Minneapolis, MN – On June 30, 4000 people marched in South Minneapolis to stand with immigrants and Muslims who are under attack by the Trump administration.
Dallas, TX – Activist groups in Dallas are calling a rally at the Grassy Knoll, 7 p.m., July 2, that will demand the closure of President Trump’s concentration camps where refugees and immigrants are detained. There will be speakers from peace and justice, immigrant, and socialist groups.
Minneapolis, MN – On Sunday, June 30, more than 1000 Minnesotans will march in south Minneapolis to oppose the anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim policies of the Trump administration. The march will start at 2:00 p.m., at Lake Street and Nicollet Avenue in Minneapolis.
¡Lucha y Resiste! está circulando la siguiente declaración del Partido Comunista de México de 10 de junio.
Los Gobiernos de EEUU y México han expresado a través del Departamento de Estado de los EEUU un reforzamiento de la política antiinmigrante, después de un sainete en el que se amagaba con medidas arancelarias por un lado, y con una ola de patriotismo por el otro. Al final después de la farsa escenificada quedó claro el objetivo real de la negociación.
Tucson, AZ – On June 6, nearly 150 people gathered outside the Federal Courthouse in downtown Tucson to demonstrate solidarity with humanitarian activist Scott Warren. Warren, an Arizona State University geography professor from the border town of Ajo, is facing 20 years in federal prison for providing humanitarian aid to crossing immigrants.
Minneapolis, MN – The national flags of Mexico, Honduras and El Salvador fluttered above the Plaza Centenario in one of Minneapolis’s most immigrant-rich neighborhoods on May 11 as around 40 demonstrators demanded, “Stop militarization of the border!”
Families unite to demand: Legalization for all, no Trump wall, no deportations!
Los Angeles, CA – On the afternoon of May 1, International Workers Day, Boyle Heights families, workers and students protested the Trump anti-immigrant attacks and raised the demand “Legalization for all” and “No Wall on the Mexico border!”
Madison WI – Thousands gathered on, May 1 in celebration of May Day in Wisconsin’s capital. Voces de la Frontera hosted the event and were able to bring in more than 17 different cities to attend.
Saint Paul, MN – Hundreds of immigrants, union members and activists marched to the Minnesota State Capitol on May 1, International Workers Day. They demanded that the state legislature pass a bill to give immigrants access to drivers licenses, without adding amendments to further criminalize immigrants. They also raised other demands for immigrant and workers’ rights while commemorating the workers who lost their lives in 1886 in the struggle for an eight-hour workday.
Los Angeles, CA – Boyle Heights families, workers and students will march on May 1, International Worker’s Day, to protest Trump’s anti-immigrant attacks and demand no wall on the Mexico border and no deportations. The May Day rally and march will start at 4:30 at the corner of Chavez and Mathews streets; and end at Mariachi Plaza for a rally.
Minneapolis, MN – Both Donald Trump and former U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions spoke in Minnesota, April 15, and both were met with protest and disruption upon arrival. Trump spoke outside of a truck equipment company in the Twin Cities suburb of Burnsville and was met by activists denouncing his anti-immigrant policies and defending progressive Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar.
Nogales, Sonora, Mexico – The second day of the Legalization for All Network delegation to the U.S.-Mexico border on March 31 was intense and emotional. The delegation divided into three groups for the day, which allowed them to gain a wider range of experiences.
Tampa, FL – The Tampa Bay chapter of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) held a rally April 3 to stand against the U.S.-Mexico border wall and demand protections for immigrant students at the University of South Florida (USF). One of these protections is non-deputization of campus police to enforce immigration policy. The event featured a mock border wall, symbolizing the recent attacks on immigrants by the U.S. government.
Los Angeles, CA – Several families of young Chicano men killed by the LAPD joined a militant protest in front of the LAPD headquarters, March 30. A large banner with the slogan, “LAPD, stop killing Black and Brown people,” was displayed at the protest.
Tucson, AZ – On March 30, the Legalization For All Network completed the first day of an immigrant rights delegation to Arizona and the U.S.-México border.
Minneapolis, MN – In the shadow of President Trump’s declaration of a ‘state of emergency’ to build a wall at the U.S.-Mexico border, the Legalization for All Network is organizing a national delegation of immigrant rights activists to go on a fact-finding and solidarity delegation to the border. The delegation will include activists from the Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAC), Milwaukee’s Young People’s Resistance Committee (YPRC) and from the U.S. Palestinian Community Network.
Massive community outpouring fills hearing and packs two overflow rooms
Saint Paul, MN – Hundreds of immigrants and supporters filled the Minnesota State Capitol on February 28 for the first committee hearing of House File 1500, the ‘drivers license for all’ bill. The hearing room quickly filled to capacity, as did two overflow rooms. After more than two hours of public testimony and debate, the House Transportation Finance and Policy Committee voted to pass the bill and refer it to the House Ways and Means Committee for the next step in the process.
Grand Rapids, MI – The Grand Rapids Police Department was caught lying and covering up for Captain Curt VanderKooi this week. VanderKooi racially profiled an ex-Marine and contacted ICE to detain him in November 2018. The recent Grand Rapids police investigation claims VanderKooi contacted ICE out of concern for possible ‘terrorism.’