Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Immigrant Rights

By Cole Dunahugh

Portland, OR – On Monday, March 3, organizations involved in the February 23 anti-deportation protest held a press conference outside the Portland Police Bureau’s (PPB) central precinct headquarters to speak out against police harassment of protest organizers, harassment that endangered people participating in the march.


By Liz Rathburn

Chicago, IL – On Thursday February 27, over 100 students at the University of Illinois Chicago walked out of classes to protest racist Republican attacks on immigrants. The walk out was called by the UIC chapter of New Students for a Democratic Society as part of a national SDS week of action to demand ICE off campus, no deportations, and legalization for all.


By Drusie Kazanova

Protesters demand the release of Ulises Peña Lopez.

McFarland, CA - On March 2, nine community members from the South Bay took part in a car caravan from Mexican Heritage Plaza in San Jose to the Golden State Annex ICE detention center in McFarland. The community members rallied near the detention center to show support for Ulises Peña Lopez, a South Bay man who was recently brutalized by ICE, resulting in his hospitalization. Lopez was transferred from the hospital directly to the detention center without his family or legal team being notified.


By staff

Jacksonville, Florida protest for immigrant rights.

Jacksonville, FL – The Jacksonville Immigrant Rights Alliance (JIRA) was founded to advocate for immigrant rights and fight against the capitalist-backed policies that target and criminalize Jacksonville’s immigrant communities.

Since its inception, JIRA has fought to end collaboration between local law enforcement and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), halt the use of local jails for ICE detention, and protect undocumented individuals from repression.


By staff

Over 150 students walk out of Sullivan High School in Chicago.

Chicago, IL – In the Rogers Park neighborhood of Chicago, February 28, around 150 students walked out of Sullivan High School to protest against ICE. The students, with support of community groups, were able to have a successful walkout and add to the visible resistance in Chicago.

The Immigrants’ Rights Working Committee of the Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression (IRWC – CAARPR) played a big supporting role in this walkout, helping students with flyering-materials, posters, banners, megaphone, etc. The IRWC met the students outside, alongside other community groups like Rad Rogers Park, Kabataan Alliance, and New Students for a Democratic Society at the University of Illinois Chicago (New SDS at UIC).


By Joe Iosbaker

Chicago Mayor Johnson speaks at West Side rally.

Chicago, IL – The congregants at Healing Temple Church on Chicago’s West Side welcomed veteran community organizers to a rally against attacks on their beloved city, on March 1.

150 people came to the church to defend Mayor Brandon Johnson, who, along with several other progressive mayors has been called to testify before racist Republicans in Congress. This is a continuation of the Trump agenda's attacks on Chicago for being a progressive city with strong movement forces.


By staff

Napa, California protest defends immigrant rights.

Napa, CA – The month of March began with a powerful display of solidarity in Wine Country, as community members rallied and marched in support of their immigrant neighbors.

On March 1, a sunny Saturday afternoon, the streets of downtown Napa buzzed with tourists sampling wine and fine dining. But cutting through the soft background of jazz music, the chants of “From Napa Valley to LA, immigrants are here to stay!” rang out, demanding attention.


By Mira Altobell-Resendez and Sophie Breen

Protesters march behind banners that read “Legalizacion para todxs, Legalization for All, Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee,” “No more deportations, MIRAC-Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee,” and “No Militarized Border, MIRAC.”

Richfield, MN – Hundreds gathered in Richfield, March 1, for a protest and march to demand an end to the attacks on immigrants and to stand in solidarity with Minnesota immigrant and refugee communities. People showed their strong support through loud chants and a march to city hall. 


By Grady Bell

Arlington, TX – On February 26 students gathered to demand an end to deportations and for the protection of immigrants. The event brought attention to ICE presence around the UTA campus. The protest was hosted by UTA Progressive Student Union with support from National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression – Dallas and Austin SDS, each of whom brought out a speaker. The rally also received wide support from the student body.


By staff

Denver hearing on anti-immigrant bill.

Denver, CO – On February 25, a collaboration between the Colorado Immigrants Rights Coalition (CIRC) and Aurora Unidos Community Service Organization (AUCSO),helped mobilize over 300 people from across Colorado for a general assembly hearing on an anti-immigration bill, SB25-047, in the Denver state capitol building.


By Jackson Robak

Detroit students march to defend DEI institutions and to kick ICE off campus.

Detroit, MI – On Wednesday, February 26, over 30 students, faculty, and community members marched at Wayne State University to defend DEI institutions and demand ICE is kicked off campus. The protest was planned in the wake of a series of emails sent by Wayne State administration, where they did not promise to protect students if ICE appeared on campus, and they stated that they would comply with Donald Trump’s executive orders regarding diversity, equity and inclusion.


By staff

March demands justice for Ulises Peña Lopez.

San José, CA – After the brutal detention of Ulises Peña Lopez, a Bay Area resident and father, hundreds of San José residents came out on February 23 to demand his freedom from ICE detention. Ulises was viciously beaten by ICE, leading to his hospitalization. The Santa Clara County Rapid Response later found out that he had been transported directly from the hospital to the Golden State Annex ICE detention center in McFarland, California, without his family or legal defense being notified.


By Omar Gil

Portland, OR march against raids and deportations.

Portland, OR – On Sunday, February 23, Portlanders gathered at Terry Schrunk Plaza early afternoon to stand against Donald Trump, his most recent attacks on immigrants, and the escalated ICE repression happening throughout the country.

Despite the heavy rain, a couple hundred protesters came out to stand with immigrants and march through downtown Portland, demanding legalization for all, and an end to deportations.


Por Sebastian Salinas

Marcha por los derechos de inmigrantes en San José, California.

San José, CA – El domingo 9 de febrero, el Comité de Inmigración de Silicon Valley, junto con más de 200 miembros de la comunidad, realizó una protesta y una marcha en contra de la agenda del presidente Trump y el reciente aumento de actividad de ICE en Eastside San José.

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By Gabriel Quiroz Jr.

Large group marches through the street. They carry signs, flags, and banners. Palestinian flags are prominent. The banners at the front of the march read “The Community Self-Defense Coaliation”, “Union del Barrio”, and “Lucha Contra Trump. Legalizacion, no deportaciones.”.

Los Angeles, CA – On February 17, over 1000 Chicanos gathered at Placita Olvera in downtown Los Angeles to protest against ICE deportations and to fight back against Trump's racist, right-wing agenda.


By staff

Students march in street. Students at front hold two banners, one in saying “LUCHA CONTRA TRUMP, LEGALIZACION, NO DEPORTACIONES” and the other reading “FIGHT TRUMP, LEGALIZATION, NOT DEPORTATIONS”.

Los Angeles, CA – Chicano high school students took to the streets, February 20, to protest Trump's ICE raids, arrests, and deportations. All over the city, LAUSD students walked out of school chanting “Stop Donald Trump” and “Raza si, migra no.”


By Jonathan Toledo

Press conference demands release of José Medina Adrande, a Venezuelan immigrant held in Guantánamo Bay.

Seattle, WA – On February 16, the family of José Medina Adrande, along with a coalition of organizations and immigrant rights activists, held a press conference outside the U.S. District Federal Court in Seattle, demanding Adrande’s release from detention in Guantánamo Bay. The event was organized to draw attention to the unjust and shocking transfer of a Washington state asylum-seeker to the infamous detention facility.


By Sonja Tomasko

Minneapolis rally against militarization of  U.S./Mexico border.  | Photo: Fight Back! News

Minneapolis, MN – On February 19, approximately 100 protesters rallied at Senator Amy Klobuchar's office to demand an end to U.S. militarization of the southern border. Despite the frigid temperatures, protesters energetically chanted, waved signs and cheered as passersby honked their car horns in support. The action was organized by the Minnesota Peace Action Coalition (MPAC) and Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAC).


By staff

Chicago students march for immigrant rights.

Chicago, IL – On Tuesday, February 11, over 70 students rallied and marched at the University of Illinois at Chicago to defend immigrant rights after a rise in ICE raids.

The protest was called by New Students for a Democratic Society at UIC (New SDS at UIC) in coordination with the emergency national week of action called by National New SDS. Some of the endorsing campus organizations included Anakbayan, Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), Mexican Students de Aztlán (MeSA), Jewish Student Collective (JSC), Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO), and Radical Public Health (RPH).


By Sebastian Salinas

San Jose, California march for immigrant rights.

San Jose, CA – On Sunday, February 9, the Silicon Valley Immigration Committee along with over 200 community members held a protest and march against President Trump's agenda and the recent escalation of ICE activity in the Eastside of San Jose.

The action – held in Eastside San Jose (ESSJ), which is a community made up of Chicanos and Latinos – was part of the Legalization for All Network's Week of Action.