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Deep into the space. . . about 500.000 years ago

The redish celestial body was spiraling through the space

at high speed, getting close to our outer solar system as it is on regular orbit around the Sun.

When it approached inner solar system hit between planets was imminent. 4th planet from the Sun was on its path, before big hit one of the moons of the redish planet has struck 4th planet, and after that big planet split it, torn into pieces.

One big chunk has formed our planet Earth, and other smaller pieces created asteroid belt between the Earth and Mars.

12th Planet is called “Nibiru” 4th Planet was called Tiamat

Tiamat had its moon called Kingu ,that is now Earths moon.

After couple of orbits when everything cooled down, habitants from Nibiru called Anunnaki lunched a mission to Earth in search for gold mercury, other precius metals and minerals.

It all started in 1888, with Expedition of the University of Pennsylvania in southern Iraq.

They have excavated two important tablets, that started the avalanche of archeologist to go there and start digging.

The earliest record of a Sumerian creation myth, called “The Eridu Genesis” by historian Thorkild Jacobsen,is found in 1893, in todays southern Iraq, Ancient city of Nippur.

The beginning of the tablet is lost, but the surviving portion begins by recounting how the gods An, Enlil, Enki, and Ninhursang created the Sumerians and comfortable conditions for the animals to live and procreate. Kingship then descends from heaven, and the first cities are founded: Eridu, Bad-tibira, Larak, Sippar, and Shuruppak.

There is official and unofficial version. Due to missing parts of the tablets Historians and Scientist don`t want to accept Zecharia Sitchin Version.

Zecharia Sitchin is Journalist from Israel, who was working for shipping company, that provided him access to travel.

He went to see those Ancient city`s in Ancient Mesopotamia,

and he started to learn cuneiform ( language of Sumerians) .

After about 20 years of research Zecharia Sitchin published a book called “12th Planet”

According to Sitchin, Nibiru (called “the twelfth planet” because, Sitchin claimed, the Sumerians' gods-given conception of the Solar System counted all eight planets, plus Pluto, the Sun and the Moon) was the home of a technologically advanced human-like extraterrestrial race called the Anunnaki in Sumerian myth, who Sitchin states are called the Nephilim in Genesis. He wrote that they evolved after Nibiru entered the solar system, and they first arrived on Earth probably 450,000 years ago, looking for minerals, especially gold, which they found and mined in Africa. Sitchin states that these “gods” were the rank-and-file workers of the colonial expedition to Earth from planet Nibiru.

The term “Sumer” 𒋗𒈨𒊒, Sumerian is the name given to the land of the “Sumerians”, the ancient non-Semitic-speaking inhabitants of southern Mesopotamia, by their successors the East Semitic-speaking Akkadians. The Sumerians themselves referred to their land as Kengir, the 'Country of the noble lords'

The origin of the Sumerians is not known, but the people of Sumer referred to themselves as “Black Headed Ones” or “Black-Headed People”

Civilization of Sumer greatly surprised me with their developed systems of society in those times.

They created many of the systems we still use today, like calendar mathematics, higher degree of mathematics, they used 13th different mathematical approaches depending on what are they counting.

They had their own letter called Cuneiform there is only about 50 letters/signs that we are unable to decode.

They even had spoken language of cuneiform.

Most important findings are:

“The Eridu Genesis” – Sumerian creation myth and “The Flood myth” – Ziusudra (today known as Noah) survive the flood

“The Epic of Gilgamesh” – Heroic king from Uruk ( halfgod)

Sumerian religion was the religion practiced and adhered to by the people of Sumer, the first literate civilization of ancient Mesopotamia. The Sumerians regarded their divinities as responsible for all matters pertaining to the natural and social orders

Sumerians were very religious people that believed in over 3600 deity's( diffrent gods)

Most important god`s in their religion are:

An (in Sumerian), later known as Anu

is the supreme God and prime mover in creation, embodied by the sky. He is the first and most distant ancestor,theologically conceived as the God of Heaven in its “transcendental obscurity”. All the deities were believed to be the offspring of An and his consort Ki . While An was the utmost God, at least by the time of the earliest written records the cult was largely devoted to Enlil.

Enlil is the god of wind, air, earth, and storms and the chief of all the gods. One Sumerian hymn describes Enlil as so glorious that even the other gods could not look upon him. His cult was closely tied to the holy city of Nippur.

Enki, later known as Ea, is the god of the subterranean freshwater ocean, who is also closely associated with wisdom, magic, incantations, arts, and crafts.

Utu, later known as Shamash, is the ancient Mesopotamian god of the Sun, who was also revered as the god of truth, justice, and morality.

Nanna, (“Lord of Wisdom”) in Sumerian, is the ancient Mesopotamian god of the Moon.

Nergal was associated with the Underworld and is usually the husband of Ereshkigal.

He was also associated with forest fires , fevers, plagues, and war. In myths, he causes destruction and devastation.

Nabu was the Mesopotamian god of scribes and writing.

Inanna, later known as Ishtar, is “the most important female deity of ancient Mesopotamia at all periods.” She was the Sumerian goddess of love, sexuality, prostitution, and war. She was the divine personification of the planet Venus, the morning and evening star.

Ninurta, also known as Ningirsu, was a Mesopotamian warrior deity who was worshipped in Sumer from the very earliest times. He was the champion of the gods against the Anzû bird after it stole the Tablet of Destinies from his father Enlil.

There are many more deity's they have worshiped but this ones are most important to them.

They are first civilization that left written form behind them.

They had almost everything writen down.

They even had different coins for different trades,

Coins for sheep`s, coins for wheat, coins for other goods.

they had couple of different coins with different value.

1 coin=1 sheep , 1 coin = 1 cup of wheat.

They were so advanced they had measures installed in their society.

There was universal “cup” for diffrent type of product.

They had knowledge of advanced Astronomy , advanced mathematics, agriculture ,art , craft , architecture ,they were even poet`s.

They had written most of stuff through poems.

Sumerian City-States

In the Sumerian city-states, temple complexes originally were small, elevated one-room structures.

In the early dynastic period, temples developed raised terraces and multiple rooms. Toward the end of the Sumerian civilization, ziggurats became the preferred temple structure for Mesopotamian religious centers. Temples served as cultural, religious, and political headquarters until approximately 2500 BC

Their city-states were build on precise mathematical equations from one another.

Historians divided Sumerian`s into two periods

1.The Ubaid period 6500–3800 BC is a prehistoric period of Mesopotamia.

2.The Third Dynasty of Ur, also called the Neo-Sumerian Empire, refers to a 2300-2100 BC

Peroid between 3100 BC and 2200 BC was period when Akkadian Empire was ruling in those times, so there is rise and fall of Sumerian civilization twice, and that is very confusing for historians, due to when Akkadians rule those lands, they destroyed most of Ubaid Period Sumerian culture.

There is dispute witch city is oldest...

Those 3 are, Eridu , Ur and Uruk

Unofficaly it is Eridu, and should be old around 300.000 years!

Most important to Sumerian`s were:

Eridu - was long considered the earliest city in southern Mesopotamia.Located 12 km southwest of Ur, Eridu was the southernmost of a conglomeration of Sumerian cities that grew around temples, almost in sight of one another. These buildings were made of mud brick and built on top of one another.

Larsa - was an important city state of ancient Sumer, the center of the cult of the sun god Utu. It lies some 25 km (16 mi) southeast of Uruk

Sippar - was an ancient Near Eastern Sumerian and later Babylonian city on the east bank of the Euphrates river

Shuruppak - was an ancient Sumerian city situated about 55 kilometres (35 mi) south of Nippur on the banks of the Euphrates in Iraq . Shuruppak was dedicated to Ninlil, also called Sud, the goddess of grain and the air.

Uruk - was an ancient city of Sumer (and later of Babylonia) situated east of the present bed of the Euphrates River on the dried-up ancient channel of the Euphrates

Kish - was an ancient tell (hill city) of Sumer

Ur - was an important Sumerian city-state in ancient Mesopotamia . Although Ur was once a coastal city near the mouth of the Euphrates on the Persian Gulf, the coastline has shifted and the city is now well inland, on the south bank of the Euphrates

Nippur - was an ancient Sumerian city. It was the special seat of the worship of the Sumerian god Enlil, the “Lord Wind”, ruler of the cosmos, subject to An alone.

Lagash - was an ancient city state located northwest of the junction of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers and east of Uruk

Adab - was an ancient Sumerian city between Telloh and Nippur. It was place of worship for goddess Inanna

Bad-tibira - was an ancient Sumerian city, which appears among antediluvian cities in the Sumerian King List.

Umma - was an ancient city in Sumer. There is some scholarly debate about the Sumerian and Akkadian names for this site.

Hope you enjoyed in Summerian edition of Earthly news from CryptoSpace :)

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How often do you question your self, are we alone in this Universe?

Is this only habitable planet? What can be out there?How would they look like? Why we did not become friends with them already?

Well dear reader,

I find my self more then often thinking about outer space, their habitants, flora and fauna and their home planets.

Image Source

For my personal beliefs I do believe we are not alone ,but that would start the question why haven`t we made contact with them?!

We are blessed with this beautiful home planet, full of natural wonders all over the world, with such architecture precision, that it is impossible to be in such conditions with out some ones involvement in the process.

We are at perfect distance from the Sun and we have Moon circling around us!

So did we came to existence due to perfect coincidences of Universe ecosystem and our own home ecosystem with out any ones involvement? huh, highly doubt that.

There are a lot of theories going around about different extraterrestrials, the most famous are call The Grays ,Pleiadeans ,Draconians ,Reptilians . . .

Image Source

Image Source – Ubaid Figurines

Since Ancient times we have proof or if you prefer to call them “findings” in written form and in different kind of Arts.

Art and text differ in description depending on the region of the world for those findings, some mention flying aliens, some gods , some hybrids but in the end, all over the world there are finds, but we still cant “prove it”. ( for some thing to be "legit" in world, church and science needs to be on same page )

This is just ancient times, where are all those UFO classified videos and proof ,in modern times? We all heard for Area-51 , there is even mention in Nikola Tesla`s document that he received Signals from out side the planet.

There are conspiracy theory's that governments are cooperating with them in silence, since mid 1940s due to nuclear testing.


From Earth it very hard to label celestial object as habitable ,

we have many potential habitable Planets in our sight they are not so close but, future is getting closer faster then I anticipated!

Those potentially habitable Planets are multiple decades of light year travel from earth, so I am not sure that we will get there soon (not counting Mars) unless we have some kind of teleportation or some black hole – warp-speed.

So where are the Aliens hiding? (oh in Area 51)

Image Source

My wild guess is that they made contact with us, and they were very unpleased with what they have encountered and let it be...

It is very simple!

If they are not advanced like us, they can only watch us from far like we observe the Outer space.

If they are advanced then there are 2 paths, are their intentions good or bad, if good there are high chances that we ( our governments) tried to manipulate them ( they are advanced....)

and they disliked that and left, if bad then we should be happy we did not meet them.

Image Source

There is different kind of story behind every Alien kind.

Different part of Universe, with different ability`s and characteristics.

The Grays -

Grey aliens, also referred to as Zeta Reticulans, Roswell Greys, or Grays

Tall humanoid with a spade-shaped head.

Greys – skinned humanoids, usually 3–4 feet tall, hairless, with large heads, black almond-shaped eyes, nostrils without a nose, slits for mouths, no ears and 3-4 fingers including thumb. Greys have been the predominant extraterrestrial beings of alleged alien contact since the 1960s

Star map of Zeta Reticuli

Image Source

Nordic aliens – Pleiadeans

Pleiadeans from the Pleiades are Humanoids with stereotypical “Nordic features” (tall, blonde hair, blue eyes) and have featured in several cases of contact.

It is said they are from Ancient Earth but presenting themselves as extraterrestrials in the past, they moved from living on the surface to live underground around the Himalayas area after a natural event.

Reptilians, Reptiloids ,Draconians or anthropomorphic reptiles

Tall, scaly humanoids. Reptilian humanoid beings date back at least as far as Ancient Egypt, with the crocodile-headed river god Sobek.

This ones are “most popular”

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Thank you for reading

Hope you enjoyed in extraterrestrial edition of Earthly News from CryptoSpace

Hello dear reader,

It is important that in this times you remain fearless, and don`t change or forget your dreams!

For more then 7years I don`t own a TV and i am avoiding news papers and such,and i can tell you i am much more happier.

I realized that everything they put out there it is planned, pre-scripted and edited for their narrative.

So the `important` news I hear from people around me,even in this covid times, i don`t really care what they are going to `announce`!

Every time governments tried to hide something and avoid panic, people found out and started panicking. But with covid, they are panicking and making people panic,and be afraid of each other...

I sure hope you believe in energy's ,if not at least you know (there is proof) that we all have electromagnetic(EM) fields around our body that is created by our self`s.

The adult body is comprised of more than 70 trillion individual cells. And that’s not counting the millions of bacteria we carry in while eating.

Each of those trillions of cells carries out several thousand metabolic processes every second. In order for that level of complexity to function smoothly, there must be a great deal of communication between and within these trillions of cells. Thankfully, our cells are programmed for this type of communication.

Our bodies naturally conduct electricity. In fact, every organ and cell in the human body has its own field.

The magnetic field produces electrical currents that are weaker than you may first think, at the same time, the electromagnetic field of the brain is stronger than the heart. Devices are able to measure the magnetic field that is created by the human brain.

This measurement is known as magnetoencephalography. Both magnetoencephalography and electroencephalography are tests that identify the brain activity.

The biomagnetic fields of the body, though extremely tiny, have been measured with techniques. These include magnetoencephalography (MEG) and magnetocardiography (MCG). These techniques measure the magnetic fields produced by electrical activity in the body.

Furthermore, when magnetic fields are created by living things, it is called ‘biomagnetism’. And when magnetic fields are used to apply onto a living body, this is called ‘magnetobiology’.

We all know the famous movie “The Matrix” were AI machines were harvesting humans as a form of energy.

there was also experiment where bitcoin was mined with human body, we are getting into some weird times my friends...

Personally I believe that our emotions dictate to some extent our EM field

This scale reveals how each human emotion offers a vibrational frequency and has been assigned a numerical value.

How high up something is on this scale determines how far it has come in the evolution of humanity; whether it has attained enlightenment; whether it’s still stuck in a fearful survival mode; or whether it’s somewhere in between.

Thank you for reading

Have a loving week



Dear Coilers I am hoping you are spending wonderful Halloween!


Hello ,

So before we start to sweat 😓 💦

we should consider that we are all individuals and all different types of people, and some exercises and food works differently on every one.

So before we categorize each other in different groups I would like to tell you a little bit of my background.

Since young age I was very agile and fit ,

And I am blessed with fast metabolism and good muscle structure.

In period since 7-12 I was changing a lot of sports, I was searching my self as a kid.

Then later in a bit later age 12-15 I would start working out at home and out side only with my own body weight. From 15 to 18 I trained martial arts and from 18 to 20 I was professional athlete.

I have trained many seasons in different conditions ,in different programs and exercises.

For different parts of body.

Current status:

-27 years old



So I am currently having a bad eating habits with eating twice or even once a day, with few snacks.

I am working from home so I don’t move as much ,plus this current lockdown situation. So I don’t use as much energy

And I stopped exercising for couple of months..

But that is about to change!

So we are gonna make a plan first what are we going to do and how much, but every one will have its own program .

Most importantly Is to benefit from it, and not get hurt, so don’t overextend your self.

We don’t want any one getting hurt !

Do as much as you can ,but don’t push your self over the limits!


There are couple of stuff we should categorize first

• body type ( underweight/fit/overweight)

• sex (male , female)

• age (7 – 107)

• muscle memory ( have you done exercises before)

• body type2 ( what are your strongest muscles and weakest)

• posture (Back/Spine status)

My personal would be

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Btype- Underweight

Sex- Male

Age- 27

Mmemory- Yes(soccer , swimming , martial arts etc.)


Stronger [ upper back, chest ] Weaker [ Arms, lower back , Abs]

Posture- I work 8h sitting(plus free time) so i have lower back issues.

{make one of this for your self }

So with this info we can easier determine on what can we focuse more , or less and what is our mission .

So my primary goal is to remove my lower back pain, gain weight and detoxicate my body from unhealthy food as much as possible.

Since i know my body very well, i know what exercises i should avoid, so i dont “bulk” in unwanted areas that i already have advantage in..

Please consider making your “mission” on what would you like to accomplish with this exercises, so it will be easier to find best workout program.

First of all we have to understand, what can we gain by exercise so we can exploit it!

With exercise we are using our muscles to lift some weight

In that process our muscle are “pumping “

And what that means is ,your muscles need more blood and oxygen to operate under more pressure, and under constant pressure ( couple of reps) muscles tissues starts to snap and body starts to produce some chemicals to “repair “ those snapped muscles tissue.

That pain that your feel in your muscles tomorrow is muscle inflammation, and that means your workout was heavy and you will progress!

For every part of muscle is it legs abs lower back arms,every proces is the same,just different exercises for other part of body...

So , from all groups there are only 3 directions people want to go!

Lose weight

Gain weight

Or feeling good/staying in shape

(Just be careful we are all different so don’t overextended ,

BE SAFE don’t rush it)

For losing weight it is important for you to be physically active for longer then 45minutes!

It is because after 30-35minutes of physical activity ( pulse over 85) you start to burn your fat.

So what ever you do from exercises just make it longer then 45,and don’t make to long breaks between them!

Also it is important to eat 4-7 times a day, but in smaller portions

For gaining weight it is not important how long is the activity , but in order to gain faster weight, you must eat and lift some heavier weights , so your muscles tissues snap more and harder, so your muscles request more income of food and energy!

Important to eat 5-7 times a day with at least 5 meals should be intake of proteins and carbohydrates

So you will be what you if you eat bad food, your body will produce bad food for muscles and organs... if you eat healthy and good food, your body will produce quality cells and muscles

65% food

25% exercise

10% genetics

So if you are working on losing weight you should pump up a bit these exercise % and lower a bit on food %

I am not telling you stop eating!!!

Just eat 4-7 times a day with proper food intakes...

Start preparing your self slowly, start taking more water then usual,

start eating more often in smaller amounts!!!

AVOID these food!!!

Bread Pastas Pizzas Sweets Juices

this are worst...

So avoid FLOUR SUGAR in food that is 1st big step!!!



I will start recording my self while I workout so we can work out together and explaining what will that exercise give us, how to position your self to do it properly and tips and tricks to make make it look easy!!!!

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A non-fungible token (NFT) is a special type of cryptographic token which represents something unique;

non-fungible tokens are thus not mutually interchangeable.

This is in contrast to cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, and many network or utility tokens that are fungible in nature.

So we could fully understand technology behind this, lets first learn what is Token.


Where ever you look around you will see real life use case tokens around us ,we just have a specific name and use case for every token.

  • Your contract in written form or employee ID is token in some form between you and your company.
  • Your driving license is a token, representing the fact that you have taken the training required to drive in your country.
  • Your Metro ticket is a token that proves that you have paid for transport.

Similarly, in the CryptoSpace, a token is a representation of “” in its particular ecosystem. It could be value, stake, voting right, or anything.

A token is not limited to one specific role;

**it can fulfill many roles in its native ecosystem.**

Voting Rights: The tokens may also qualify the holders to have certain voting rights.

Value Exchange: This is one of the more traditional roles of tokens within the ecosystem. Tokens can help create an internal economic system within the application. (In crypto space it can be Native Exchanges tokens like Binance token, or Bitrue Token, Uniswap Token etc.)

User Experience Enhancement: The token can also enable the holders to enrich the user experience inside the confines of the particular environment. (In Brave web browser, holders of BAT tokens will get the right to enrich the customer experience by using their tokens to add advertisements or other attention-based services on the Brave platform.)

Currency: It can be used as a store of value to conduct transactions both inside and outside the given ecosystem.

Toll: A token can act as a gateway to the Dapp. Basically, to access the Dapp, you will need to hold the tokens.

Ownership of something unique: A non-fungible token can represent something unique for that particular user. ( Digital Art Work, Paintings, GIF`s, MP4(mix of audio and video)

{Best example I can give you for real world use case is Copyright's, or Unique Painting from Artist Leonardo da Vinci like Mona Lisa !

We all have seen good copy`s and art works, but there is only one original that has ultimate value}

I will leave you couple of links you can find more information on what is NFT, ERC- Tokens and differences, and more juicy info...

Fungible vs Non-Fungible Tokens – What is The Difference?

Nonfungible Tokens – The Quick Guide

Difference Between ERC721 vs ERC1155

Non-fungible token

I wanted to make this post to show you couple of great NFT ART`s and

Artist`s that created them and goes unnoticed in our Community!!!

**Hope you enjoy art as much as I do.**

Twitter is > Art is created by @francescomai3d

You can see Gallery on SuperRare —–> Here

Twitter is > Art created by @BLACKKSNEAKERS

You can see Gallery on SuperRare —–> Here

Twitter is > Art created by @undeadlu1

You can see Gallery on SuperRare —–> Here or Here

Twitter is > Art created by @criptera

You can see Gallery on Rarible —–> Here

Twitter is > Art created by @DigitalZooArt

You can see Gallery on Rarible —–> Here

There is also game Axie Infinity who Mints NFT Kitty`s

These Platforms I often use to check/buy/mint NFT`s

SuperRare <——

MakersPlace <——

Async Art <——

Opensea <——

If you wish to buy official CryptoSpace Edition of NFT`s you can do so ——–> Here

Hope you Enjoyed

NFT Edition of Earthly News from Crypto Space


First of all we have to know the difference between company and currency!

-So there are four(4) things involved

(to simplify)



-Two Currency`s are XLM and XRP!

-Two Company`s are Stellar and Ripple


(In this Article I will many times say Stellar or Ripple and i will refer to currency XLM or XRP)


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Stellar(Stellar Lumens) represent XLM

Ripple represent XRP

**First of all it is very difficult for me to write about this, as I find my self between two power`s**

**I have to be honest and admit I got** **emotionally** **attached** **to both** **XLM** **and** **XRP**

Not Selling before 2030!

So many theory's are circulating both currency`s (Company's) I don`t even know where to start from.....

...but here it goes!

Ryan Fugger, Arthur Britto, David Schwartz, and Jed McCaleb

**-Ryan Fugger** conceived Ripple in 2004 after working on a local exchange trading system in Vancouver.

The intent was to create a monetary system that was decentralized and could effectively empower individuals and communities to create their own money.

Fugger later built the first iteration of this system,

Concurrently, in May 2011, Jed McCaleb began developing a digital currency system in which transactions were verified by consensus among members of the network, rather than by the mining process used by Bitcoin.

In August 2012, Jed McCaleb hired Chris Larsen and they approached Ryan Fugger with their digital currency idea. After discussions with McCaleb and long-standing members of the Ripple community, Fugger handed over the reins. In September 2012, Chris Larsen and Jed McCaleb co-founded the corporation **OpenCoin.**

**-Arthur Britto**, one of the co-founders or Ripple, has been always hidden from the general public. There are no known pictures about him and he left the company without a clear explanation. In a recent report, The Block was able to confirm his identity and that he still works for Ripple Labs as an advisor.

-**David Schwartz** is Chief Technology Officer at Ripple. David is one of the original architects of the XRP Ledger.

OpenCoin began development of the ripple protocol (RTXP) and the Ripple payment and exchange network.

On April 11, 2013, OpenCoin announced it had closed an angel round of funding with several venture capital firms. That same month, OpenCoin acquired SimpleHoney to help it popularize virtual currencies and make them easier for average users.

On September 26, 2013, OpenCoin officially changed its name to Ripple Labs, Inc

-**Jed McCaleb** is an American banker, programmer and entrepreneur.

He is a *co-founder* and the *CTO* of *Stellar*.

*Prior to co-founding Stellar*, McCaleb founded and served as the CTO of the company Ripple until 2013

XLM – Currency

Stellar was made to support digital representations of any currency.

The Stellar network is a blockchain-based distributed ledger network that connects banks, payments systems and people to facilitate low-cost, cross-asset transfers of value, including payments.

Also has its own built-in token, called the lumen, created to fill a special role in the network.

By design, Stellar requires that each account hold a small number of lumens at all times.

Stellar is an open source, decentralized protocol for digital currency to fiat money transfers which allows cross-border transactions between any pair of currencies.

The Stellar protocol is supported by a 501©3 nonprofit, the Stellar Development Foundation.

Servers run a software implementation of the protocol, and use the Internet to connect to and communicate with other Stellar servers. Each server stores a ledger of all the accounts in the network.

Three (3) nodes are operated by the Stellar Development Foundation, in conjunction with **21** other organizations, providing for a total of **66** validator nodes.

Transactions among accounts occur not through mining but rather through a consensus process among accounts in quorum slice. The current network fee is 100 stroops, equivalent to 0.00001 XLM or 1/10,000th of a cent.

Unlike the tokens of other blockchains, lumens aren’t mined or awarded by the protocol over time. Instead, 100 billion lumens were created when the Stellar network went live, and for the first 5 or so years of Stellar’s existence, the supply of lumens also increased by 1% annually, by design.

That inflation mechanism was ended by community vote in October 2019. And in November 2019, the overall lumen supply was reduced. Now there are about 50 billion lumens, total, in existence, and no more lumens will be created.

Nearly 20 billion lumens are out in the open market, and the Stellar Development Foundation retains the other 30 billion or so to develop and promote Stellar, per its mandate. Those lumens will enter the public markets over the next few years. Anyone who wants a complete accounting for all lumens in existence should visit our Lumen Accounting guide for detailed explanations of major lumen metrics, as well as instructions on how to calculate supply details from the ground-up using Stellar’s APIs.

You need lumens to use Stellar. Luckily, they’re for sale on many exchanges and available for trade directly on the Stellar network as well.

Note that digital currencies can be volatile and buying them can be risky. While lumens will always have utility in the Stellar network, the price of lumens denominated in fiat currency may change, and you could lose significant value.

XRP – Currency

Ripple is a real-time gross settlement system, currency exchange and remittance network created by Ripple Labs Inc., a US-based technology company.

The ledger employs the decentralized native cryptocurrency known as XRP,which as of April 2020 was the third-largest coin by market capitalization.

RippleNet customers can use XRP for sourcing liquidity in cross-border transactions, instead of pre-funding—ensuring instant settlement, lower exchange fees and more efficient use of working capital.

Ripple relies on a common shared ledger, which is a distributed database storing information about all Ripple accounts.

The network is “managed by a network of independent validating servers that constantly compare their transaction records.” Servers could belong to anyone, including banks or market makers.

Ripple validates accounts and balances instantly for payment transmission and delivers payment notification within a few seconds.

Payments are irreversible, and there are no chargebacks.

Fight between two titan currency`s are real !!!

XRP was created before XLM but, due to dispute of future plans for XRPL (XRP Ledger) Jed McCaleb decided he wants to make changes to XRP due to seeing flaws in it`s system!

Ripple board was satisfied with performance of XRP and decided that XRPL does not need changes!

Jed McCaleb could not watch system that can be improved but won`t be since it works properly for what is made for!

Jed decided to create even better currency then he was involved already! (Called XLM)

There is 100Billion XRP created.

55 Billion is gifted to Company Ripple!

Ripple lab`s (Company) made an agreement where they will release One Billion XRP every month for next 55Months, (approximately until end of 2025)

Stellar is working on banking the unbanked!

Rippled is working on cross-boarder payments!


The public blockchain that derives its value from activities created by members within the ecosystem solving real world economic problems

VeChain (VET)

Founded in 2015, VeChain’s business offices are located in the

In order to conduct transactions on VeChain’s blockchain, its developers had initially launched an ERC-20 token, called VEN.

***In early 2018, VeChain’s product development and marketing team rebranded the platform to VeChain Thor.


**In August 2018, the creators of VeChain revealed that they had developed their own blockchain network.**

After the new platform was launched, a mainnet token swap was conducted to convert the ERC-20 compliant tokens to VeChain’s native cryptocurrency (called VET).

(It happens occasionally, that specific ERC20 token at certain point in time migrates from Ethereum Blockchain, where it exists as an ERC20 token to own blockchain. This happened for example with TRON, BNB, ICON, VECHAIN and EOS in the past.

In such case you have to follow the transition advice of the specific token issuer)

The token swap process involved converting the VEN cryptocurrency to VET tokens at a 1:100 ratio. If a user had 867 million VEN prior to the token swap, then it would now be the equivalent of 86.7 million VET.

In addition to supporting the newer VET tokens, VeChain’s blockchain-enabled platform allows VET investors to earn a passive income that is paid using another token, known as “VeThor” (VTHO).

In order to stake tokens, users must open an account by creating a wallet that supports VET-based transactions. VeChain wallets are available for both iOS and Android users.

After creating a VeChain wallet, users can only store VET tokens and VET native tokens.

*Other VET native tokens that their offical wallet support are:*

**The primary and native token in the VeChain Ecosystem - VET is also used to generate VTHO.**

**The secondary token in the VeChain Ecosystem - VTHO is consumed when making transactions / uploading data to the blockchain.**

**A token used with Safe Haven's digital inheritance solutions. Safe Haven has a number of services including ThorPay, which utilize the SHA token for payments.**

A token used in DecentBet's gaming platform, where users can wager on the outcome of eSports and personal contests.

A token used with the PlayTable, an interactive digital board game device. Tokens are used with NFTs, the marketplace, and within tournaments.

and few more...

In order to posses them you must buy them from various crypto exchanges and then transfer them to their accounts.

As explained, users may earn staking rewards in VTHO tokens by just holding VET tokens in their wallets. VTHO tokens can be used to pay for transactions made to sent funds from wallet to other wallet or exchange, or you can sell VTHO on market or keep HODLing.

**The VTHO generation rate is 0,000432 VTHO per VET per day**

**You can buy VET and most of vet ecosystem native tokens on** Bitrue **<—— Click here to sign up for Bitrue**

**Or use my Invitation code** -—–> VEZHGZ <———-

VeChain uses Proof of Authority Consensus Algorithm Used to Process Transactions

The immutable nature of blockchain helps to ensure the accuracy and integrity of data on VeChain’s platform.

Commonly referred to as a “trustless” system, all data stored on a blockchain *network cannot be changed or removed*.

Data can be recorded on VeChain’s immutable ledger through its blockchain consensus mechanism, known as proof-of-authority (PoA) .

As a **semi-centralized** **consensus protocol**, the managers and developers of **VeChain choose Master Node** operators to help manage the platform’s blockchain.

*Meta-transaction features native to VeChain Thor blockchain’s core protocol, such as multi-party payment, multi-task transaction, controllable transaction lifecycle, transaction dependency, make the development more user-friendly for enterprise adoption.*

-Controllable Transaction Lifecycle

**With block reference and Expiration transaction fields, users can set the time when transaction is processed or expired if not being included in a block.

-Fee Delegation

Flexible transaction fee delegation schemes (Multi-party Payment and Designated Gas Payer) enable a freemium model within a decentralized application to onboard users without friction

-Multi-task Transaction (MTT)

**Multi-function atomic transactions allow developers to batch payments, add multiple calls to different contract functions into one transaction and determine their sequence.

-Transaction Dependency

Set dependencies to ensure the execution order meets the business need, transactions that specify a dependency will not be executed until the required transaction is processed.

*Proof of Authority*

One of the biggest decisions when designing a public blockchain system is about designing the consensus algorithm.

****The protocol not only dictates how blockchain participants agree on the blockchain grows but embodies the governance model imposed upon the system.

Recall that the underlying design philosophy of our governance model is that

**-neither a total centralization nor a total decentralization would be the correct answer, but a compromise from and balance of both would.


VeChainThor implements the Proof of Authority (PoA) consensus algorithm which suits our governance model which states that there would not be anonymous block producers, **but a fixed number of known validators (Authority Masternodes) authorized by the steering committee of the VeChain Foundation.**

Authority Masternode Operators, with the aligned interest in the development of VeChain ecosystem, maintain the VeChainThor protocol according to the Foundation's governance policy. PoA addresses enterprise' common concerns of inefficient upgrade and waste of energy.

Governance of Blockchain

-VeChain governance model with transparency and operational efficiency enables continual and rapid innovation, while resulting in consensus and decisions that balance the views of all stakeholders in the ecosystem. Community-elected Steering Committee facilitates decision making and execution supported by the on-chain governance mechanism.


-VeChain`s Economic model is unique two-token system (VET+VTHO) significantly helps separate the cost of using blockchain from market speculation.

Due to the correlation with the blockchain resource utilization, the cost is more predictable with the monitoring of the VTHO supply and demand. In addition, Foundation's governance mechanism further stabilizes the cost.

-VTHO generation from any address holding VET at the predetermined velocity of 5x10-8 per VET per block (10s)

****-70% of VTHO paid in each transaction is destroyed and the rest is awarded to the Authority Masternode Operator

**-Adjustment to variables (e.g. gas price, velocity) can be made to maintain the equilibrium of VTHO demand and supply

As a ***tamper-proof***, ***distributed ledger technology (DLT)-enabled platform***, VeChain has supported “digital business transformation” use cases for the **food industry, fashion, medicine, wine industry , automobile industry and many more..**

*****The VeChain team has also looked into in-house temperature-controlled tracking systems that can track products in transit. The system can determine whether a product’s current temperature is above or below a certain level.

This feature may be used to check whether the temperature of various food items is within a safe or normal range. Smart contracts may be created to check and automatically record the temperature of certain food items, in order to ensure food safety.

According to its official website, VeChain’s technology has been used to help ensure food safety and in processes related to carbon emission reduction.

VeChain’s global, enterprise-level public blockchain network aims to develop solutions for product traceability and address problems related to counterfeiting.

**Additionally, VeChain’s supply chain management system may be used to enhance logistics and inventory management procedures**.

Number of VeChain Partnerships

You can check it ——>HERE

Just to name a few . . .


DNV GL is a globally operating company that provides audit and certification services confirming that an organization meets certain requirements

-PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PwC)

IBM, Ford, Dell, Cisco and 3M **are some of its largest clients, with** PwC **providing its auditing services to 400+ out of the Fortune 500 companies.** PwC will offer VeChain's blockchain powered solutions to its big client base, providing its clients with improved product verification and traceability.

-National Research Consulting Center (NRCC)

NRCC is a top tier management, standard and IT consulting company based in China.NRCC serves more than 1000 long-term enterprises clients, many of which are part of the Fortune Global 1000.

Together with NRCC, VeChain has developed and implemented anti-counterfeiting technology for the China National Tobacco Corporation.

-Yida China Holdings Limited

Yida is one of China’s biggest real estate developers, focussed on developing industrial parks and smart cities, next to residential districts and shopping outlets.

-China Unicom

China Unicom (Chinese: 中国联通) is a Chinese state-owned telecommunications operator. China Unicom is the world’s fourth-largest mobile service provider by subscriber base.

-BMW Group

BMW is a German multinational car and motorcycle manufacturer.


LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton, also known as LVMH, is a French multinational luxury goods conglomerate. LVMH has around 60 daughter companies under its wings, that each manages a small number of prestigious brands. Some of the famous brands are Dom Pérignon, Dior, Givenchy, Louis Vuitton, Marc Jacobs and TAG Heuer.

and many more you can check them ——> HERE

All VeChain Stats that you need you can find at

Current State of VeChain

Server time: 14.10., 06:46 (UTC+2)

: 350.845

-Max supply: 85.985.052.277

-VET circulation: 64.850.448.123 (64,85bln)

-VET market cap:

633.459.177€ (633,46mln EUR)

744.029.191$ (744,03mln USD)




VeChain Rich List you can Check Here

Important content below !!!

Follow me on twitter @CryptoSpace3210

For VeFam VeChainCommunity

Read my pinned blog on twitter and join us at Coil, and other monetized web Platforms, to experience full crypto journey and support mass adoption!!!

Have a great week!

If you feel generous or wish to support my work in this edition of Eartly News here is my VET address:


Hope you Enjoyed in VeChain Edition of Earthly News from CryptoSpace


If you are a XRP HODLER/Lover don`t skip this article

Most of XRP Community have heard of Coil, but not all members are aware of its potential and how it works!

I am still discovering the space of micro-payments and how it works. So please do your own research about it! But the more I have been discovering the more I loved it!

Whole system is XRP based.

So how do you start receiving Mircro-Payments? Who is streaming payments? How to set it up?

Well first of all, you would need to start your journey at Click here —–> Coil

To be eligible to receive micropayments you would need to make account on (there are two options)

Creator account – is free, and allows you to create blogs/articles on Coil and receive payments like this one you are reading.

Free accounts are not able to read coil subscriber content!

Member account – Cost is 5$(USD) per month with additional benefits included in price.

(Included in 5$)

*Coil -* To Sign up Click ——> HERE

Reading all exclusive subscriber content

Cinnamon Video – To Join Click —–> HERE

Is video platform(like YouTube just better)

You get live payments when people are watching your video LIVE!!

(will write more when explaining how it works down below)

MG.Social – To Join Click —–> HERE

Social network (simalar to Facebook or Twitter)

But when people are reading your post , image , video , or listening mp3 audio you posted

you receive micropayments!

*Imgur:Emerald -* To Join Click —–> HERE

**Ad-free Browsing


Block Tags

Exclusive Avatars

Upload to Comments

**A Snazzy Trophy

Imgur is the easiest way to discover the magic of the Internet, with everything from funny pics of pets, to funny GIFs from movies and TV shows

Hackernoon – To Join Click ——> HERE[](

Independent tech blog with honest and unfettered stories

with possibly to post advertise and job!

***Get your jobs discovered by 400+ niche developer communities with over a million active developers*** – To join Click ——> HERE[](

Software developers getting together to help one another out.

*DEV is a community of
*472,320 amazing developers

Twitch Streamers support – To Join Click ——> HERE

Coil will send micropayments in bits to streamer you are watching

Reductress – To Join Click ——> HERE

The first and only satirical woman`s magazine

Privacy of its members is very important to Coil

No tracking! Privacy Policy

There is more and they are updating/improving daily

So since we got almost everything cover what you get for 5bucks

Now its time for you to become a member!

-Install the Coil Extension or the Puma Browser app.

-Log in to Coil and enjoy web monetized content and features across the internet.

Puma Browser

for iOS and Android

We change the way you monetize content on the web!

Coil monetization model offers an alternative to the status quo of paid advertisements and selling the public’s attention to the highest bidders.

A solution that will serve the people who aren’t being served well today.

How it works???

Coil sends payments via the Interledger Protocol, which allows any currency to be used for sending and receiving.

1.Coil Members pay a monthly fee.

2.You set up a digital wallet and monetize your content.

3.Coil streams payments to your wallet while Coil Members enjoy your content.

Interledger Forum -

Ask questions and learn more about how interledger woks!

Find out ——> HERE -

Deep dive into interledger protocol RFC.

Find out ——> HERE

Web Monetization

A JavaScript browser API that allows the creation of a payment stream from the user agent to the website

Find out ——> HERE

How does it work? If you still didn't understand or you are still confused or unfamiliar with the matter let me simplify it for you

As example:


You are coil member,and you post a “status/what`s on your mind” on News feed on MG.Social and me as your friend ( does not need to be friend on MG.Social to view your public post) stops on your post and start reading what your wrote ,and at that moment micropayments start to flow!


You are a coil member,and you post a Video on platform,when i start watching your video payments are being processed to you,when i even switch tabs on chrome(or other search engine) not even close the window, payments stop video stops,and continues when i get back to tab.


You are content creator/member, you post blog on Coil,

when Coil Subscribers are reading your article you are receiving payments.

Non Coil members are not able to provide micropayments reading your content.

Coil subscription lasts for 1 month so you don`t have to worry if you “overpayed” some one for watching/reading members post!

To be eligible to receive micropayments you will need Uphold account! to sign up click ——> HERE


How to find Payment Pointer on UpHold

(i know only to find it on classic version)

Considering that you already sign up

Step 1

On left side of screen you will this menu click on . . . (3 dots to open menu and switch to classic view)

Step 2

After you switched to classic view you will have add funds in top right corner, click on it

Step 3

You will get to this menu and click on red one “from Interledger payment pointer”

Step 4

Copy following address and paste it to Coil payment pointer

Every Payment Pointer is different so don`t copy mine!

To find your Payment pointer on Coil

Step 1

In top right corner you will see your Picture or default Coil picture

Open settings

Step 2

Then click on payouts and enter your payment pointer

And your coil is all set

For MG.Social

You will need *uphold* **payment pointer** for micropayments


Xumm wallet if you wish to receive tips


Be sure to watch the whole guide before creating MG.Social account, don`t rush with connecting coil...

Watch the video ——> HERE

Thanks MateoXRP

Follow me on MG.Social @CryptoSpace

Follow me on CinnamonVideos @CryptoSpace
Follow me on Coil @CryptoSpace
Follow me on Twitter @CryptoSpace123

Coil Team

Is an eclectic group of nerds and creatives in the heart of San Francisco with the drive to make things better than we found them.

Special thanks to Coil team!

Follow me on twiter @CryptoSpace321


-only coil subscribers can stream payments(coil do that for you , you just pay 5$ per month)

-some one watch listen read check your profile you get micropayments for amount of time they spent on your post/profile.

-process is live so at the moment some one is watching , you can see your uphold incoming payment rise

-Coil team is making whole ecosystem, social media, video platform ,ad-free browsing , dev section,

Lady`s section,

Have a great week.

Hope you enjoyed.

*This was Micro-payments Edition of* Earthly News from CryptoSpace

When you become Coil Member come back to read this below!