

Sunset over Eldorado at Santa Fe, 29.

It seems like it’s been quite a while since we’ve had a normal #sunset here. Between the smoke from the fires, and then the storm last night, there was always something. But tonight we got back to normal, after a fairly normal day. There was a storm that threatened around 5pm, but all we got here was some wind.

Sometimes normal can be awfully nice.

#photography #NewMexico

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Sun setting behind rain viewed from our veranda.

A storm hit just before #sunset tonight. The rain is super welcome since we just finished working compost into the area where we’re going to put in some plants tomorrow.

The sunset was kinda pretty, too.

#photography #NewMexico

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It was an interesting #sunset tonight. The smoke gave us a big red ball setting to the horizon, but a thicker layer of smoke caused the sun to disappear from view before it dropped behind the distant mountains, which you can just see in the photo.

The sun sets by going behind a layer of smoke

Even on the evenings when the sunset isn’t the most beautiful, it still manages to be interesting.


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Smoky sunset over Eldorado at Santa Fe

The #sunset the past few evenings hasn’t been much to look at. Mostly the smoke from distant fires has blocked it out for the last half hour or so before the sun actually set behind the mountains.

Tonight the sun managed to peek through for a few minutes, dimmed enough by the smoke that it was possible to look directly at it. Don’t see that too often around here.


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Today we went up to the Dalton Picnic Area on the Pecos River for a picnic lunch to celebrate my birthday.

The Pecos River near the Dalton Picnic Area

I was a little worried that the smoke from the Medio Fire would make it too smoky up there, but the winds were in our favor, and the air was fairly clear.

Smiling by the river

It wasn’t anything too fancy. A couple bowls of food (I had a chef’s salad, and my sweetie had a bowl of rice, beans, corn, chicken and salsa) from the deli at the local grocery store, and a couple Mexican cokes to drink.

“There’s a pine cone on my head!”

We ate our lunches, put the cooler back in the truck, took a few photos to commemorate the day, and then headed home.

“It’s pretty out here”

We need to get out like that more often. It was good for our spirits.

Grinning by the river

#photography #NewMexico

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The sunflowers around here are in bloom lately. The Mexican sunflowers for about a month, but the sunflowers I’m used to seeing from other parts of the country have started blooming this week, too.

Here’s one that’s growing in the ditch near our house.

Sunflower blooming along the side of our street

#photography #plant

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We put up a second hummingbird feeder yesterday, and Rufus, the rufous hummingbird is off guarding that one.

We’ve had a few different black-chinned hummingbirds who have been coming to the feeder longer, and they’re getting to enjoy the old feeder (which is closer to our window) more now. And when they’re not feeding, they get to perch on the yucca stalk near the feeder.

Black-chinned hummingbird, perched on a yucca stalk

#photography #birb

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Another pretty one out there this evening.

Sunset over Eldorado at Santa Fe, 16.

Or a narrower view:

Sunset over Eldorado at Santa Fe, 16.

#photography #sunset #NewMexico

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Sunset over Eldorado at Santa Fe

Another pretty #sunset tonight, but it changed fast. Glad I have time to sit and watch it most evenings.

#photography #NewMexico

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Weird layers of clouds for the sunset tonight. There’s rain (or possibly virga) moving in just as the sun poked out from behind the distant line of clouds, lighting up the lower, nearer clouds.

There are also five or six hummingbirds contending for the feeder.

Lots to see on the veranda this evening.

Edited to add: And the #sunset kept evolving...


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