[Deckard] liked working alone – so we worked together”

Said Deckard wasn't long for this world – “something in his eyes”

Contact? No, he's “retired”. K – “What happened?”

“Probably got what he wanted – to be alone”

SCENE 5 (5:45)

Premise 0:37:00 – 0:38:15

Luv welcomes Wallace back “you wanted to review the new model”

Wallace “...never enter kingdom of heaven without a gift”

“Can you at least pronounce 'a child is born'?”

“A new model... Well let us see her then” – Wallace is blind

Problem 0:38:15 – 0:39:30

A newborn replicant woman takes her first breaths

Wallace seats near her and feels her face

Wallace remarks on the replicant's fear instinct as he caresses her. “Before we even know what we are, we fear to lose it. Happy Bday”

Dilemma 0:39:30 – 0:41:45

Luv connects Wallace with his drone eyes that inspect replicant

He's taken us to nine new worlds but “We should own the stars”

Needs more replicants/slaves but can't make them fast enough

He kills the newborn replicant

Paradox 0:41:45 – 0:42:45

Needs procreation. Then he could “Storm Eden and retake her”

“Tyrell's final trick. Perfected, then lost”

“But there is a child” He wants Luv to find the replicant's child

“The best Angel of all. Aren't you, luv?”

ACT TWO (41:00)

SCENE 6 (6:45)

Premise 0:42:45 – 0:45:15

K is alone in a crowd, pondering the photos of Sapper's tree

A group of women told by old woman to find out what K knows

They approach flirtatiously but one recognizes he's a blade runner

Others leave, Mariette stays saying he's just “a guy eating rice”

Problem 0:45:15 – 0:46:15

She asks what the picture is – “a tree” – she's never seen one before

“It's pretty”, she says – “It's dead”, K retorts

“Who keeps a dead tree? Not gonna kill me are you” – she flirts

Joi rings – “Oh, you don't like real girls”, she says as she leaves

Dilemma 0:46:15 – 0:48:00

K returns to the house, wanting more answers

He notices a piano key that is stuck – it doesn't play

He opens the top and reaches in – a tin box

Inside a baby sock and photo of a woman w/ baby by the tree

Paradox 0:48:00 – 0:49:30

K is outside examining the tree

He sees carving near the base of the trunk – '6 10 21'

A flash of shocking vision – horse toy, fire

K burns house (evidence)

SCENE 7 (9:15)

Premise 0:49:15 – 0:52:00

Luv is taking the bones of Rachael

Coco walks in on her – she's not supposed to be there

Luv says she's has papers, “hold this” as she searches

She kills Coco with one blow and continues like nothing happened

Problem 0:52:00 – 0:54:15

Madam comes to K's apartment venting

Madam asks K to share an implanted childhood memory

It's a memory of him being chased by kids for a toy wooden horse

He stops the chase by burning the toy (it appears)

Dilemma 0:54:15 – 0:56:30

K searches DNA record for child

“Mere data makes a man”. ACTG vs 1s & 0s. Does it matter?

“You don't prefer your Madam?” K omitted detail from “memory”

The same date on the tree was on the carved horse in “memory”

Paradox 0:56:30 – 0:58:30

Joi says he's special, born rather than made – “...wanted, loved”

If it were true he'd be hunted for the rest of his life

“It's OK to dream a little” she says – “Not if you're us” says K

The records show boy and girl with the same DNA. Impossible.

SCENE 8 (5:45)

Premise 0:58:30 – 1:00:00

They fly in spinner past sea wall, it's raining heavy

The enter San Diego – “Here we are”

Mountains of trash with machines dumping more

Landfills are the location of an orphanage

Problem 1:00:00 – 1:01:45

Lightning flashes – K lowers altitude

Fired on by scavengers – has to go a bit higher to safety

A scavenger hits K's vehicle with a harpoon which releases a kite

It's a lightning rod – lightning strikes the vehicle. They crash

Dilemma 1:01:45 – 1:03:00

K is unconscious as Joi tries to wake him

A group of scavengers approaches

They open his vehicle, K regains consciousness and is attacked

He maims a couple carrying firearms and warns the rest

Paradox 1:03:00 – 1:04:15

More scavengers approach on the horizon – no way out

It starts “raining fire” – missiles ravage the Scavengers

Luv wipes out scavengers but spares K – to save him

She's controlling this deadly weapon while getting a manicure

SCENE 9 (11:30)

Premise 1:04:15 – 1:06:45

K secures car and walks into orphanage

Group of bald kids are waiting at the entrance

They surround and examine him, one guides him through crowd

Boss threatens to put lazy kids outside “where it's raining fire”

Problem 1:06:45 – 1:10:00

The overseer explains his operation – is apparently abusive

Asks K what sort he has in mind – K flashes badge “I'm not buying”

They travel to Overseer's office for files – a sense of deja vu for K

The records have been torn out of books to both their surprise

Dilemma 1:10:00 – 1:14:00

The horse ashtray sparks a thought – Could his memory be real?

The furnace is the same as his “memory”

K searches the hiding spot from his “memory”

The toy horse exists in the same place it was in his “memory”

Paradox 1:14:00 – 1:15:45

'6 10 21'... Joi – “I always told you – you're special. Born – not made”

Joi – “A real boy needs a real name” She names him “Joe”

Joi – “Your mother would have named you” K – “Stop”

K wants to know implant or real – “Who makes the memories?”

SCENE 10 (7:15)

Premise 1:15:45 – 1:17:30

Woman with a device alters a VR scene in a forest

K enters – she's happy to see a visitor

She doesn't mind a visitor, it's just unusual

“A life of freedom so long as it's behind glass”

Problem 1:17:30 – 1:19:30

Couldn't go off-world because bad immune system at a young age

He asks if she will help with the case. She delightfully accepts

She explains why and how she creates. Freedom in work

Authentic memories = human responses. She blows virtual candles

Dilemma 1:19:30 – 1:21:15

K asks if they can be real memories – it's illegal, she says.

Not about detail but feeling – she offers to scan and judge

She scans K as he thinks of the memory

She begins to shed tears

Paradox 1:21:15 – 1:23:00

The memory is real

Silence as her tears stream, and he simmers

“I know it's real”, says K. He erupts in emotion and exits calmly

Officer K is arrested

*ACT THREE (40:00)*

SCENE 11 (9:30)

Premise 1:23:00 – 1:25:15

K takes another baseline test, hesitating and nervous

He fails. An angry Joshi – “You didn't look like you on the inside”

K – “I found the kid”... “Even he didn't know who he was”

“It's done” Joshi wants clarification – “What you asked, it's done”

Problem 1:25:15 – 1:28:00

K travels home, followed by someone, admits Joi was right

Mariette shows up, invited by Joi – “I want to be real for you”

“Let's do it” – Mariette and Joi sync

“Merged” woman advances towards K – they touch hands

Dilemma 1:28:00 – 1:30:45

Joi/Mariette removes K's jacket

K pulls her/them close

They kiss and she disrobes

Ad for Joi – “Joi is anything you want her to be”

Paradox 1:30:45 – 1:32:30

Mariette wakes, gets dressed, and plants tracking device in K's bag

The wooden horse catches her eye – Joi kicks her out

Mariette insults Joi – there's not as much to her as she thinks

K offers Joi coffee, they laugh

SCENE 12 (8:00)

Premise 1:32:30 – 1:34:00

K – “They'll be coming after me soon”

Joi wants to join K but needs to be transferred to emanator

K is reluctant, if emanator is destroyed she dies

Joi – “Just like a real girl”

Problem 1:34:00 – 1:35:45

Luv loses tracking on K / Toy horse is real wood and valuable

Badger offers him a real horse, K just wants to know where it's from

“Smells like old dirt but the structure is new”, Radiation? Bomb?

Only one place that dirty – a place no one lives

Dilemma 1:35:45 -1:37:45

Luv finds K's apartment empty / K searches landscape for any life

Stops and zooms in on an area

Heat analysis reveals a strange swirling cloud

Life. Joi – “What is it?” K- “Guess we're about to find out”

Paradox 1:37:45 – 1:40:30

Luv intrudes and asks K's location, Joshi says she doesn't know

Joshi says Luv's too late, she knows all about her plan

Luv – kill “the fabulous new”? can't hold back the tide with a broom

Luv – I'll lie – kills Joshi – uses Joshi's dead face unlock to find K

SCENE 13 (10:30)

Premise 1:40:30 – 1:43:30

K walks, sees a bee on his hand, leads him to a bee keeper's hives

He hears music – it's coming from a casino next to the hive

He enters the casino no signs of life

It has an active trip wire

Problem 1:43:30 – 1:46:30

K explores the dusty ruins for the source of the sound

He finds piano but no one playing, presses key... a dog appears

Deckard appears wielding a gun – K tries to remain peaceful

Deckard shoots at him as he tumbles over the balcony out of sight

Dilemma 1:46:30 – 1:48:45

Deckard tells dog “stay” as he searches for K who's hiding

K accidentally sets of trip wires and explosions

Through the smoke, the showroom doors can be seen shutting

Deckard flips a switch – activating Elvis hologram show

Paradox 1:48:45 – 1:51:00

K uses light to find a better hiding spot – thinking he's safe

Gunshots nearly miss out of nowhere. Hand to hand combat

K – “I don't want to hurt you” – refuses to punch Deckard back

Deckard stops and says “I like this song”. Invites K to drinks

SCENE 14 (5:45)

Premise 1:51:00 – 1:52:15

Deckard explains Vegas used to be. Millions of bottles of whiskey

Deckard pours whiskey for dog

K asks if dog is real

Deckard – “I don't know. Ask him”

Problem 1:52:45 – 1:54:15

Deckard ask's K's name, they settle on “Joe”

K – “I wanna ask some questions” Deckard – “Like what?”

K begins his interrogation about Rachael – no answers

Deckard – “Too many questions”

Dilemma 1:54:15 – 1:55:15

Deckard – “I had your job, I was good at it” – He avoids questions

Deckard breaks down and answer's one of K's questions – “Rachael”

K asks what happened to the kid. Deckard says he was long gone

K –“You didn't even meet your own kid?”

Paradox 1:54:30 – 1:56:45

Deckard – “Everyone had a part. Mine was to leave”

Blackout came and made it impossible to find the child if he tried

K – “Did you want to?” Deckard – “Not really” – they'd be hunted

Deckard – “Sometimes to love someone, you gotta be a stranger”

SCENE 15 (6:15)

Premise 1:56:45 – 1:58:45

Other agents are closing in as K relaxes

An alert of incoming vessels – Deckard – “Who'd you bring?”

K – “I came alone”. Deckard runs for vehicle

K bursts through wall to pull him back from vehicle explosion

Problem 1:58:45 – 2:00:00

Escape vehicle is destroyed. Agents enter and seize Deckard

K manages to get up, but another agent appears pointing a gun

K takes agent's gun, kills him and other two agents

Luv comes out of nowhere and puts him down with two kicks

Dilemma 2:00:00 – 2:01:30

K continues to struggle to get up, Luv kicks him down

Joi appears telling Luv to “Stop”

Luv approaches the emanator, raises her foot over it, pauses

Luv – “I do hope you're satisfied with our product”. She “kills” Joi

Paradox 2:01:30 – 2:03:00

Mysterious group of people search the rubble

They find K and pull tracker from his pocket

He briefly regains consciousness in a campsite with strangers

Mariette is there looking down on him

*ACT FOUR (29:45)*

SCENE 16 (5:45)

Premise 2:03:00 – 2:04:45

K wakes up in an abandoned building, bandaged , Mariette is there

Men approach – She says somebody wants to meet him

Mariette insists “You can trust us”

Freysa jokes about looking up and to the left – she has no right eye

Problem 2:04:45 – 2:05:45

Freysa was there with Sapper when Rachael's child was born

She helped hide it and vowed to keep it secret

Sapper let K kill him to keep their secret

If a baby can come from us we're “More human than humans”

Dilemma 2:05:45 – 2:07:00

A revolution is coming – she's building an army to free their people

Freysa asks K to join their revolution

Freysa hands K his gun and points it at herself – the cause over life

Tells him to kill Deckard to keep his child safe

Paradox 2:07:00 – 2:08:45

In time, she will be revealed to world “She?” A daughter, not a son

K insists it was a boy. It was a diversion to throw off the trail

K thought he was the special child – other replicants thought so too

The memory creator he met is the Deckard's child

SCENE 17 (8:00)

Premise 2:08:45 – 2:10:30

Deckard awakes alone in Wallace's HQ

Wallace walks in and greets Deckard saying he admires him

He grabs Deckard's hand and holds it – “You are a wonder to me...”

Wallace has “lock” and “key” but door is still shut – needs the child

Problem 2:10:30 – 2:13:00

Wallace reveals Rachael's skull, quotes Scripture 'Rachael's womb'

Wallace plays Rachael audio – does if it feels like first meeting?

Wallace questions if Deckard was called just to fall for Rachael

Wallace – Was Deckard & Rachael “Love or Mathematical Precision”

Dilemma 2:13:00 – 2:14:00

Deckard kept himself free of info and it cost him everything

Wallace – “ can still help me. You had help...” wants any info

If Deckard helps good things can come to him, Wallace promises

“You don't have children do you?” – “I have millions” Wallace replies

Paradox 2:14:00 – 2:16:45

Wallace says Deckard loves pain – it reminds him of the joy was real

Offers Deckard 'more joy' – A clone of Rachael approaches

“Did you miss me?” she asks – “Don't you love me?” she pleads

Deckard rejects her saying “her eyes were green”. Joi kills her.

SCENE 18 (11:00)

Premise 2:16:45 – 2:18:30

A giant Luv ad approaches K – “What a day”

strips K of his last bit of humanity by calling him “Joe”

He ponders action as he reflects on Freysa's “Dying for right cause”

he reflects on what Sapper said about never seeing a miracle

Problem 2:18:30 – 2:21:30

Deckard is being transported over sea to off-world by Luv

K attacks the convoy carrying Deckard away – forcing them to crash On shore of the sea wall, Luv orders pilot to get them back up

K approaches on foot, Luv says open door, pilot is shot

Dilemma 2:21:30 – 2:24:15

Luv and K exchange fire close range

K is hit in the belly, Luv pounces on K with a flurry of kicks

battle it out as Deckard slowly sinks into the sea, handcuffed

Luv mortally stabs K and kisses him

Paradox 2:24:15 – 2:27:45

She walks away to free Deckard who is close to drowning

Thought dead, K suddenly explodes out of the water, strangles Luv

Luv fights back as she tries to drown K, all while Deckard flounders

K rescues Deckard who “died out there” – free to see his daughter

SCENE 19 (5:00)

Premise 2:27:45 – 2:28:30

K and Deckard arrive at facility where Deckard's daughter is

Problem 2:28:30 – 2:29:15

K gifts the wooden – “All the best memories are hers”

Dilemma 2:29:15 – 2:31:30

Deckard asks why K helped him – K evades, smiling

Paradox 2:31:30 – 2:32:45

K lies dead in the snow as Deckard meets daughter for first time


Examine the story structures of the following breakdowns:

A Story's Structure (Overview)


12 Angry Men



more coming soon

12 Angry Men

by Adam W. Parker

I chose to examine 12 Angry Men because it presents a continuity of action that is uncommon today and will allow me to highlight a few things. The artists chose to have the vast majority of drama play out in the jury room. The implied story time and screen time are very close as scenes play out in chronological order.

But what scenes are there to be found in a continuous play? Isn't it all just one scene? In a script, doesn't the change of location (slug-line) denote the change in a scene?

No. This is a great misconception that I seek to debunk through this analysis:


Neither is the completing of a goal, the end of a conversation, the passage of time, or a change of perspective – a completion of a scene.

So, what is a scene?

A scene is simply a smaller fractal of a story – a story within a story within a story (in this case). What name you give this 3rd degree of story makes no difference. The important thing is its function. And like all stories it must pass through the stages of Premise to Problem to Dilemma to Paradox in order to be complete. (please see previous post on the definition of these terms)

If I could be so bold to say this:

The lack of understanding of what a scene is, is the number one reason for failed storytelling across all media.

In this classic example, one can see the beauty of the craft. I went in with no preconception of the number or length of the scenes but it all fell into placed.

Each fractal is of similar length:

3 Acts (each ~30 minutes)

15 Scenes (each ~6 minutes) with 5 per Act

60 Movements (each ~1 minute 30 seconds) with 4 per Scene

240 Beats with 4 per Scene

As you get farther down into the fractal, picking out certain beats can be more and more elusive (as breaking down molecules to atoms to quarks, etc, becomes more and more difficult) and less critical to the overall job of telling a story well. I've chosen to stop at the Beat level.

But as you can see, each fractal contains the units of drama. You can scan the breakdown and see (almost) every Act, Scene, and Movement ends with a corresponding Paradox.

Thank you.

ACT ONE (32:45)

SCENE 1 (5:45)

Premise 0:00 – 1:15

In a courtroom – the halls of justice Track on a man waiting for elevator – a stressed man exits He is very stressed another man extremely relieved A guard shushes a celebrating family

Problem 1:15 – 3:00

It's the end of a 1st degree murder case – the most serious The jurors are faced with a charge of duty If guilty – death, if not – free, must be unanimous The accused murderer is very young looking – a boy even

(CREDITS 3:00 – 4:00)

Dilemma 4:00 – 5:30

It's hot as men enter room The fan doesn't work A lingering silence between two men, rejected offer of gum Hottest day of the year with no AC

Paradox 5:30 – 6:45

Bailiff finishes taking names and exits Locked door – takes men by surprise What did you think of the case? Two opinions Juror thinks should slap those kids down before they start trouble

SCENE 2 (5:00)

Premise 6:45 – 7:30

Start with 5 minute break – one is in the bathroom Sit in order? Causes Adman to go to window and talk to Davis Lucky we got a murder case says Adman Adman lived here all my life never been inside Woolworth's

Problem 7:30 – 9:00

Runny nose. Two men discuss having a hot-weather cold Baseball fan wants to start – man is still in bathroom Courier tries to impress Broker with his business resume Baseball fan has tickets for later that night

Dilemma 9:00 – 10:15

While sitting – impression of prosecutor... he did great Ready to start – call Davis who seems to be daydreaming Juror 10 says maybe it served the victim right Everyone here? Old man is still inside – door knock

Paradox 10:15 – 11:45

All seated – Foreman not going to make any rules Preliminary vote? They agree Foreman restates the procedure Davis only 'not guilty' – not easy to vote for boy's death

SCENE 3 (7:00)

Premise 11:45 – 13:30

What do we do now? – I guess we talk... Doesn't know if he believes the boy or not Why vote 'not guilty'? Fast decision vs. Sure decision Let's sit for an hour – game doesn't start til 8

Problem 13:30 – 14:45

Davis – owe the boy their time because he's unfortunate Juror 10 doesn't think they owe him a thing Juror 10 thinks 'they' are born liars Old man stands – you weren't born with a monopoly on the truth

Dilemma 14:45 – 17:30

Rather than Davis explain – each will give arguments to Davis Banker is first and has weak arguments Next juror states facts – “only 18, but he's still gotta pay” Boy was at the movies but couldn't remember titles 1 hr later

Paradox 17:30 – 18:45

The woman across the street, at night looks out the window She saw kid stab father, she's known kid all his life Able to see thru the El? No passengers Why believe woman, not boy “she's one of them too”

SCENE 4 (7:00)

Premise 18:45 – 20:45

No motive no case right? Argument between father and boy was overheard – slapped Boy's been hit many times – no murder – one time too many? Bad father vs. bad kid (chicken and egg)

Problem 20:45 – 22:30

Juror called his father “sir” – has a kid, 22 years old When 9 kid ran from a fight – vowed to make him a man When 16 had a fight almost broke Juror's jaw Hasn't seen him in 2 years

Dilemma 22:30 – 24:00

Slums are breeding grounds for crime Juror objects – “I've lived in a slum all my life” Some argue not to take it personal some think it crossed line Procedure gets out of order “Stop being a kid”

Paradox 24:00 – 25:45

”...the boy looks guilty. Maybe he is.” Peculiar feeling – “...Nothing is that positive” Bad lawyer? witnesses could be wrong? Adman – “it's not exact science”. Davis says “exactly”.

SCENE 5 (7:00)

Premise 25:45 – 27:15

Topic changed to the switch knife... ask to look at it The facts – murder knife, bought that night, unique He met friends and they saw him with the knife His friends identified the murder weapon as the same knife

Problem 27:15 – 28:15

Boy says – movies, returned to see father dead, lost knife No one saw boy go out or saw him in the theater Boy has no witnesses and no alibi Do you really think someone picked up boy's knife and killed

Dilemma 28:15 – 29:45

Davis – It's possible a similar knife was used by another Unusual knife – never seen one like it. Incredible coincidence Davis slams an identical knife on the table. Wow vs. So what? Odds are still million-to-1. Possible but Improbable

Paradox 29:45 – 32:45

Still 11-1. Hung jury = boy dies anyway Other jurors are becoming impatient, sarcastic, and angry Secret vote, abstains, if unanimous – guilty, if not – talk Votes are cast and counted... guilty, guilty... 'not guilty'

ACT TWO (33:45)

SCENE 6 (6:30)

Premise 32:45 – 34:30

They suspect juror from slums changed his vote. But “he didn't change his vote, I did” says old man. Baseball fan storms to bathroom while old man explains why Davis calms old man saying “He can't hear you, he never will.”

Problem 34:30 – 36:30

Take a break since man is in the bathroom. Returns knife Stuck / Adman tells an unsuccessful story Halfhearted apology for false accusation Fan still broken, can't get it to work

Dilemma 36:30 – 38:00

Juror compliments Davis on “soft sell” – he uses comedy “...what are you gettin' outta this... kicks?” insults Davis “...what are you wasting our time for?” gonna get sore throats Davis – “ or at the ball game?” what's the difference?

Paradox 38:00 – 39:15

“Nice bunch of guys” — “....about the same as anyone else” “...what a murderous day!...he's guilty for sure” “...wasting your time...” — “Suppose you were on trial” “Suppose you talk us out of it and he's guilty”

SCENE 7 (6:15)

Premise 39:15 – 41:00

Start us off...mounting evidence from witnesses... Davis still doesn't think it's enough...starts on El — Catches sight of men not listening and playing tic-tac-toe Davis – “This isn't a game”, snatches the paper away

Problem 41:00 – 42:45

How long does it take an El train to pass? 10 seconds The El is so noisy you can't hear yourself think Take 2 testimonies and put them together in time Old man would have to hear boy with El roaring past his nose

Dilemma 42:45 – 44:00

Impossible to hear / possible? Boy yelled it Even if yelled, identified? Can't be that accurate / should be Why lie? whats to gain? – attention maybe Juror threatens father Juror about respect for elders

Paradox 44:00 – 45:30

Why lie? Old man's jacket was torn, leg dragging. Ashamed. Insignificant. Nobody seeks his advice after 75 years Needs to be listened to. Made himself believe testimony “What do you know about it?” – Juror was describing self

SCENE 8 (7:15)

Premise 45:30 – 46:45

“I'm gonna kill you” did he mean it. We say it all the time. Father says anyone that says that means it Banker yelled last week. would boy shout it? Much too bright Bright? “he don't even speak good English” — “doesn't”

Problem 46:45

Juror from slums changes vote to “not guilty” 9-3 “ own lawyer knew he didn't stand a chance” Public defender, no glory, no money Who could possibly defend him? Maybe his mother

Dilemma 48:30 – 50:45

A few notes, if boy killed father at 12 and came back three Why would he come back? came back to get knife? State of panic? where did it start where did it end? Woman screamed – wouldn't that affect behavior of killer?

Paradox 50:45 – 52:45

Maybe the boy did do it maybe not – there's reasonable doubt He's twisting the facts and flip-flopping Calls for vote – watchmaker changes vote Explain why you changed your vote – that's not the knife

SCENE 9 (7:00)

Premise 52:45 – 54:30

What about the old man who witnessed – “ran?” 15 seconds Wait.... “Did the old man say he ran to the door?” They argue whether it was 15 seconds vs 20 seconds How could the old witness be positive about anything?

Problem 54:30 – 56:30

Recalls the old man's testimony Layout diagram – 55 feet in 15 seconds Do you think he could have done it? needed help vs not far “What kind of bum lawyer...” — “That's what I've been asking.”

Dilemma 56:30 – 58:00

Marks off the room for demonstration “Insane...wasting everybody's time...” Starts walking... “OK I'll go a little faster” It takes 41 seconds – almost triple the time

Paradox 58:00 – 59:45

Davis says the old witness probably assumed he saw the boy Angry juror claims the rest are “bleeding hearts” “...Are you his executioner?” — “I'm one of them” — “sadist” “I'll kill him” — “You don't really mean you'll kill me...?”

SCENE 10 (6:45)

Premise 59:45 – 1:01:30

They settle back to their seats Watchmaker's speech about the strength of democracy “ licks it up” joke – it looks like it'll storm soon Broker denies he ever sweats

Problem 1:01:30 – 1:03:45

One asks for another vote, open ballot, none object Foreman calls off each first is himself – “Oh, that's me” Some vote 'guilty' others 'not guilty' Number 12 juror is called twice before he answers “Guilty”

Dilemma 1:03:00 – 1:05:00

Vote is 6-6 – “...extra innings” Older men argue about 'type of boy' vs 'facts' “How come you changed your vote?” You think too much like the rest

Paradox 1:05:00 – 1:06:30

Starts raining so they push windows down – Coach helps Davis This reminds Coach of a big storm last November Right in the middle of a game – down 7-6 – moving the ball Started moving the ball – started raining “that was murder”

ACT THREE (28:45)

SCENE 11 (5:15)

Premise 1:06:30 – 1:07:45

Salesman is hot and bored Tries fan, it works! Enjoys breeze, shoots paper into blades bounces off Throws another it hits old man in the face – he apologizes

Problem 1:08:15 – 1:09:15

“We're going nowhere here” should declare a hung jury Haven't been in long enough for judge to accept that Maybe you don't understand the term “reasonable doubt” 'They' come over here telling 'Us' how to run the show

Dilemma 1:09:15 – 1:10:30

The boy couldn't remember the names of the movie The boy was questioned under great emotional stress Boy named them in court – coached by lawyer? He'll take the evidence, emotional stress or not

Paradox 1:10:30 – 1:11:45

Davis to Broker “Where were you last night?“and nights before Broker gets the movie title wrong Broker can't remember the names of the actors Broker who never sweats, sweats.

SCENE 12 (5:15)

Premise 1:11:45 – 1:13:00

Old man think points been made – juror 10 disagrees “Look at that rain. There goes your ball game.” “It's only a shower... infield covered” dinner? banker knife Banker says “there's something I'd like to say”

Problem – 1:13:00 – 1:14:15

Boy was shorter than father Awkward to stab down into a taller person Demonstration “Real” fake stab – down and in...

Dilemma 1:14:15 – 1:15:30

Juror from slums – “ever see a knife fight?...I have” Switchblade never used overhanded always underhanded Could it have been any other way? Why not... Adman says “I don't know” when asked if he believes it

Paradox 1:15:30 – 1:17:00

Baseball Fan – “not guilty” because he's “had enough” The others pounce on him for not having a good reason Watchmaker – “What kind of man are you?” wants better reason Fan fumbles as he says he doesn't think they boy's guilty

SCENE 13 (6:00)

Premise 1:17:00 – 1:18:15

Calls another vote Now 9-3 – Adman and Foreman have switched Juror 10 gets on the other jury members for believing the boy Juror 10 “You know how these people lie. It's born in them.”

Problem 1:18:15 – 1:19:45

Juror from slums storms away from the table while he's talking More Jurors leave as he continues his racist rant “Listen” “I have. Now sit down & don't open your mouth again.” Almost in a trance, he goes to sit

Dilemma 1:19:45 – 1:21:15

Prejudice obscures the truth “I don't really know what the truth is.” “We may be trying to let a guilty man go free” Reasonable doubt – “ you three are still so sure.”

Paradox 1:21:15 – 1:23:00

Two reasons – woman eye witness, method of stabbing seen No rebuttal from Davis Adman says “I-I don't know” as Broker pushes him for reasons Adman abruptly changes vote to 'guilty' – now 8-4

SCENE 14 (6:15)

Premise 1:23:00 – 1:24:15

Ready to declare hung jury if no arguments Davis wants to go over it again Juror tries to start a discussion on time-limit – rubs nose Old man interrupts asking if he's OK – why rub nose

Problem 1:24:15 – 1:26:00

Eyeglasses bother, makes two impressions on nose Woman witness had same marks on her nose He didn't think about it then...but now... She was about 45 trying to look 35

Dilemma 1:26:00 – 1:28:00

“How do you know whether she wore glasses?” Other jurors confirm marks “Could those marks be made by anything other than eyeglasses?” Maybe she thought she saw the killing but only saw a blur

Paradox 1:28:00 – 1:29:15

All I know is the woman's eyesight is in question now “...identify a person 60 ft away, at night, without glasses” Is it possible she made a mistake – 3 jurors flip 'not guilty' “You said we could throw out all other evidence”

SCENE 15 (6:00)

Premise 1:29:15 – 1:31:15

“You're alone.” 11 vs 1 Silence...“We want to hear your arguments” Father juror recites all the condemning evidence and rebuttals Says he has all the facts – photo falls out of wallet

Problem 1:31:15 – 1:32:30

“That's it, that's the whole case” The other jurors stare at him in silence – “Say something!” “...bunch of bleeding hearts” “...not gonna intimidate me” He breaks down – “rotten kids...not guilty”

Dilemma 1:32:30 – 1:34:00

The men exit the table, Davis and father juror are last two Father juror still has his head down, Davis grabs coat for him Davis offers to help him with his jacket, he accepts Davis looks back at the empty table as if reminiscing

Paradox 1:34:00 – 1:35:15

Everyone is departing Old juror waves down Davis He introduces himself and asks Davis's name... ...Nothing more is said except 'bye' as they part ways


Examine the story structures of the following breakdowns:

A Story's Structure (Overview)


Blade Runner 2049



more coming soon

by Adam W. Parker

Dear fellow storytellers,

We've forgotten what a story is. Or is it that we've never known and have just been intuitively feeling our way through? (I am guilty of this.) But who has defined it? Can it be defined? In short...

What is a Story?

We have the multi-million dollar effects, the A-list actors, the talented animators, the genius composers, but...

What is a story?

We have the social commentaries, the political statements, the cultural context, the thematic symbolism but...

What is a story?

We have the protagonist, the inciting incident, the twists, the turns, the climax, the resolution, but alas...

What is a story?

I'm not here to provide another model, beat sheet, or diagram (though I like them). I want to provide definitions. These definitions may coalesce into something resembling a model, but simpler, more powerful, and hopefully helpful to you when you are crafting your own stories.

So, what is a story at its core? It's as simple as this:

Mary had a Little Lamb

Mary had a little lamb,

whose fleece was white as snow;

And everywhere that Mary went,

the lamb was sure to go.

It followed her to school one day

which was against the rule;

It made the children laugh and play,

to see a lamb at school.

And so the teacher turned it out,

but still it lingered near,

And waited patiently about,

till Mary did appear.

“Why does the lamb love Mary so?”

the eager children cry;

“Why, Mary loves the lamb, you know.”

the teacher did reply.

A Story is a PREMISE that evolves into a PROBLEM that evolves into a DILEMMA that evolves into a PARADOX.

These four signposts are necessary to tell a story and by “story” I mean any unit of drama from the largest to the smallest fractal. More often than not, what we call a “bad story” is probably due to the violation of the above definition – not qualifying as a story at all but is rather a string of temporally or thematically related events or images. Not to say that the non-narrative is any less valid as a form of artistic expression. I am saying that it is “non-narrative” – not a story.

Let's dive deeper into these four signposts and how they relate in the order that they appear:


Mary had a little lamb,

whose fleece was white as snow;

And everywhere that Mary went,

the lamb was sure to go.

A Premise is something assumed – whether it be about the outer world, inner beliefs, inner emotions, or outer actions. These form the basis from which the Problem emerges. Without these assumptions, whether stated or implied, there is no potential for drama.

The Premise is the result of past actions and events, but what makes it a Premise is its relation to a specific character. Only what a character takes as a given is considered a Premise. A flooded city is a problem to the citizens – to the fish, a Premise.

The Premise can contain a goal but it doesn't have to, unless you take “goal” in its broadest definition. The character could be in a routine or embarking on a new journey. Whichever the case, the character has an expectation of how events will transpire.

There is no limit to the examples of a premise so I will not give any until I go over this in more depth. The Premise is always at the beginning of the story. We would like to believe that “in media res” exists but to the observer it does not. The first thing seen will always inform the second.

keywords: routine, day-to-day, expectation, recap, set up, unsurprising, belief, knowledge, thesis, goal...


It followed her to school one day

which was against the rule;

It made the children laugh and play,

to see a lamb at school.

A Problem is an event that violates the Premise. It cannot exist without a Premise. A Problem is a change in the outer world, inner beliefs, inner emotions, or outer actions that make it impossible to continue in the Premise and sends a character towards a Dilemma.

This is really a Problem/Opportunity dynamic. Whether an event is seen as positive or negative is really a matter of perspective, and tells us more about the Character than the event (I will be using “Problem” rather than “Opportunity” but note that a Problem isn't necessarily “bad”). It is also the Character that determines whether something is even a Problem or not depending on the Premise that they hold. In summation, expectations are the prerequisite to Problems.

Lots of situations, events, or obstacles arise in daily life. The very act of walking is a relation to obstacles. In this sense, the formation of obstacles or benefits en route to fulfilling the Premise are not Problems per se.

This is a major pitfall in storytelling. Too many times a mere obstacle is mistaken for a Problem. A Problem always invalidates a Premise.

For a construction worker going to a job site, stepping in a deep mud puddle may be an obstacle – for a businessman late for an interview, it is a Problem. One of the core assumptions made by this businessman is (most likely) to arrive at the interview on time wearing pristine clothes. A step in a mud puddle shatters this Premise. It will force him to change his location, attitude, mood, and actions to try to restore the original Premise.

But this Premise is invalidated. If it is not, the muddy mishap in our example was not truly a Problem but an obstacle (part of the Premise) that will be necessary to the true Problem presented later, but if it is not a necessary obstacle, it is completely unnecessary in regards to the structure of the story.

Too often, these empty calorie obstacles are mistaken for story structure. Too many of these obstacle moments can build up and throw off the rhythm of the overall story. This is dead weight that either needs to be cut or worked into the story by being orchestrated as a mini-story in itself.

The quest to restore the invalidated Premise despite the Problem leads the Character to a Dilemma...

keywords: unsuspected, surprise, counter-intuitive, uncomfortable, anti-thesis, argument, conflict...


And so the teacher turned it out,

but still it lingered near,

And waited patiently about,

till Mary did appear.

A Dilemma presents two possibilities that violate each other. A Dilemma cannot exist without a Problem. A Dilemma is a change in the outer world, inner beliefs, inner emotions, or outer actions that make it impossible to continue in the Problem and sends a character towards a Paradox.

A Dilemma is not simply a choice between many options. It is a special decision in that there are only two options, equal in benefits and costs, that violate each other. Once one option is chosen – the other is impossible to realize.

Not every choice is a Dilemma but every Dilemma is a choice – it may simply be a choice of going right or left. But what makes this 'right or left' choice a Dilemma relies on the Premise and Problem that came before. If 'right' takes you on a path to rescue your brother and 'left' to rescue your best friend – which should you choose? If only one can be chosen at the denial of the other then we have a Dilemma.

There is never a 'correct' choice in a Dilemma. There will be equal benefits and losses for either path chosen. You have gained a brother but minimized friendship or gained a friend but violated brotherhood. There is no 'win-win'. The character, after crossing this threshold, is in constant regret at the path chosen while simultaneously experiencing the joy of it.

This is the lifeblood of characterization (and also what is most integral to a developed theme – in a sense it is theme). This is the difference between 'quirk' and 'character'. Rather than superficial qualities pasted onto a thin frame, a character's true self is defined by their Dilemmas. An audience's relation to, and 'likeability' of, a character is in direct correlation to how many Dilemmas we experience with the character (many Dilemmas = Main Character). The Dilemmas are the 'self-projection' moments where we put ourselves in the character's shoes. I may not identify with a character's Premise or Problem but not so with the Dilemma, it is universal. Yes, any Dilemma (if truly a Dilemma) is universal because we identify with the situation as a concept not the specifics. It taps into what makes us human irrespective of personal identities and worldviews. For this reason, it is often referred to as the climax – it is the most engaging dramatic unit. If not for the Dilemma, storytelling wouldn't cut across cultural boundaries. Storytellers would be forced to use politics, nostalgia, and cultural references to foster any sympathy with their characters – which is exactly what some are doing today because they do not understand the importance, the utter necessity, of the Dilemma.

If you do not have a Dilemma, you do not have a Scene, you do not have an Act, you do not have a Story. Lack of dilemma leads to a feeling that character is not explored.

keywords: this or that, choose, this but that, why, how, suspense, wait, if-then, limbo, weigh options, debate...


“Why does the lamb love Mary so?”

the eager children cry;

“Why, Mary loves the lamb, you know.”

the teacher did reply.

A Paradox is two concepts that violate each other yet combine. A Paradox cannot exist without a Dilemma. A Paradox is a change in the outer world, inner beliefs, inner emotions, or outer actions that make it impossible to continue in the Dilemma and is the end of the Story or sends you towards a new Premise.

The Paradox is the “goal” of Story. It is the vibrating string that makes music. The other signposts are, if we carry the analogy farther, the selection of the instrument (Premise), the readying of the bow (Problem), and the pulling and release of the string (Dilemma). Likewise if there is no vibration (Paradox) there is no music.

A Paradox is surprising and subversive but Surprise and Subversion on their own do not make a Paradox. These, along with “Deus Ex Machina” are the most common counterfeits. The false Paradox ignores the Problem and Dilemma and presents a solution that has an anachronistic tension:

“1 + 1 = chicken” – This is a false Paradox, which is not one at all. It may get a reaction at its absurdity but it quickly fades away. It has no substance.

“1 + 1 = 11” – This is a true Paradox. One can say “yes” or “no”, both are correct in a way. This vibrates – you can keep pondering it (I say ponder because this is a logical rather than emotional Paradox).

keywords: impossible, supernatural, synthesis, unfathomable, inevitable, loophole, bittersweet, contradiction...

In closing, the Paradox is...

the logic defying ouroboros... the end is the beginning and the beginning is the end... infinity... eternity... Why does the lamb love Mary? Mary loves the lamb. But why does Mary love the lamb? The lamb loves Mary....

It is to believe a lie... to betray a friend... to love your enemy.

...hidden in plain sight – “The stone which the builders refused has become the head stone of the corner”... or an open secret – “The emperor has no clothes”

...strength in few, weakness in numbers... to enjoy grief... an intense nonchalance...

It is to live by dying... to take by giving... to find by losing – as in Pickpocket when Michel, just imprisoned, tells Jeanne:

“Oh, Jeanne, to reach you at last, what a strange path I had to take.”

Thank you.

Examine the story structures of the following breakdowns:


12 Angry Men

Blade Runner 2049



more coming soon