Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Anti-War Movement

By Alvin Jarvenpaa, Jr.

Celebration of Palestinian culture in Oshkosh, WI.

Oshkosh, WI – After their protest of the U.S. opening of its Israeli embassy in Jerusalem, United Action Oshkosh (UAO) held a celebration of Palestinian culture, May 20, at Rainbow Park. The family-friendly event featured music, food and games, as well as a guest speaker, Samir Moukaddam, who lived in Lebanon among displaced Palestinians forced from their homes by Israelis.


By staff

Chicago, IL – More than 1000 people rallied and marched in Chicago, May 15, in an emergency response to Israel’s brutality, and a rejection of the Trump administration’s dangerous and illegal U.S. embassy move to Jerusalem. The protest also coincided with the commemoration of 70 years of Nakba, what Palestinians call “The Catastrophe,” which marks the ethnic cleansing of almost 800,000 Palestinians upon the establishment of Israel in 1948.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – The Anti-War Committee is organizing a bannering to show solidarity with Palestinians facing repression from the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) in Gaza. It will take place on May 23 at 7:30 p.m. at the intersection of Central Avenue and 43rd Avenue NE.


By Fight Back! Editors

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May 15, 2018 marks the 70th year since al Nakba, or the Catastrophe, in Palestine. The Nakba refers to the day in 1948 when hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were forced out of their homes and off their land by Israeli troops, precipitating the creation of the colonial, apartheid state of Israel. Since then, the Israeli government and its military has continued their attempt to squeeze Palestine into submission. But this attempt has been futile, as recent events in Gaza have illustrated.


By Sean Orr

Milwaukee, WI – On May 12, the people of Iraq will be casting ballots for the Council of Representatives, their national legislature, for the third time since the 2003 U.S. invasion. Recent events have further proved that the U.S. failed to establish a new, pro-American order, and instead have emboldened the Iraqi masses to drive imperialism from their land.


By Michela

New York City event exposes human rights violations in Philippines.

New York, NY – On April 26, a tour called “Stop the Killings Speaking Tour: The People’s Caravan for Peace and Justice in the Philippines” made a stop in New York City. The tour, hosted by International Committee for Human Rights in the Philippines (ICHRP US) and the MALAYA Movement, exposes the gross human rights violations that occur daily in the Philippines under the U.S.-backed Rodrigo Duterte regime. The tour is comprised of human rights experts and survivors of acts of repression. These speakers will visit seven major U.S. cities from coast to coast.


By staff

The Denver Peace Council at the Science March

Denver, CO – The Denver Peace Council held a protest against the opening of foreign military bases, April 14, part of a national protest by the U.S Peace Council against foreign military bases.


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement condemning the attacks on Syria. Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) is among the signers.


By Maddie Hendrick

Protest against attack on Syria in Tallahassee, FL.

Tallahassee, FL – On April 18, students and community members attended a rally held by the local chapter of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), to oppose the recent missile strikes against Syria.


By Communist Party of the Philippines

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Communist Party of the Philippines.


By staff

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New York, NY – Over 30 people gathered for an emergency rally held for Jerome Succor Aba, a Filipino peace activist who was denied entry to the U.S. and sent back to Manila after being tortured at the San Francisco airport. Aba was scheduled to speak on the “Stop the Killings” speaking tour to expose the Duterte government and its U.S. backers. The rally took place in front of the Department of Homeland Security.


By Michela

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New York, NY – Around 30 protesters gathered in Washington Square Park, April 20 to stand in solidarity with Palestinians protesting on the border of Gaza.


By Meredith Aby

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Minneapolis, MN – On April 21, around 100 protesters rallied at the busy intersection of Lake Street and Nicollet Avenue in Minneapolis, holding signs that read, “No Muslim ban ever,” “No U.S. bombing Syria,” and “Stop the war on Muslims at home and abroad.” The rally was organized by the Minnesota Anti-War Committee and the Minnesota chapter of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) to send a message of support to the Muslim community in anticipation for the upcoming Supreme Court hearing on the Muslim ban.


By Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).


By staff

Twin Cites vigil against U.S. intervention in Syria.

St. Paul, MN – About 25 people joined a peace vigil on Wednesday, April 18 in the Twin Cities to speak out against the U.S. attacks on Syria carried out last Friday evening.


By staff

Twin Cites vigil against U.S. intervention in Syria.

St. Paul, MN – About 25 people joined a peace vigil on Wednesday, April 18 in the Twin Cities to speak out against the U.S. attacks on Syria carried out last Friday evening.


By Greg Murray

Participants in Salt Lake City protest against attack on Syria.

Salt Lake City, UT – About 40 people gathered at the Wallace F. Bennett Federal Building, April 15, in downtown Salt Lake City to decry the recent missile attack on Syria. Protesters carried signs reading, “U.S. lies, people die! Stop U.S. wars now!” and “No more blood for oil. Stop the war machine!” Protesters chanted “No justice, no peace! U.S. out of the Middle East!” and “Money for jobs and education, not for war and occupation.”


By staff

Milwaukee protest against attack on Syria.

Milwaukee, WI – About 40 people came out during a record storm, April 14, outside of the U.S. Army Center, rallying against the attacks by the U.S. on Syria, and to stand in solidarity with the Syrian people.


By staff

Minneapolis protest against U.S.wars.

Minneapolis, MN – A Minneapolis protest on Sunday, April 15, called to coincide with national spring anti-war actions, brought out 70 people despite a heavy snow storm.


By Didier Ortiz

Tampa protest against war on Syria.

Tampa, FL – As thousands mobilized throughout the country to denounce the April 13 missile attack on Syria by the U.S., France and the U.K., local anti-war activists organized a demonstration outside of MacDill Air Force base in Tampa. The demonstrators shouted anti-imperialist slogans for over two hours in front of traffic headed into the base. The slogans of “Hands off Syria!” and “No justice, no peace!” were prevalent in the rally. The event was candidly titled “Syrian Gas Attack = Iraqi WMD; We Don’t Buy the Lies!”