Dallas, TX – About 400 people gathered in Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas on January 4 to denounce the looming war with Iran and to demand that the U.S. leave the Middle East. The event was organized by the Dallas Anti-War Committee, the Dallas Peace and Justice Center, Code Pink, Veterans for Peace, the Center for American Islamic Relations and the Party for Socialism and Liberation. Attendees were members of a broad array of organizations, including Malaya Movement, En Pie de Lucha, Democratic Socialists of America, and the Emma Goldman Book Club.
Chicago, IL – As part of the national day of protest to demand U.S. troops out of Iraq, 1000 people rallied in front of Trump Tower in Chicago. After listening to speeches by numerous local activists, people marched across the Loop, Chicago’s central district, for several hours. One person was arrested by the Chicago Police Department, who were furious because the march disrupted traffic on the Magnificent Mile, a section of Michigan Avenue that is one of the most expensive shopping districts in the country. Later the crowd marched on Lake Shore Drive. At least one other person was arrested, but then un-arrested by the crowd.
Grand Rapids, MI – On January 4, about 35 people gathered at the intersection of Division and Fulton, the center point of Grand Rapids, to express their outrage and protest the assassination of General Qassem Soleimani, the head of Iran’s elite Quds Force. Soleimani was killed outside Baghdad’s airport.
Milwaukee, WI – The four corners of 27th and West Oklahoma on Milwaukee’s South Side were filled with protesters on the afternoon of January 4. Activists were gathered to stand against the U.S.’s acts of war against Iran. It was a chilly afternoon, the wind biting into those assembled, but loud chanting intermingled with the frequent honks from motorists on the busy Milwaukee streets echoed into the area.
New York, NY – Over 1000 people gathered in New York City on January 4 in Times Square to demand no more U.S. troops to the Middle East, U.S. out of Iraq, and no war or sanctions on Iran. The action was called after a U.S. drone strike assassinated Iranian Quds Force general Qassem Soleimani in Baghdad, as well as the Pentagon stating they will send 3500 more troops to the Middle East.
Oshkosh, WI – Outraged and indignant citizens gathered on busy Main Street in downtown Oshkosh on the morning of January 4 to protest the U.S. military's most recent war crimes in Iraq. The decision to assassinate Iranian military leader Qassem Soleimani in Baghdad last week was a violation of international law and a war crime.
Tucson, AZ – On January 4, around 200 people flooded the sidewalk of a busy Tucson intersection to demonstrate their solidarity with the Iranian and Iraqi peoples and voice their anger at murderous billionaire President Trump.
The authoritative Lebanese news site, Al Manar, carried this photo of the U.S. embassy in Bagdad, December 31. The spray-painting on the embassy wall reads, “Closed by the peoples command.” Demonstrators have surrounded the embassy in response to U.S. air attacks in Iraq and Syria targeting the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU), a grouping that played a major role in defeating ISIS. According to reports in the Iraqi press, police and soldiers were among those killed or wounded in the U.S. air attacks.
Dallas, TX – On December 22, about 1000 people gathered at Dealey Plaza in Dallas to protest the Indian Citizenship Amendment Act. The protest was called by the Indian American Muslim Council of Dallas.
Minneapolis, MN – Amy Klobuchar, a ‘centrist’ who is trying to become the Democratic Party standard-bearer in the upcoming elections for president, states that she will not reverse Trump’s decision to move the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. There has long been a consensus among most Republican and Democratic politicians to support the Zionist occupation of Palestine.
Minneapolis, MN – About 40 protesters held signs reading “No war for the holidays” and “Stop endless wars” to engage with holiday shoppers at the busy intersection of Hennepin and Lagoon Avenues in the Uptown neighborhood of Minneapolis, December 21.
Minneapolis, MN – On December 10, 25 protesters rallied outside of Senator Amy Klobuchar’s office to mark International Human Rights Day. After chanting outside the senator’s office, Brad Sigal from the MN Immigrant Rights Action Committee addressed the crowd to draw attention to Trump’s record of human rights abuses against immigrants. The protesters then marched in -10 degrees windchill to the legendary May Day Books in the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood.
St. Paul, MN – The Minnesota State Board of Investment (SBI) held its quarterly meeting at the State Capitol December 2 and got sharp criticism from immigrant rights and anti-war activists, as new documents revealed a nearly $1 million increase in investment in a controversial military technology company. Youth climate strikers also highlighted the SBI’s inaction over state ties to environmental destruction. Both groups were met with vacillation and excuses from the board which is tasked with the responsible investment of public pensions and related funds.
NY, New York – On the evening of November 15, over 150 people gathered on 42nd and Broadway to demand that Israel, backed by the United States government, stop the murder and occupation of Palestinians.
Minneapolis, MN – 50 protesters rallied at the intersection of Lake Street and Bloomington Avenue in Minneapolis on November 14 in response to a call for emergency response protests. On November 8, Bolivia’s military staged a coup and ousted democratically elected President Evo Morales. Even though Morales accepted asylum in Mexico, the people’s movements have refused to back down and have been protesting in the capital. Protests internationally have been organized to show solidarity with the indigenous and workers’ movements opposing U.S. interference in Bolivia.
Milwaukee, WI – El 3 de octubre, docenas de grupos y activistas en Milwaukee están organizando una manifestación para exigir un permiso para una marcha afuera la Convención Nacional Demócrata. Hasta ahora, el alcalde de Milwaukee, Tom Barrett, les niega el permiso a los activistas locales. Otros políticos y empresarios adinerados están cayendo sobre sí mismos prometiendo cerrar calles, interrumpir los horarios de trabajo y gastar decenas de millones de dólares en la celebración de la Convención Democrática. Sin embargo, a las personas locales se les niega un permiso de protesta para expresar sus problemas.
Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) General Secretary, George Mavrikos, against the coup in Bolivia.