Minneapolis, MN – The University of Minnesota Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) chapter infiltrated the ‘Welcome Week’ convocation to drop banners, Sept. 3. Convocation at the University of Minnesota has historically been an event to welcome thousands of new students to the university and sing the praises of the university administration. ‘Welcome Week’ is increasingly closed off to any issue that runs counter to the administration’s message.
San José, CA – Layoffs continued to hammer workers and their communities in July and August. Job losses are leading to more and more home foreclosures. State and local governments are losing tax revenues and making more cuts to education and social services. At the same time the stock market has been on a tear, as the profits of big businesses have benefited from layoffs, furloughs, wage cuts and benefit cuts.
In the midst of the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, leaders and organizers across the country are gearing up for the “They Say Cut Back, We Say Fight Back!” national conference planned for Oct. 3 in Chicago, Illinois. From California to New York, people who for the past years have been fighting back against cuts to programs that serve our communities, against home foreclosures and evictions and against plant closures will come together to share experiences and make plans to work together in the coming years.
Chicago, IL – “La seguridad nacional nos arresta porque estamos luchando para quedarnos en nuestros hogares. Les dijimos que ‘¡La vivienda es un derecho humano y no nos vamos, seguiremos luchando!’” dijo el inquilino de Grove Parc y organizador de Lado Sureño Organizando por el Poder (STOP) Lonnie Richardson entre gritos de inquilinos y otros congregados en apoyo en un día heladísimo de noviembre fuera de las oficinas del Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano de los Estados Unidos (HUD) en el centro de Chicago.
Los norteamericanos están celebrando la derrota del hombre rico y bélico John McCain. Votaron por un cambio – un fin a la guerra, las mentiras y la corrupción. Muchos vieron que McCain era la continuación de las políticas fracasadas de Bush, y lo castigaron con el voto. Es seguro que la respuesta insuficiente de McCain a la crisis económica y su apoyo para los ricos aseguró su derrota. Los votantes de la clase trabajadora y la clase media están preocupados por la economía, se oponen al “rescate” de $700 mil millones y buscan un líder que “compartiría la riqueza”.
Les damos una bienvenida de parte de Freedom Road Socialist Organization a todas y todos los que han venido de cerca y desde lejos para protestar en contra de la guerra en Irak, protestar la agenda republicana, y avanzar las demandas de paz, justicia e igualdad el 1 de septiembre en San Pablo, Minnesota. Como ustedes, nosotros estamos en contra de cuatro años más de ocupación, guerra, represión y racismo.
El movimiento anti-guerra y una coalición amplia de gente progresista están listos para protestar afuera de la convención nacional republicana el primero de septiembre en San Pablo, Minnesota. Los organizadores de la protesta esperan que más de 50,000 personas llenen las calles el primero de septiembre, día que también es celebrado como el día de los trabajadores. La gente que va a protestar enfrentará a los republicanos guerreristas, racistas y reaccionarios quienes hace sólo unos años se jactaron que los republicanos se mantendrían en el poder para siempre.
Americans are celebrating the defeat of warmonger and angry rich guy John McCain. The voters wanted change – an end to war, lies and corruption. Many correctly saw McCain as the continuation of Bush’s failed policies, so they punished him in the voting booths. To be sure, McCain’s pathetic response to the economic crisis and defense of tax breaks for the rich sealed his defeat. Working and middle class voters are angry about the economy, opposed to the $700 billion bailout and looking for a leader who will “spread the wealth.”
The anti-war movement and a wide array of progressive people’s forces is set to protest outside the Sept. 1 Republican National Convention in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Organizers are predicting more than 50,000 will fill the streets on Labor Day 2008. Protesters will confront the war-makers, racists and reactionaries who just a few years ago were bragging that Republican rule would last forever.
The midterm elections represented a defeat of historic proportions for the Bush administration. They were a referendum on the war against Iraq. The American people voted ‘no.’ The Republican agenda of racism, inequality and reaction met with a setback. This is a moment to savor. It’s payback time for the politicians who left people to die on freeway overpasses in New Orleans and who are responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands in Iraq.
Analysis of Bush reelection and second term prospects
Over the past year, a powerful movement to drive George Bush from office was born and developed. Many of us built demonstrations at his campaign appearances, passed out anti-Bush leaflets, marched against the war at the Republican National Convention and urged our friends, neighbors and co-workers to get out and vote against him. In the face of real obstacles, on Nov. 2 a vast outpouring of working people and those for oppressed nationality communities – African-Americans, Chicano-Latinos, Asian and Native Americans – rejected him and his policies. This was not enough to get Bush out of office, but because so many did so much, we’re in a better position to fight the attacks that are sure to come over the next four years.
You wouldn’t know it from reading your daily paper or watching FOX news, but on May 1, something really extraordinary will take place. Hundreds of millions of working people across the globe will take to the streets to celebrate a day that is ours and ours alone – International Workers’ Day.
On May 1, working people in the hundreds of millions will celebrate a holiday that is truly our own – International Workers Day. On every continent, workers will fill the streets of cities and villages. In the jungles of the Philippines and Colombia, poor peasants will gather. In the countries where the rule of the rich has come to an end, such as Cuba and Democratic Korea, May Day is recognized as a national holiday. From Moscow to Manila to Minneapolis, working women and men will gather and say, “Enough is enough; we don't have to live this way. We do not have to put up with exploitation, discrimination, and national oppression.”
On May 1, hundreds of millions of working people will celebrate International Workers Day. From Madrid to Minneapolis, from New Delhi to New York, working people will assemble. We will condemn all who exploit us. We will celebrate our victories. Moreover, we will look forward to a world that is free of injustice, discrimination, and national oppression.
Minneapolis, MN – It was standing room only, as more than people 55 came together here, May 6, to celebrate International Workers Day. Leaders from labor, the fight for Native land at Highway 55, welfare rights, anti-war, and student movements spoke of their struggles and victories over the past year. Some traveled over 100 miles, from Duluth MN, to attend.
Protesters who converged on Seattle for the meeting of the World Trade Organization did something really great, for the people of this country and peoples of the world.
A shortage of affordable housing has turned the lives of millions into a nightmare. Emergency shelters are occupied by an army of the homeless. Many more people are living on the streets. In New York City, the wait for public housing is 8 years.
Minneapolis, MN – More than fifty poor and working people came together to celebrate May Day, international workers day, May 6. The event, organized by Freedom Road Socialist Organization stressed the victories won by the peoples struggle in the past year, the fights that lie ahead, and the need for unity between employed and unemployed workers. Half the people attending the event were from the low income community and engaged the fight against welfare cuts.
During the first week of May, hundreds of millions of working people around the world will celebrate May Day – the international holiday of the working class. It is a day for working people to say Enough is Enough!