Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Immigrant Rights

By Montana Hirsch

MIRAC protest demands end to war on immigrants

St. Paul, MN – On February 20, one month after President Biden’s inauguration, the Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAC) organized the first protest of their new campaign to end the war on immigrants. About 100 people gathered outside of the Bishop Henry Whipple Building, the federal building where Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) headquarters are located in Minnesota. The campaign demands include, among others: “Legalization for all,” “Close the camps,” “No kids in cages,” “No border militarization,” “No wall on Native land,” “End abuses in ICE jails,” “No forced sterilizations,” and “Immediate access to COVID-19 vaccines for ICE detainees.”


By staff

Inauguration day car protest demands action on immigrant rights.

Milwaukee, WI – On January 20, the date of Joe Biden’s inauguration as the 46th president of the United States, the Brown Berets of Milwaukee led a rally and car caravan demanding the incoming administration take action to resolve issues regarding immigrants. The three broad demands were: 1) Put an end to the policy of family separation; 2) Close the concentration camps; and 3) Provide an immediate pathway to citizenship for the undocumented. Other demands were put forward that delved into more particular circumstances, but these three formed the thrust of the action.


By staff

Milwaukee post election protest.

Milwaukee, WI – On November 4, more than 150 protestors joined the march and car caravan put on by Milwaukee Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression (MAARPR). The protestors joined up at Sherman Park, an important landmark in Milwaukee that experienced an uprising against police violence in 2016. Youth Empowered in the Struggle (YES) set up a table for letter writing, to demand justice for “ThEE ThrEE”, two men and one child shot and killed by the same Wauwatosa Police Officer Joseph Mensah.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

¡No dejen que Trump robe las elecciones! ¡Tomen las calles para exigir un progra

El mundo está observando cómo los americanos votan por la derrota de Trump y de la agenda Republicana de racismo, discriminación, y opresión. Por supuesto, el sistema ya engañó a los americanos en 2016. Trump perdió el voto popular pero fue declarado presidente de los EEUU por el sistema elitista del Colegio Electoral. Ahora Donald Trump amenaza con robar las elecciones de nuevo, tratando de mentir, engañar, y robar su camino de regreso a la Casa Blanca.

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By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Don’t let Trump steal the election! Take to the streets to demand a people’s age

The world is watching as Americans vote to defeat Trump and the Republican agenda of racism, discrimination and oppression. Of course, the system already cheated the American people back in 2016. Trump lost the popular vote but was declared U.S. president by the elitist Electoral College system. Now Donald Trump threatens to be at it again, trying to lie, cheat and steal his way back into the White House.


By Akhi Menawat

Minneapolis protest demands legalization for all.

Minneapolis, MN – Around 100 people marched through downtown Minneapolis, October 14, from Senator Amy Klobuchar’s office to the Hennepin County Jail. The march was part of an ongoing campaign by the Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAC) demanding legalization for all immigrants including those eligible for DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), TPS (Temporary Protected Status), and DED (Deferred Enforced Departure) status. More than a million immigrants that hold these statuses are in increasing danger of deportation because of recent court rulings that open the door to the Trump administration carrying out mass deportations.


By Akhi Menawat

Minnesota protest demands clean Dream Act and legalization for all.

Saint Paul, MN – Hundreds marched through the West Side of Saint Paul from Castillo Park to Senator Tina Smith’s office on August 29 demanding the Senate take immediate action towards legalization for all residents. The march was part of an ongoing campaign by the Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAC) demanding legalization for all immigrants eligible for DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), TPS (Temporary Protective Status), and DED (Deferred Enforced Departure) status.


By Brad Sigal

Saint Paul, MN – At the State Board of Investments (SBI) meeting on August 26, Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAC) member Mari Mansfield spoke out, demanding that Minnesota divest its funds from the border militarization corporation Elbit Systems.


By staff

Milwaukee, WI – While Joe Biden shelters himself from COVID-19 and the movement for Black lives in Milwaukee, the Coalition to March on the Democratic National Convention (DNC) will be in the streets. Regardless of whether Biden comes to Milwaukee or not, the Democrats will hear from the people on the front lines fighting police crimes, especially the families who have lost loved ones to killer cops.


By staff

Pittsburgh, PA – Members of the Graduate Student Organizing Committee at the University of Pittsburgh (GSOC-USW) issued a statement, July 8, expressing solidarity with international students and denouncing the Trump administration’s recent modifications of existing ICE Student Exchange and Visitor Program (SEVP) rules.