Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Immigrant Rights

By Legalization For All (L4A)

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Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Legalization for All Network.


By staff

Protest at Senator Klobuchar’s office demands U.S. Senate take action to legaliz

Minneapolis, MN – On Friday, October 21, more than 50 protesters gathered with signs, banners and sidewalk chalk outside of Senator Amy Klobuchar’s office to demand that the U.S. Senate take action to legalize immigrants with DACA, a program which is currently under attack. The protest was organized by the Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAC).


By staff

Dallas, TX – In a response to the call to action by the Legalization for all Network, on August 27, a protest marked the 52nd anniversary of the Chicano Moratorium by speaking out in defense of the local immigrant community.


By staff

Protesters hold banners and signs around the statue of Benito Juarez

New Orleans, LA – Dozens of protesters rallied at the statue of Benito Juarez on August 27 to demand hurricane relief funds for all immigrants, regardless of legal status. The rally also came in response to national call to action by the Legalization for All Network to defend DACA against legal attacks and to commemorate the Chicano Moratorium.


By Montana Hirsch

Protest in support of DACA Outside Minnesota Twins Game

Minneapolis, MN – On Sunday, August 28, dozens of protesters gathered with signs, noisemakers and flyers across the street from Target Field in downtown Minneapolis. The demonstration was organized by the Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAC) and is also part of a national call to action for DACA by the Legalization for All Network, coinciding with the 52nd anniversary of the historic Chicano Moratorium in Los Angeles, California.


By David Almeida

Protest at the San Jose City Hall for the National Day of Action to Defend DACA

San José, CA – “No ban! No wall! Legalization for all!” was heard at San José City Hall as about 20 people showed up on Saturday, August 27, to protest the possibility of the U.S. Supreme Court repealing DACA, which would affect nearly a million undocumented immigrants and their families in the United States.


By Annabelle Chapman

Tallahassee, FL – On, July 20, the student government of Florida State University passed Resolution 45, “A Resolution to bring attention to the Fair Food Program,” in what comes as a major victory in the national Boycott Wendy’s campaign. The university’s Student/Farmworker Alliance had been pushing for this resolution since it formed as a chapter in 2020. Their reasoning is simple – Wendy’s is profiting off of farmworker exploitation.


By Joseph Nohava

Tampa protest at the national gathering of Turning Point USA.

Tampa, FL – Hundreds came out to protest the right-wing, billionaire-funded “student group” Turning Point USA summit, July 23. The Turning Point summit featured a gaggle of reactionary, racist and chauvinistic speakers, not the least of whom was Donald Trump, looking to build momentum for a possible second presidential run.


By staff

Demand action from mayor and city council

Minneapolis press conference promoting ‘Immigrant Power Now’ campaign.

Minneapolis, MN – On Thursday, July 21, just before the 9 a.m. city council meeting, immigrant rights leaders, labor leaders, and city council members held a press conference at City Hall in the rotunda. They publicly launched and explained their “Immigrant Power Now” campaign, unveiling a ten-point platform to make pro-immigrant changes at the municipal level in Minneapolis.


By Brad Sigal

Diana Hernandez of Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAC)

St. Paul, MN – On July 5, organizers from several local immigrant rights organizations held a press conference on Saint Paul’s West Side to remember the 53 migrants who tragically died in San Antonio, Texas, suffocated in a truck container. After the press conference, the community members went to Senator Tina Smith’s nearby office, where they read the names of the 53 Mexican and Central American migrants and pressed an aide to the senator on the urgency to take action now to end the policies of border militarization and exclusion that make deaths in the borderlands a common occurrence.


By staff

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Freedom Road Socialist Organization calls on working people across the U.S. to celebrate International Workers Day in marches and programs.


By Montana Hirsch

March in St Paul, MN against anti Asian violence

Saint Paul, MN – On the afternoon of April 2, about 50 people gathered for a protest in Saint Paul’s Frogtown area to “Stand up against hate” and demand justice for Asian people who have been targeted in hate crimes, discrimination and violence.


By Montana Hirsch

Elk River action demands “ICE Out of Sherburne County.”

Elk River, MN – On the morning of March 8, around 50 people gathered at the Sherburne County Sheriff’s Office to demand that the county cut ties with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). The rally was organized by Sanctuary and Resistance to Injustice (SARI) and was supported by Interfaith Coalition on Immigration (ICOM), the Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAC), Filipinx for Immigrant Rights and Racial Justice Minnesota (FIRM), and various other groups who were all in attendance.


By Brad Sigal

![March 12 car caravan supports Minneapolis educators’ strike.]( “March 12 car caravan supports Minneapolis educators’ strike. March 12 car caravan supports Minneapolis educators’ strike.

(Photo by Brad Sigal)”)

Minneapolis, MN – On March 12 a car caravan brought honks of solidarity to Minneapolis Federation of Teachers (MFT) negotiating committee members while they were in talks with the school district administration at the Davis Center after a week of being on strike.


By Akhi Menawat

Immigrant rights protest turns up the heat on Biden Administration.

Minneapolis, MN – On January 23, protesters marched in freezing temperatures to bring attention to the Biden administration’s inhumane immigration policies. The march, organized by the Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAC), took place in a neighborhood with many immigrant families and received significant support from onlookers as protesters chanted about closing the camps, abolishing ICE, and supporting legalization for all. The protesters demanded that Biden and the Democratic-controlled Congress take immediate action to reverse all Trump-era anti-immigrant policies and act on their campaign promises to support immigrant families.


By Montana Hirsch

Minneapolis protest demands asylum for Haitian immigrants.

Minneapolis, MN – On November 14, about 30 people gathered at Mayday Plaza on a cold day with signs and banners to demand asylum for Haitian immigrants. The action was planned by the Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAC) to demand legalization for all, this time with a focus on the recent blatant abuses of Haitian immigrants at the hands of Border Patrol agents on horseback at the Texas border as well as the recent upsurge in deportations of Haitian immigrants under Biden. It was endorsed by the Anti-War Committee (AWC), the Haiti Justice Committee of Minnesota, and Filipinx for Immigrant Rights & Racial Justice Minnesota (FIRM). Protesters held banners and signs demanding, “Legalization for all!” “No militarized border!” “Asylum for Haitians” and “End abuse of Haitian migrants.” The group chanted and waved to cars that honked in support as they drove by.


By Montana Hirsch

Bannering in Minneapolis to demand legalization for all.

Minneapolis, MN – In the early evening of October 13, a group of about 15 people gathered on the corner of Lake Street and Bloomington Avenue in South Minneapolis and held banners that read: “Legalization for all” and “No militarized border.” The action was organized by the Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAC).


By Sol Márquez

Writing and coloring letters for refugee children

Los Angeles, CA – A group of people gathered at Belvedere Park in East Los Angeles, September 25, to write and draw letters. The artwork and letters are for the refugee children, mostly Central American, held at the Pomona Fairplex detention center. The event was hosted by the Immigration Committee of Centro Community Service Organization, or Centro CSO.


By staff

Minnesota protest demands and end to cooperation with ICE.

Minneapolis, MN – There have been some recent advances in the campaign to end cooperation between the largest county in Minnesota, Hennepin County, and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). The campaign has been organized by the Decriminalizing Communities Coalition, which brings together several local immigrant rights and social justice organizations.


By Montana Hirsch

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Minneapolis, MN – Over 50 immigrant rights protesters held a ‘noise demo’ June 8 outside of Senator Amy Klobuchar’s office to demand she take action to protect those with Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), Temporary Protected Status (TPS), and Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) status.