Caracas, Venezuela – A U.S. Peace Council Delegation of 13 people representing anti-war organizations from the United States and Canada arrived in Venezuela this week on a solidarity mission with the Venezuelan people and the Maduro government at a time of unprecedented attacks by the U.S. The latest is a cyber-attack and sabotage of the entire electrical system, which resulted in a total blackout of the country with the aim of provoking the people to rise up against their government. Despite the hardships of no electricity and water, this attack failed as people rallied around their government and the gains of the Bolivarian revolution. As of Wednesday, March 13, 75% of the power has been restored and by Monday it will be fully restored.
Minneapolis, MN – On March 10, 30 people gathered at Mayday Books for a program presented by Katrina Kozarek, a longtime Venezuela resident and an audiovisual reporter for In the presentation entitled “Eyewitness in Venezuela,” Kozarek detailed the grassroots people’s movements that created the current political infrastructure in Venezuela, as well as the current threat to Venezuelan sovereignty posed by the United States.
Chicago, IL – “The most vile, criminal, cruel and dirty attack that has ever been committed against the people of Venezuela,” – this is how President Nicolás Maduro described the attack on the country's electrical grid, which cut electricity to 90% of its population on March 7. Five days later, power has been restored to most major cities, but much work needs to be done to fully restore the national grid.
New York, NY – On February 23, approximately 300 New Yorkers took Wall Street in the Financial District to protest attempts at a U.S.-led coup against the popular and democratically-elected Venezuelan president, Nicolas Maduro.
¡Lucha y Resiste! está circulando el siguiente artículo de Julián Sobogal, que apareció en Semanario Voz, el periódico del Partido Comunista Colombiano.
Dallas, TX – On February 22, protesters gathered at Dealey Plaza to demand an end to U.S. interference in Venezuela. The protest was called by the Dallas Peace and Justice Center and Veterans for Peace Chapter 106.
Denver, CO – Some 30 anti-war activists gathered on the 16th Street Mall in downtown Denver for a demonstration and informational picket, called by the Denver Peace Council, to protest the Trump administration’s plans for a coup d’état in Venezuela. This action was part of the international day of action of February 23, called by a broad coalition of peace groups worldwide.
Fight Back News Service is circulating the following article by Julian Sobogal, that appeared in Semanario Voz, the newspaper of the Colombian Communist Party. It was translated by Fight Back! staff.
Minneapolis, MN – The streets were full of working-class solidarity on Saturday, February 23, when well over 100 people, including trade unionists, Latin America solidarity groups and anti-war activists gathered under the banner “U.S. hands off Venezuela!”
Miami, FL – Over 50 protesters gathered in front of the Trump National Doral Golf Course to boldly demonstrate against U.S. war plans targeting Venezuela. Protesters displayed banners and signs demanding the U.S. government end its sanctions against the Venezuelan people, calling for peace, and denouncing the attempted coup against Venezuela’s democratically-elected government.
Tucson, AZ - At the Annual Tucson Peace Fair, February 23, the Tucson Anti War Committee organized a short march through the event to draw attention to maneuvers of Trump and U.S. imperialism against Venezuela. On the international day of action calling for “No War on Venezuela,” to celebrate one month of successful resistance to the coup attempt against President Maduro, the solidarity activists shouted, “Hands off Venezuela” and drew supporters to the march from the crowd and the groups tabling.
Minneapolis, MN – Twin Cities area peace and anti-war groups are organizing a Minneapolis protest on Saturday, February 23 as part of a day of local actions around the U.S. and around the world opposing U.S. intervention in Venezuela.
Dallas, TX – On February 19, about ten people with the Dallas Palestine Coalition gathered at the SMU Cox School of Business to protest an event titled “Texas’ Looming Water Crisis: How Israeli Tech Could Save the Day.” The tech event was meant to encourage sales of Israeli technology – products built on stolen and occupied Palestinian lands.
La Crosse, WI – The streets may have been cold, but hearts were warm with international solidarity on February 9 as activists in La Crosse voiced their opposition to U.S. intervention in Venezuela.
Minneapolis, MN – A contingent of demonstrators braved the cold and dense snowfall, February 10, establishing an anti-war presence at Boom Island Park, where Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar announced her 2020 presidential bid.
Chicago, IL – Over 50 activists gathered in Federal Plaza in downtown Chicago on the night of February 5, to rally in solidarity with the Bolivarian Revolution. Organized by Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO), the event brought together progressive political organizations and trade unions to demand an end to U.S. aggression and threats of war with Venezuela.
Minneapolis, MN – A sizable crowd gathered at the base of the statue of Mexican revolutionary Emiliano Zapata at South Minneapolis’s Plaza Centenario, February 2, for an event titled “Rally Against the Wall.” The demonstration was initiated by Minnesota Caravan Solidarity/Minnesota en Solidaridad con la Caravana, a coalition of international solidarity and immigrants’ rights groups in Minnesota’s Twin Cities. About 90 demonstrators chanted in support of the refugees travelling in large groups from Central American countries like Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador to seek asylum at the U.S.-Mexico border and condemned President Trump’s racist anti-immigrant views.
St. Paul, MN – On February 6 the Lake Street/Marshall bridge vigil focused on speaking out against U.S. intervention in Venezuela. Women Against Military Madness and Twin Cities Peace Campaign hold a weekly peace vigil on the Lake Street/Marshall Ave bridge over the Mississippi River.