I was not sure if I wanted to write this post, but it moved me, so I had to write it down. People will condemn me for it, people will like
me for it, or have no opinion, but this blog is specially for two families and the families they could and are representing:
The Basque XRP Family and the Kieran Kelly Family
Basque XRP wrote “a cry for help” tweet that really got to me. It got to Kieran, well known in the XRPCommunity, also and he wrote an amazing answer, in my point of view .....
This was the tweet written by Basque XRP:

I am lost for words reading these tweets. Things are running through my mind but the first one, how can we help this person ...
Well, second things running through my mind, oh SEC, what are you doing ! ! ! !
Third one Nexo Finance ...... Really ! ! !
Let's first look at the amazing reaction Kieran gave:

Amazing this answer, very direct, personal and on point. Kieran, I respected you already a lot, it only grew bigger, my respect for you. Have known you since 2017, have used you in my drawing, so in a way we go back a little while:

Amazing answer Kieran, SPOT ON ! ! !
What to say about Basque XRP his tweet:
The content, it probably has been on his mind for a while and it probably got to him. Investments are tough when they move against you, and are even tougher when they turn against you and you could not do a thing about it. Yes, I hear people shout: don't invest MORE, then you are willing to loose, I agree, BUT, loosing the money THIS WAY, is absolutely different.
I have spoken about Noah a lot, but I have a son of 5 years old. It is my biggest treasure, love him to death, is absolutely my number 1, my wife number 2 and she knows (I am her number 2 also) ! ! ! For me, that is the most important reason opening that window will NEVER be an option / a solution ! ! !
The financial burden can be very hard, but as we have read in many answer should not be finalised for Basque XRPs wife and children. The financial depth hopefully is only for a specific time, jumping is final. I cannot look into Basque XRP's head, I don't know in what kind of situation he is, but the way how I look at it, there will always be a solution and the first step, maybe not what should have been taken is the tweet ! ! !
My advice: talk to your wife, talk possible solutions with you wife, talk emotions with your wife, she deserves this, she will always be there for you, you owe that to her ! ! !
Already very brave of you, writing this tweet, BUT now it is time take a second step, and a third, and a fourth.
I am proud to be part of the XRPCommunity, I have read amazing answers and I hope Basque XRP will use these answers, turn them in some positive vibes. NO, it won't change the situation, but it is a step in the right direction ! ! !
Looking at the future ! ! ! That is important, and the future, we have no clue what is going to happen to XRP. I am not a financial advisor, I am not legal savvy, but I do know you have to look into some specific class action.
The SEC:
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is a large independent agency of the United States federal government that was created following the stock market crash in the 1920s **to protect investors** and the national banking system. The primary purpose of the SEC is to enforce the law against market manipulation.
Nexo Finance, I am not too familiar with them, but read into the small print, what they can and cannot do ....
I hope you will get strength reading all the replies you got on your tweet, it is important you feel heard, and loved. Let the Community help you, BUT it is also important to talk to your wife, family and search professional help.
If you would like to reach out to me, jump on a call, feel free to connect with me through a Twitter DM. There isn't a problem that cannot be solved; be strong and be positive.
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