Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Capitalism and Economy

By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

On May 1, International Workers Day, millions upon millions will be marching against the capitalist economic crisis that has engulfed most of the world. Working people in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, the Middle East and North America will hit the streets to protest the soaring unemployment, shorter hours and cuts in pay that are sweeping the world.


By la Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad

El primero de mayo, día internacional de los trabajadores, millones de personas marcharán en contra de la crisis económica capitalista que ha consumido la mayoría del mundo. Gente trabajadora en África, Asia, Europa, América Latina, el Medio Oriente y Norte América tomarán las calles para protestar contra el creciendo desempleo, los recortes en horas y los recortes en sueldos que están afectando al pueblo a nivel mundial.

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By Daniel Ginsberg

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Rock Island, IL – “Wells Fargo, shame on you!” chanted the crowd of over 125 as eleven brave protesters blocked the road outside Wells Fargo here, July 9.


By Stephanie Weiner

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Quad City Die Casting workers and their supporters marched and rallied here, June 11,  in front of the office of Wells Fargo. They demanded that the bank restore the financing and save the 100 jobs of the Moline, Illinois company slated for closing on July 12. The Republic Window and Door workers were there in force to show support and pass on lessons learned in their battle with Bank of America . A national day of action has been called for Tuesday, June 23, where Wells Fargo will feel the pressure from all over as the campaign turns up the heat.

#ChicagoIL #CapitalismAndEconomy #News #QuadCityDieCasting

By mick

Women protesting in front of MN governor's mansion.

St. Paul, MN – Chanting, “Hey Pawlenty here’s the fix: Tax the rich, tax the rich,” more than 50 people rallied in front of the Governor’s Mansion here, June 30 to slam Governor Pawlenty’s plan to cut hundreds of millions from health care, education, local government aid and human services. The protest was organized by the Welfare Rights Committee and backed by the Minnesota Coalition for a People’s Bailout.


By Michael Graham

A photo of a hundred people holding healthcare reform signs

Asheville, NC – People from all over western North Carolina protested here in Pritchard Park, June 27, to demand a single payer system in which health care is provided to all people, with those able to paying their fair share.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – On Thursday, June 25, friends and supporters gathered at the home of Rosemary Williams to plan for action after getting devastating news. That morning, in a conference call, Judge Lloyd Zimmerman sided with finance giant GMAC and against Ms. Williams, who has been engaged in an epic battle to save her home. Attorneys for Ms. Williams tried to appeal the judge’s earlier ruling which had denied a trial in the foreclosure related eviction. Judge Zimmerman ruled that for an appeal to take place, Rosemary Williams would have to come up with a $49,000 ‘bond’ in two days.


By Carlos Montes

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By Fight Back! Editors

No End in Sight for Working People

In the six months since the financial crisis exploded with the collapse of New York investment bank Lehman Brothers, the world economy has been gripped by the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s. U.S. and European banks have admitted a trillion dollars in losses, while the banking system of Iceland totally collapsed. Almost all of the major economies of the world, with the exception of China, have started to contract, with millions of workers losing their jobs and businesses going bankrupt right and left. Hardest hit for now are the new capitalist economies of eastern Europe, who are being slammed by their dependence on borrowing from foreign bankers, falling exports and plunging currencies.


By staff

St. Paul, MN – Leaders of the Minnesota Coalition for a People’s Bailout responded to the state budget forecast, March 3. The forecast anticipates a $4 billion deficit, despite the billions that will flow in from the federal stimulus.