Tampa, FL – Two dozen people gathered here June 19 at La Mexicana Bakery to demand an end to deportations and legalization for all. Community members and activist alike were represented in the crowd. Among the groups present were Raices en Tampa, Students for a Democratic Society, Committee to Stop FBI Repression and others.
San Jose , CA – The U.S. Social Forum begins today, June 24, here in San Jose with a concurrent site in Philadelphia. The event is bringing together many different sections of the people’s movement under the slogan “Another World is Possible, Another System is Necessary.”
Tallahassee, FL – Community members and students gathered in front of the Old Tallahassee Capitol, June 19, to protest the planned mass deportation of Haitians and Dominicans of Haitian descent, from the Dominican Republic.
Eloy, AZ – 200 detenidos iniciaron este sábado una huelga de hambre en el centro de detención Eloy, centro de detención administrado con fines de lucro por Corrections Corporation of America (CCA por sus siglas en ingles). Los detenidos organizaron la huelga de hambre como respuesta a la reciente muerte de dos detenidos, debido al excesivo uso de fuerzas por parte de los guardias. Inmediatamente después, CCA y ICE tomaron represalias contra los huelguistas, manteniéndolos bajo el sol por seis horas sin agua y sujetos a temperaturas superiores a los 100 grados. Las personas que se encontraban protestando afuera de las instalaciones tuvieron que llamar a los servicios de emergencias para prevenir deshidratación e insolación. Sin embargo, estos llegaron 4 horas después de que se iniciara la huelga y CCA les prohibió acceso a los huelguistas. CCA y ICE también son culpables de amenazar a todo aquel que participe en la huelga con 3 meses de detención solitaria.
Phoenix, AZ – 200 immigrant detainees began a hunger strike on June 13, at the for-profit Eloy Detention Center run by the Corrections Corporation of America (CCA). The hunger strike is in response to two recent deaths of detainees at the hands of guards who are believed to have used excessive force.
Los Angeles, CA – In a two to one decision, The federal Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit ruled that President Obama’s Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Legal Permanent Residents (DAPA) and the extension of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA) will be delayed while an anti-immigrant challenge from Texas state government and others continues to move thorough the court system. These measures would have provided some relief to about 5 million (of the 11 million) undocumented immigrants in the U.S.
Salt Lake City, Utah—On May 2, more than 100 people rallied in celebration of International Workers Day. The event, put on by the Freedom Road Socialist Organization, drew a large crowd to the steps of the city and county buildings. The people gathered to show solidarity with workers, immigrants, national and international movements.
Winston-Salem, NC – For the eighth consecutive year, hundreds of people are expected to join the Farm Labor Organizing Committee (FLOC), AFL-CIO for a rally and march at the Reynolds American shareholders meeting on May 7 to demand the company finally act to ensure that their supply chain is free of human rights abuses.
Los Angeles, CA – Undocumented Chicano and Central American students from Roosevelt High School led a militant May 1 march of about 400 people here on International Workers’ Day. The march included members of MEChA, and families, parents, and teachers in Boyle Heights. Viewed by thousands of spectators, youth supported by neighborhood families chanted, “Students support education and immigrant rights.”
Houston, TX – There were a number of events here to celebrate International Workers’ Day on May 1. First, the Houston Socialist Movement held a May Day speak-out with many groups. Leaders spoke about the need to end capitalism, build a socialist movement and make a revolution. They denounced the anti-worker, anti-immigrant and racist Republican Party in Texas, led by Governor Greg Abott. Speaker after speaker expressed a great sense of unity and hope for a socialist future. Later in the evening, there was a May Day dinner to build a spirit of solidarity amongst revolutionaries.
Minneapolis, MN – On May 1, the annual International Workers Day march for immigrant and workers rights merged in the streets with a Black Lives Matter march. During rush hour the combined march took over all lanes in both directions of major arterial streets as they marched downtown to the Hennepin County Government Center. Chants and songs alternated between the themes of immigrant rights, workers’ rights and Black Lives Matter.
Tampa, FL – More than 50 people gathered outside of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) office in Ybor, a Tampa neighborhood, May 1. Uniting on International Workers' Day, community members, workers, immigrants and students demanded not one more deportation. The Department of Homeland Security and the Tampa Police Department showed up in armored vehicles and took to the streets on bicycles in an attempt to intimidate the activists.
Houston, TX – The Republican Party in Texas is intensifying its campaign against Chicano and Mexicano people by pushing for new repressive laws in the Texas legislature. Texas Governor Greg Abbott and his henchmen are seeking the support of the Greater Houston Partnership, an organization of liberal business leaders.
Tampa, FL – Organizations around the Tampa Bay joined together here for a press conference, April 24, in front of the Ybor Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) office, holding two banners, one that read “May Day” and another saying “Stop the deportations.”
El 1ero de Mayo del 2015 los trabajadores de todo el mundo celebran el día internacional del trabajador y la lucha por un mejor mundo. En la mayoría de los países, el pueblo trabajador y oprimido marcha por las calles enarbolando banderas rojas. Líderes de la clase trabajadora dan importantes discursos sobre la historia y sobre la continua lucha en contra de este injusto sistema que solo beneficia al 1%. El 1ero de Mayo es una oportunidad para celebrar a la clase trabajadora y el brillante futuro para los que continuamos defendiendo y luchando contra los patrones y las compañías que nos explotan. El 1ero de Mayo es también un día para apoyar a las naciones y los pueblos oprimidos del mundo, quienes resisten la guerra y ocupación de los EE.UU y su maquinaria guerrerista. La Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad ( www.frso.org) le insiste al pueblo a que salga a las calles a marchar este 1ero de Mayo y presentar foros de discusión sobre la necesidad de acabar con el gobierno del 1 % y establecer el socialismo; un sistema donde el poder político y económico este en las manos de los trabajadores.
Los Angeles, CA – Boyle Heights residents and local groups are organizing a march and rally this May 1. Marchers will assemble at Soto and 1st Streets at 4:00 p.m. and march to Mariachi Plaza at 1st and Boyle Streets.
Milwaukee, WI – More than 50 students, faculty and community members held a rally at Marquette University, March 30, to call on the administration to establish a scholarship fund exclusively for undocumented students.
Salt Lake City, UT – The detainment of Nicoll Hernández-Polanco is sparking protests across the country with Utah joining the fight. Nicoll Hernández-Polanco is a Guatemalan transwoman seeking asylum. However, she is currently being held in the Florence Service Processing Detention in Arizona. Hernandez-Polanco remains incarcerated in the men’s side of the detention center where she faces sexual harassment and assault.