Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Anti-War Movement

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Minneapolis protest demands U.S. get out of the Ukraine. | Fight Back! News/staff

Minneapolis, MN – On Tuesday, October 3, more than 20 people gathered outside the office of Minnesota State Senator Amy Klobuchar to demand an end to U.S. involvement in the war in Ukraine. The event was a response to a national call by the Peace in Ukraine Coalition and the United National Antiwar Coalition for activists all across the country to unite in demanding an end to U.S. weapons shipments to Ukraine and U.S. Interference in negotiations.


By staff

Milwaukee rally against U.S. war in the Ukraine. | Fight Back! News/staff

Milwaukee, WI – The Milwaukee Anti-War Committee (MAC) held a rally on Sunday, October 1, in response to a call from the United National Antiwar Coalition to condemn the funding the U.S. continues to provide to pursue their policy of an endless war in Ukraine. The rally took part in a coordinated week of action called for by UNAC on the war in Ukraine held in many cities. Chants like “Biggest threat in the world today? NATO and the USA!” rang out as passersby honked in support.

The event began with emphasis on recent history in Ukraine, starting in 2014 with the U.S.-backed coup. As Western media continues to frame the war as an irrational attack by Russia on an innocent and peaceful Ukraine, MAC continues to stress that this is an inter-imperialist war between the U.S. and Russia, orchestrated and set off by the insatiable greed for power and resources of the U.S.

Stephanie Splatin of MAC spoke of the years of shelling of ethnic Russians living in eastern Ukraine leading up to the war, conveniently ignored in the mainstream narrative of the war. The weapons used then and now are supplied by the U.S. and swiftly end up in the hands of right-wing extremist groups so often used to further U.S. interests at the expense of innocent lives.

“Neither U.S. weapons nor U.S. sanctions have had their intended effect against Russia. No longer able to impose its will through brute force, declining U.S. imperialism foments instability and proxy conflicts, which it attempts to steer toward its interests” said Ryan Hamann of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO), who spoke at the event. “The U.S. is trying to use the war in Ukraine to destabilize Russia, while bringing Ukraine into the orbit of U.S. monopoly capital. This means prolonging the war for as long as possible, no matter the human cost.”

The Milwaukee Anti-War Committee and United National Antiwar Committee (UNAC) plan to continue to hold events in the future protesting the U.S. and NATO involvement in Ukraine, and offering a principled analysis of the war instead of the constant pro-war and pro-Ukraine views parroted by western media.

No to NATO! No to war!

#MilwaukeeWI #AntiWar #MAC #UNAC #Ukraine

By staff

Milwaukee protest against U.S. intervention  in Niger.

Milwaukee, WI – On August 26, organizers with the Milwaukee Anti-war Committee (MAC) and their supporters, numbering around 20 in total, gathered in downtown Milwaukee to protest the threats of the U.S. government at intervening in the internal politics of the west African country of Niger.


By Quest Riggs

Protesters gather to protest Western intervention in Niger.

New Orleans, LA- On August 12, New Orleans students and their supporters demonstrated during a 120-degree heat index against the potential U.S. intervention in the West African country of Niger. They gathered on the University of New Orleans campus with the group Students United UNO and chanted under a Nigerien flag and a banner reading “US: Hands off Africa.” Demonstrators passed information handouts to students as they returned to campus on move-in day.


By Remi Schueler

Milwaukee, WI – On August 6, the Milwaukee Anti-war Committee (MAC) joined with Peace Action of Wisconsin, Veterans for Peace Milwaukee, and others to host the annual Lanterns for Peace event to commemorate the victims of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


By Nicholas Tolliver

Minneapolis protest against U.S. wars.

Minneapolis, MN – On August 5, around 80 people gathered outside the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden and Walker Art Center for an anti-war protest organized by the Minnesota Peace Action Coalition. The protest memorialized the 78th anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which, according to the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, killed approximately 210,000 people.


By staff

Anti-war protest at Milwaukee Air Show.

Milwaukee, WI – On Saturday, July 22, activists and community members united at The Calling sculpture in downtown Milwaukee to protest the annual Milwaukee Air & Water Show. The rally was organized by the Milwaukee Anti-War Committee (MAC) to demonstrate that the show is not a harmless family event as it is often portrayed, but a celebration of U.S. militarism and a polarizing affair for the city.


By staff

Martin speaks at a 2010 rally against FBI repression.

Milwaukee, WI – The people’s movements mourn the loss of veteran activist George Martin, who passed away on July 16th, 2023. Martin was a well respected leader in local, national, and international anti-war, environmental, and social justice movements who had a great impact on many people over his life-long service to the cause of peace and justice.


By Zacharia Lutz

Minneapolis protest says 'no to NATO'

Minneapolis, MN – On July 11, about 40 protesters assembled in front of Senator Amy Klobuchar’s office to speak out against the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and its role in the war in Ukraine.


By Sam Charnon

Activists rally in downtown Milwaukee to denounce the planned expansion of the w

Milwaukee, WI – On July 11, activists gathered at the “Sunburst” statue near Lake Michigan in downtown Milwaukee to protest further NATO escalation in the Ukraine war. Anti-war activists held signs reading “No to NATO, no to war.”


By Paris Miller

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Milwaukee, WI – Milwaukee organizations hosted their second annual People’s Independence Day on July 4. Partner organizations, led by the Milwaukee Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression (MAARPR), Reproductive Justice Action – Milwaukee (RJAM) and Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO), hosted a rally and march shedding light on the hypocrisy of July 4th and the United States’ unjustified claim of being the “nation of freedom.” The so-called “freedom” America claims to possess and “bestow” unto other nations is simply the freedom for the ruling class to oppress the working class, either domestically or internationally.


By staff

Stephanie Spalatin presents on the history of NATO and their war in Ukraine.

Milwaukee, WI – Over 20 people gathered at Zao MKE Church to attend the “No to NATO!” teach-in hosted by the Milwaukee Anti-War Committee on May 6. In response to the ongoing war in Ukraine, the Milwaukee Anti-war Committee (MAC) held this event to challenge the pro-NATO narrative pushed in the U.S. Presented by MAC member Stephanie Spalatin and her mother Mira Spalatin, attendees learned about some of the crimes NATO has committed both in the present in Ukraine and in the past in places like the former Yugoslavia, as well as a general framing of NATO as an offensive and not defensive apparatus of U.S. and European Union. imperialism.


By staff

Sara Ayumi of the Milwaukee Anti-War Committee leads chants at Red Arrow Park du

Milwaukee, WI – The Milwaukee Anti-War Committee (MAC) hosted an anti-war rally and march on April 22 to commemorate Earth Day. The rally highlighted the need to fight back against the sources of environmental destruction: namely, the capitalist war machine and the corporations that put profit over people and planet.


By Jim Byrne

Arizona protest demands end to all U.S. aid to Israel.

Tucson, AZ – On April 14, a spirited crowd of around 50 people rallied on the steps of Old Main on the University of Arizona campus to demand an end to U.S. aid to Israel.


By Meredith Aby

Twin Cities protest demand funding for human needs, not wars on Tax Day.

Minneapolis, MN – On April 15, 70 protesters gathered in the cold spring rain to protest the U.S. federal government’s use of their tax dollars to fund war instead of programs that would benefit people like education, environmental protection and healthcare. The protest was initiated by the MN Peace Action Coalition.


By staff

Freedom Road Socialist Organization at Washington DC antiwar march.

Washington, DC – On Saturday, March 18, several thousand people gathered at Lafayette Plaza in front of the White House to protest ongoing U.S. wars and interventions. The rally was organized and attended by the Answer Coalition, United National Antiwar Coalition, Codepink, Veterans for Peace, Black Alliance for Peace, Students for a Democratic Society, Freedom Road Socialist Organization, Workers World Party, and Socialist Unity Party, amongst many other organizations. First the crowd heard speeches from various organizers of the rally.


By staff

Anti-war activists in Milwaukee demonstrate for an end to endless wars in sub-ze

Milwaukee, WI – In solidarity with the protest in Washington D.C. on March 18 that saw organizers from all over the country descend on the capital, the Milwaukee Anti-War Committee (MAC) hosted a rally downtown to demand peace in Ukraine and reflect on the 20th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq. Despite the frigid weather, members from the MAC, Milwaukee Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, and Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) came together to speak on the need to end imperialism and touched on the destructive history of U.S. economic and military interventions abroad.


By staff

Minneapolis protest against U.S. wars.

Minneapolis, MN – To mark 20 years after the U.S. invasion of Iraq, a coalition of Minneapolis anti-war, peace and social justice groups held a protest on Saturday, March 18 as part of a national day of anti-war actions. The protest was held in the very busy Uptown neighborhood of Minneapolis. Hundreds of people driving and walking by and using public transit saw the visible anti-war statement. The Minneapolis event was called in solidarity with a national anti-war protest in Washington DC at the White House on March 18. That day saw protests being held in other U.S. cities as well.


By Jacob Smith

Detroit protest against U.S. intervention in the Ukraine.

Detroit, MI – In the early afternoon of March 18, braving the sub-freezing temperatures and biting wind, 40 activists gathered at Hart Plaza, in the heart of Detroit, to demonstrate against the U.S. escalation of its war against Russia in the Ukraine. The rally was in solidarity with the historic DC march occurring at the same date.


By staff

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Minneapolis, MN – Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) joins forces nationally to call for a protest on Saturday, March 18 at 1 p.m. at the White House, Washington, D.C., coinciding with the 20th anniversary of the criminal U.S. invasion of Iraq.