Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Immigrant Rights

By Sebastian Salinas

San Jose, California march for immigrant rights.

San Jose, CA – On Sunday, February 9, the Silicon Valley Immigration Committee along with over 200 community members held a protest and march against President Trump's agenda and the recent escalation of ICE activity in the Eastside of San Jose.

The action – held in Eastside San Jose (ESSJ), which is a community made up of Chicanos and Latinos – was part of the Legalization for All Network's Week of Action.


By Margo Wilson

Student protesters hold signs denouncing mass deportations, call for a sanctuary campus at LSU.

Baton Rouge, LA – On Friday, February 14, about 30 Louisiana State University (LSU) students and community members rallied in Free Speech Alley to demand that university administration make LSU a sanctuary campus for immigrant students.

LSU’s Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) organized the rally to fight back against ICE activity in the Baton Rouge area and Trump's executive order that allows ICE to operate in previously protected places like college campuses, churches and courthouses.


By Bailey Heaton

Denver SDS protest against mass deportations.

Denver, CO — About 30 students walked out of their classes and gathered in Lawrence Plaza on Denver’s Auraria Campus in the late morning, February 13, in support of immigrant rights. Chants such as “No hate, no fear! Immigrants are welcome here!” and “El pueblo, unido, jamás será vencido!” were heard from the crowd led by Denver Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) as they protested Trump’s agenda and the mass deportation of immigrants.


By La Comisión Chicana/Latina+ de la Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad

En las primeras dos semanas de su presidencia, Trump ha desatado una campaña muy publicitada para deportar a chicanos, mexicanos, centroamericanos y otros más. Aunque alega que está enfocándose en criminales, la redada más reciente en Denver, CO, tuvo a oficiales deteniendo a todos en el vecindario y preguntando por documentos. Adicionalmente, Trump también ha cancelado el Estatus de Protección Temporal o TPS (en inglés) para más de 300,000 venezolanos e intentó restringir la ciudadanía por nacimiento garantizada por la 14ª Enmienda de la Constitución de los Estados Unidos. Trump incluso ha comenzado a enviar detenidos a la base militar de Guantánamo en Cuba, aislándolos de sus familias, amigos o cualquier apoyo legal.

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By Sam Tunningley

Grand Rapids, Michigan event in solidarity with immigrants and trans people.

Grand Rapids, MI – At Fountain Street Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan, February 15, around 80 people gathered to hear speakers stressing solidarity with the immigrant and queer communities. The event’s purpose was to spread awareness and further mobilization, while also stressing the connections between the two struggles.


By staff

Tampa, FL – On Wednesday, February 12, students and community members organized by Tampa Bay Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), gathered on 50th and Fowler, a location directly across the street from the Tampa campus of the University of South Florida (USF), to rally against Trump’s agenda.


By Marisol Márquez

Estudiantes de preparatoria en L.A. realizan huelga para protestar contra las deportaciones.

Los Ángeles, CA — Más de 200 estudiantes de Garfield High School realizaron un paro estudiantil el 4 de febrero. Padres marcharon junto a sus hijos, mientras los estudiantes salieron energéticamente de la escuela.

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By staff

Minnesota Valentines Day protest for immigrant rights.

Minneapolis, MN – During a heavy snowfall in the evening rush hour on Valentines Day, February 14, dozens of people gathered on the Lake Street /Marshall Avenue bridge between Minneapolis and Saint Paul to demonstrate support for immigrants in our community. Many drivers passing by honked and waved to show their support.


By David Pulido

Educadores de Santa Ana, California, protestan contra los despidos.

Santa Ana, CA – Más de 200 educadores se manifestaron en la Cámara de Comercio de Santa Ana el martes 29 de enero para protestar contra los recortes presupuestarios y los despidos de hasta 546 empleados.

Maestros de primaria y secundaria, consejeros, especialistas en currículo y trabajadores sociales, así como miembros de sindicatos locales, padres y niños llenaron la cámara. Incluso más personas se vieron obligadas a entrar en la sala de desbordamiento y el pasillo del edificio del distrito.

El mes pasado, el Distrito Escolar de Santa Ana (SAUSD) aprobó un “Plan de Estabilización Presupuestaria” que amenazaba con despedir a muchos de estos trabajadores. El superintendente del distrito, Jerry Almendarez, dijo que la decisión era un sacrificio necesario que no afectaría gravemente a los estudiantes y las familias. Al mismo tiempo, no se consideraron puestos gerenciales para los despidos: Almendarez recibió $447,561 en compensación en 2022, y la agenda de la reunión originalmente incluía un aumento salarial propuesto del 3% y una bonificación única del 3% para él antes de que la reacción de la comunidad cambiara la opinión de la junta.

Irónicamente, a pesar de esta crisis, no fueron los educadores públicos sino los activistas de las escuelas charter los primeros en hablar. Los defensores de Compass Charter School se quejaron del gran tamaño de las clases en las escuelas públicas y elogiaron la enseñanza híbrida y la educación en el hogar, que son modelos poco realistas para las familias de clase trabajadora en Santa Ana. El padre Max Page dijo que se sentía “seguro” al dejar a sus hijos en Compass, insinuando que las escuelas del SAUSD son peligrosas. Todos los estudiantes y maestros de Compass Charter eran blancos en una ciudad que es 77% latina/chicana según los datos del censo de 2020.

Mientras tanto, el maestro de escuela pública Vladimir Benítez dijo en español, “En primer lugar, a todas las familias inmigrantes, ¡los vemos! Los amamos. Estamos aquí para apoyarlos. Sé lo que está sucediendo en sus vidas – mis padres también fueron inmigrantes indocumentados en los años 90 cuando teníamos a Pete Wilson, ¡pero todavía estamos aquí! ¡Y vamos a permanecer aquí!”

Benítez continuó: “Reducir la cantidad de maestros que quieren recortar en este momento histórico – la historia va a ver, ‘¿Qué hicimos?’ Si no sienten vergüenza de recortar los recursos para estos niños, entonces no sé por qué están aquí”.

Los educadores en el salón de desbordamiento vitorearon y exigieron “¡Sin despidos! ¡Sin recortes!” a pesar de las advertencias de la junta para que se mantuvieran en silencio.

La maestra de educación especial Edith Esqueda dijo: “Estoy aquí esta noche como una maestra preocupada, profundamente comprometida con el futuro de nuestro distrito”. A los miembros de la junta y a los superintendentes, les dijo: “Un día ustedes empacarán sus cosas y se mudarán a la siguiente mejor opción; ¡estamos aquí para quedarnos!”

Esqueda dijo: “El corazón de nuestro distrito no está en las oficinas, sino en nuestras aulas donde están todos nuestros estudiantes”.

Los manifestantes en la audiencia sostenían carteles que decían “351 despidos es lo inimaginable”, una referencia al lema del SAUSD “imagina lo inimaginable” que se colocó en los materiales promocionales del distrito este año.

Tanya Guzmán, maestra del SAUSD durante 31 años, dijo: “Mientras reflexionaba sobre la magnitud de las eliminaciones propuestas ante nosotros, no pude evitar reflexionar sobre el tema de ‘imagina lo inimaginable’ para este año escolar. Este tema ha adquirido un nuevo significado al imaginar las consecuencias inimaginables que estos recortes crearán. Es inimaginable que el aprendizaje no se vea afectado por las reducciones propuestas”.

Erica González habló como exalumna y madre del SAUSD, y reforzó los puntos del orador anterior Albert Castillo sobre “los $10.4 millones de dólares anuales que se destinan a los 85 oficiales del Departamento de Policía de Santa Ana que están en el campus las 24 horas del día, los siete días de la semana, incluso durante el verano”. Dijo: “SAUSD tiene la tercera agencia de policía escolar más grande de toda California”.

La trabajadora social Luz González habló sobre el apoyo vital que ofrece a los estudiantes, dando ejemplos de la vida real de su trabajo: “La tercera estudiante del día entra a su sesión, confiando sus temores de deportaciones masivas inminentes. ¿Su plan familiar? Sus padres dejarían a su hermana de 18 años a cargo de ella y su hermano de 11 años. Está abrumada y aterrorizada”.

Mirando directamente a Almendarez y en respuesta a los posibles despidos de los trabajadores sociales, preguntó: “¿Cuánto está dispuesto a arriesgar?”.

La presión pública obligó a que la reunión terminara cerca de la medianoche sin una votación sobre los despidos de maestros. La junta programó una reunión especial para decidir sobre el Plan de Estabilización el viernes 31 de enero.

Entre los manifestantes en la reunión se encontraban educadores de SAUSD, miembros de la Asociación de Educadores de Santa Ana (SAEA), miembros del sindicato National Union of Health Care Workers y miembros del Local 9510 de Communication Workers of America (CWA).

#SantaAnaCA #CA #Labor #ImmigrantRights #CWA

By Chicano/Latino Plus Commission of the FRSO

In the first two weeks of his Presidency, Trump has unleashed a highly publicized campaign to deport Chicanos, Mexicanos, Central Americans and others. While he claims to be targeting criminals, the most recent raid in Denver, CO, had officials stopping everyone in the neighborhood and asking for documents. In addition, Trump has also cancelled Temporary Protected Status or TPS for more than 300,000 Venezuelans and tried to restrict birthright citizenship granted in the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Trump has even started shipping detainees to the Guantanamo military base in Cuba, isolating them from family, friends, or any legal support.


By Clio Jensen

Seattle, WA – On February 6, around 100 students gathered outside Thompson Hall to rally against ICE on campus. The 5 p.m. protest was organized in response to a planned recruitment event with ICE and the Department of Homeland Security, titled “Career as a Special Agent” that had been set to take place on that day.

The UW Jackson School of International Studies originally planned to host two agents from Homeland Security Investigations, a division of ICE, for a workshop aiming to recruit UW students on February 6. After backlash from students and campus organizations, the workshop was suddenly rescheduled. Students are now demanding a full cancellation of the event, a formal apology for planning the event, and that UW administration refuse to host ICE and partner agencies at future events.


By David Pulido

Protesta contra la agenda de Trump en Santa Ana, California.

Santa Ana, CA – Más de 100 miembros de la comunidad, activistas y organizadores se congregaron en Santa Ana para protestar contra la inauguración de Donald Trump el 20 de enero.

A pesar de las frías ráfagas de viento, la multitud llenó la intersección de S Bristol Street y W McFadden Avenue, un lugar en el que la gente se ha congregado durante años, como en la primera inauguración de Trump o durante la Rebelión de George Floyd.

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By Clio Jensen

Seattle protest against deportations.

Seattle, WA – Several hundred people marched along Alki Beach in the afternoon of Saturday, February 8 to protest against ICE and stand against the attacks on immigrant communities. The rally was called by members of the Latino community, and supported by the Freedom Road Socialist Organization, the Party for Socialism and Liberation, and the organization Latinos con Palestinos.


By Morgan Gald

Protest of immigrant rights in Green Bay, Wisconsin.

Green Bay, WI – On Saturday, February 8, nearly 100 people braved the winter cold and marched through downtown Green Bay, Wisconsin in a powerful demonstration against ICE’s escalating attacks on immigrant communities nationwide.


By staff

Protest against deportations in Austin, Texas.

Austin, TX – 100 University of Texas students and community members rallied on February 12 in front of Littlefield Fountain, calling for protection of immigrant rights and demanding that ICE not be allowed to operate on campus. Austin Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) organized the rally in response to Trump’s plan for mass deportations and sightings of ICE agents on and around campus.


By Gabriel Quiroz Jr.

Los Angeles march against deportations.

Los Angeles, CA – Over 1000 Chicanos gathered at Mariachi Plaza in Boyle Heights on Saturday, February 8 at 11 a.m. to protest deportations and fight against Trump and his immigration policies. The rally and march was organized by Centro CSO and was supported by many allies, like Unión del Barrio and Palestinian Youth Movement LA.

Mariachi Plaza has been an unofficial rally point for local Chicanos on the Eastside of LA to meet and fight back, from protesting police killings of Chicanos and fighting for immigrant rights to Palestinian solidarity rallies.


By staff

San Jose, California march for immigrant rights.

San Jose, CA – On February 2, over 1000 San Jose residents took to the streets to demand no ICE in San Jose and no deportations following the presence of ICE agents in East Side San Jose. The Silicon Valley Immigration Committee, along with endorsers, called to action to mobilize against ICE operations in the East Side, a community with a high immigrant population.


By Brad Sigal

February 8 immigration raid response training.

Minneapolis, MN – More than 100 community members packed into a South Minneapolis church for a three-hour training on January 4, and then another 100 people on February 8, to prepare to resist incoming President Trump's attacks on immigrants.

The Immigration Raid Response Trainings were organized by the Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAC), a grassroots immigrant rights organization that's been fighting against deportations and for legalization for all since 2006.


By staff

Dallas, TX – On Saturday, February 8, the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression NAARPR-Dallas hosted its Black and Brown Unity: History of DFW Struggle for Liberation Town Hall at the Pan-African Connection in Dallas.


By staff

Colorado protest against deportations.

Aurora, CO – On February 8, around 50 community members gathered outside Buckley Space Force Base in Aurora, Colorado, to protest the base’s collaboration with the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in the detention of immigrants.

Organized by Aurora Unidos CSO and Denver Anti-War Action, the protest was part of a larger national week of action by the Legalization for All Network.

Protesters voiced their opposition to the role the base would play in the Trump administration's plans for mass deportations. Yoselin Corrales, an organizer with Aurora Unidos CSO, said, “Today, we are here to fight against recent discussions to potentially detain and imprison our neighbors on the Buckley Space Force Base.”

The protest comes in the wake of a controversial announcement in late January, wherein the U.S. Military’s Northern Command revealed plans to make facilities at Buckley Space Force Base available to ICE to set up processing and staging areas for detained immigrants at the request of the Department of Homeland Security.

Speakers at the rally emphasized the strength of the community coming together to fight, with Brandon Gehrke, another organizer with Aurora Unidos CSO, addressing the crowd, “We keep us safe – not ICE, not the military, not those who seek to use fear to control us. When we stand together, we are stronger than any force that tries to break us. Together, we will demand legalization for all. and put an end to these harmful and inhumane operations.”

Jason Crow, congressman for Colorado’s 6th District, recently reported that the base has agreed to only use the base for staging and logistics for now, but this is likely only temporary. The scale of deportation being discussed by the Trump administration’s “Operation Aurora” requires expansions of ICE’s detention capacity. Currently, Aurora has a processing center that holds around 1500 people, operated by GEO Group, a private for-profit prison corporation.

Aurora Unidos CSO pledges to stand opposed to the expansion of ICE’s capacity to detain people and calls on all people to actively hinder the ability of the Trump administration to carry out their racist and reactionary agenda.

As the protest ended, many of those who attended expressed their commitment to continuing the fight for immigrant rights. The rally at Buckley Space Force Base is proof to lawmakers and the military that the community will not stand by while the government targets immigrants, and that efforts for legalization and justice will continue.

#AuroraCO #CO #ImmigrantRights #SpaceForce #CSO #CSOAU #DAWA