Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Masao Suzuki

San José, CA – In February, the Bureau of Labor Statistics released its annual report on major strikes in the previous year. In 2024, there were 31 major strikes, involving 271,500 workers. A major strike is one involving at least 1000 workers and lasting at least one shift. A total of more than 3 million days’ work didn’t happen because of major strikes.


By staff

Seattle, WA – Alaska Airlines Flight Attendants, represented by the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (AFA), voted to ratify a new contract, February 28. The industry-leading three-year agreement provides an immediate, double digit wage increase for the 7000 flight attendants, boarding pay and retroactive pay.


By Salem Chadwick

Denver bus workers are fighting for a decent contract.

Denver, CO – On February 25, members of the Amalgamated Transit Union local 1001 (ATU 1001) joined together at Denver’s Union Station to march on the Regional Transportation District headquarters demanding livable wages and a decent contract. Along the march, workers chanted, “Without transit workers, transit doesn't work!” and “Who moves this city? We move this city!”


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization, Labor Commission

The Labor Commission of Freedom Road Socialist Organization condemns Trump and his accomplice Elon Musk for the callous attacks on federal workers.

As it stands, tens of thousands of federal workers have been fired or laid off. The terminations have been carried out in the most callous way possible. The exact number is unclear because of the chaos that has accompanied the process. Unexpected late-night emails. Text messages telling workers to take their things and go home. And President Trump taking to social media to mock those facing hardship. None of this is reasonable or okay or acceptable.


Seattle protest against attacks on federal workers.

Seattle, WA – On February 17, over 2000 people rallied at the Henry M. Jackson Federal Building to demand an end to the Trump administration’s layoffs. The rally was organized by federal workers, many represented by the American Federation of Government Employees, hoping to bring the people onto the streets to defend civil services against the Elon Musk led purge of more than 10,000 (and counting) federal employees.


By David Pulido

Educadores de Santa Ana, California, protestan contra los despidos.

Santa Ana, CA – Más de 200 educadores se manifestaron en la Cámara de Comercio de Santa Ana el martes 29 de enero para protestar contra los recortes presupuestarios y los despidos de hasta 546 empleados.

Maestros de primaria y secundaria, consejeros, especialistas en currículo y trabajadores sociales, así como miembros de sindicatos locales, padres y niños llenaron la cámara. Incluso más personas se vieron obligadas a entrar en la sala de desbordamiento y el pasillo del edificio del distrito.

El mes pasado, el Distrito Escolar de Santa Ana (SAUSD) aprobó un “Plan de Estabilización Presupuestaria” que amenazaba con despedir a muchos de estos trabajadores. El superintendente del distrito, Jerry Almendarez, dijo que la decisión era un sacrificio necesario que no afectaría gravemente a los estudiantes y las familias. Al mismo tiempo, no se consideraron puestos gerenciales para los despidos: Almendarez recibió $447,561 en compensación en 2022, y la agenda de la reunión originalmente incluía un aumento salarial propuesto del 3% y una bonificación única del 3% para él antes de que la reacción de la comunidad cambiara la opinión de la junta.

Irónicamente, a pesar de esta crisis, no fueron los educadores públicos sino los activistas de las escuelas charter los primeros en hablar. Los defensores de Compass Charter School se quejaron del gran tamaño de las clases en las escuelas públicas y elogiaron la enseñanza híbrida y la educación en el hogar, que son modelos poco realistas para las familias de clase trabajadora en Santa Ana. El padre Max Page dijo que se sentía “seguro” al dejar a sus hijos en Compass, insinuando que las escuelas del SAUSD son peligrosas. Todos los estudiantes y maestros de Compass Charter eran blancos en una ciudad que es 77% latina/chicana según los datos del censo de 2020.

Mientras tanto, el maestro de escuela pública Vladimir Benítez dijo en español, “En primer lugar, a todas las familias inmigrantes, ¡los vemos! Los amamos. Estamos aquí para apoyarlos. Sé lo que está sucediendo en sus vidas – mis padres también fueron inmigrantes indocumentados en los años 90 cuando teníamos a Pete Wilson, ¡pero todavía estamos aquí! ¡Y vamos a permanecer aquí!”

Benítez continuó: “Reducir la cantidad de maestros que quieren recortar en este momento histórico – la historia va a ver, ‘¿Qué hicimos?’ Si no sienten vergüenza de recortar los recursos para estos niños, entonces no sé por qué están aquí”.

Los educadores en el salón de desbordamiento vitorearon y exigieron “¡Sin despidos! ¡Sin recortes!” a pesar de las advertencias de la junta para que se mantuvieran en silencio.

La maestra de educación especial Edith Esqueda dijo: “Estoy aquí esta noche como una maestra preocupada, profundamente comprometida con el futuro de nuestro distrito”. A los miembros de la junta y a los superintendentes, les dijo: “Un día ustedes empacarán sus cosas y se mudarán a la siguiente mejor opción; ¡estamos aquí para quedarnos!”

Esqueda dijo: “El corazón de nuestro distrito no está en las oficinas, sino en nuestras aulas donde están todos nuestros estudiantes”.

Los manifestantes en la audiencia sostenían carteles que decían “351 despidos es lo inimaginable”, una referencia al lema del SAUSD “imagina lo inimaginable” que se colocó en los materiales promocionales del distrito este año.

Tanya Guzmán, maestra del SAUSD durante 31 años, dijo: “Mientras reflexionaba sobre la magnitud de las eliminaciones propuestas ante nosotros, no pude evitar reflexionar sobre el tema de ‘imagina lo inimaginable’ para este año escolar. Este tema ha adquirido un nuevo significado al imaginar las consecuencias inimaginables que estos recortes crearán. Es inimaginable que el aprendizaje no se vea afectado por las reducciones propuestas”.

Erica González habló como exalumna y madre del SAUSD, y reforzó los puntos del orador anterior Albert Castillo sobre “los $10.4 millones de dólares anuales que se destinan a los 85 oficiales del Departamento de Policía de Santa Ana que están en el campus las 24 horas del día, los siete días de la semana, incluso durante el verano”. Dijo: “SAUSD tiene la tercera agencia de policía escolar más grande de toda California”.

La trabajadora social Luz González habló sobre el apoyo vital que ofrece a los estudiantes, dando ejemplos de la vida real de su trabajo: “La tercera estudiante del día entra a su sesión, confiando sus temores de deportaciones masivas inminentes. ¿Su plan familiar? Sus padres dejarían a su hermana de 18 años a cargo de ella y su hermano de 11 años. Está abrumada y aterrorizada”.

Mirando directamente a Almendarez y en respuesta a los posibles despidos de los trabajadores sociales, preguntó: “¿Cuánto está dispuesto a arriesgar?”.

La presión pública obligó a que la reunión terminara cerca de la medianoche sin una votación sobre los despidos de maestros. La junta programó una reunión especial para decidir sobre el Plan de Estabilización el viernes 31 de enero.

Entre los manifestantes en la reunión se encontraban educadores de SAUSD, miembros de la Asociación de Educadores de Santa Ana (SAEA), miembros del sindicato National Union of Health Care Workers y miembros del Local 9510 de Communication Workers of America (CWA).

#SantaAnaCA #CA #Labor #ImmigrantRights #CWA

By staff

Striking King Soopers workers on the picket line.

Denver, CO – Early in the morning of February 6, grocery store workers at 77 King Soopers locations represented by United Food Commercial Workers Local 7 went on strike.

After months of little progress in negotiations with the billion dollar parent company, Kroger, the members have overwhelmingly voted to go on strike to fight for a contract that meets their demands.


By staff

Arlington, TX— Teamsters of the shop floor committee at the UPS hub in Arlington conducted an anti-harassment workshop, February 2, to highlight the protections afforded to workers under article 37 of the UPS national contract with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters. The workshop was led and primarily attended by rank-and-file members, with participants including stewards and union staff.


By Eliza Schultz and Bill Aiman

Six-sided scanner used by UPS to automate package processing, UPS is looking to have 400 automated hubs by 2028.

Chicago, IL – On Thursday January 30, UPS announced a major cutback in Amazon package deliveries, with the goal of dropping over 50% of the volume from the company’s largest customer by June 2026. In conjunction, UPS is looking to permanently shutter 10% of buildings, shrink their fleet of vehicles and lay off workers.

The plan to close more buildings comes on the heels of the hard fought 2023 Teamsters contract, which resulted in major wage gains for part-timers and the end of the 2-tier system among package car drivers. The credible threat of a strike forced UPS to concede to the union’s demands in contract negotiations and look elsewhere for cost savings. Last year UPS laid off 12,000 corporate employees and announced major investments in the automation of hub operations as part of their “Network of the Future” initiative.


By staff

Washington, DC – On February 3, the American Federation of Government Employees said the Trump administration is violating the law by encouraging agencies to ignore collective bargaining agreements in a backwards push to eliminate hybrid work schedules across government.


By staff

On Thursday, February 6, at 5 p.m. Pacific time (6 p.m. Mountain, 7 p.m. Central, 8 p.m. Eastern), Freedom Road Socialist Organization will be hosting an online meeting “Building the Movement to Fight Trump’s Agenda.”

Featured speakers include Frank Chapman, executive director of the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression (NAARPR), Marisol Márquez of Legalization for All, and Sydney Loving, a member of the Central Committee of FRSO. Fight Back! asked each of these leading organizers why they thought this upcoming meeting was important in building the fight against Trump. Here’s what they had to say.


By David Pulido

Santa Ana, California educators stand up to layoffs.

Santa Ana, CA – Over 200 educators rallied to the Santa Ana Chamber of Commerce Tuesday, January 29 to protest budget cuts and layoffs of up to 546 employees.

Elementary and secondary school teachers, counselors, curriculum specialists and social workers, as well as local union members, parents and children filled the chamber. Even more were forced into the overflow room and hallway of the district building.


By staff

Fight Back New Service is circulating the following statement from the Young Workers Committee of the Milwaukee Area Labor council.


By Haden Kersting

CTU Early Childhood Committee chair Diane Castro \[center\] speaks at Federal Plaza on January 20th, 2025.  | Photo: Paul Goyette/Fight Back! News

Chicago, IL – On January 20, the day of Donald Trump’s inauguration and Martin Luther King Day, members of the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) joined over 80 organizations to protest Trump’s plans for mass deportations.

2500 protesters gathered in Chicago’s Federal Plaza, bundled to protect themselves from frigid temperatures with below zero windchill. Chants included, “When immigrants’ rights are under attack, what do we do? Stand up, fight back!”


By staff

Marching against Trump agenda in San José, California.

San José, CA – On MLK Day, upwards of 600 San José residents came out to protest Trump's inauguration and fight back against his anti-immigrant agenda.

The protest mobilized a broad array of progressive organizations in the South Bay, all united against Trump. The Silicon Valley Immigration Committee and Papeles Para Todos coordinated the rally and march.


By la Comisión Sindical de la Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad

Durante tres días, a partir del 8 de enero, la Patrulla Fronteriza realizó redadas de inmigración aterrorizando a los residentes del condado de Kern alrededor de Bakersfield, California. Como una manada de lobos, cazaron y detuvieron a cientos de personas. Atraparon a 78 personas, alineándolos para su deportación. El condado de Kern es uno de los principales productores agrícolas de la región y muchos de los afectados eran trabajadores agrícolas o trabajaban en la industria.

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By staff

Minnesota Workers United event on fighting Trump's agenda.

Minneapolis – On Saturday, January 18, around 40 workers gathered at the Lucy Parsons Institute in Minneapolis to hear from a panel of experienced labor movement figures on the issue of the incoming Trump administration, as well as attend workshops addressing common questions and workplace concerns. Minnesota Workers United hosted the event to educate labor and union activists, both new and old, about the challenges the incoming Trump admin will pose for our shop floor movements.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – Flight Attendants at Horizon Air, represented by the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (AFA), are ramping up their fight for a good contract by filing for federal mediation.


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following speech that was given by Sydney Loving, member of Central Committee, Freedom Road Socialist Organization, at the Washington DC protest coinciding with the inauguration of Trump.

Brothers, sisters, and comrades,

It is so good to stand here with all of you. As an organization last year, we spearheaded the massive marches on the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee and the Democratic National Convention in Chicago that brought 30,000 into the streets – that was the first step, and here is the next. Inauguration day is day one, and we’re mobilizing all over the country. The message is this: we’re not just ready for a fight – we’re looking for one.


By Alex Carson

Atlanta labor marches on MLK Day.

Atlanta, GA – On Monday, January 20, the streets of downtown Atlanta were filled with activists, community and youth groups, and a number of labor unions who all marched to honor the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. Among the unions present were Teamsters Locals 728 and 396, as well as the IBEW, CWA, SEIU and Atlanta-North Georgia Labor Council.