Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Immigrant Rights

By Brad Sigal

As the millionaires in the U.S. Congress debate the content of a ‘comprehensive immigration reform’ bill, immigrant rights activists around the country will send a strong message from the streets in a national week of action May 28-31. The Legalization for All Network has initiated a week of action to demand immigration reform that includes legalization for all 11 million undocumented immigrants and that stops all deportations immediately.


By staff

Washington, DC – The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation's largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, said on May 17 that it plans to file a complaint against a Minnesota judge who inappropriately questioned defendants on their religious beliefs and equated mainstream Islamic principles with terrorism.


By staff

Milwaukee students rally in support of Palermo’s workers.

Milwaukee, WI – The UWM Boycott Coalition for Worker’s Rights at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee declared a major a victory after the university halted sales of Palermo’s Pizza for the remaining school year and summer. Students and workers at the university have been struggling to end the sales of Palermo’s Pizza. A boycott of the pizza was called by Palermo’s workers attempting to form a union.


By Jess Sundin

Jess Sundin

Fight Back News Service is reprinting the speech of Jess Sundin, a leader of Freedom Road Socialist Organization, delivered at the FRSO-organized May Day celebration, May 3.


By staff

May Day rally in Fort Lauderdale, FL

Fort Lauderdale, FL – On May 1 over a dozen people gathered in front of the U.S. Federal Building in downtown Fort Lauderdale to commemorate International Workers Day. Despite steady rain, protesters held banners reading, “May Day South Florida,” and “Money for jobs and education, not wars and occupation!” on the corner of a busy intersection.


By staff

Carlos Montes (center) at LA May Day protest.

Los Angeles, CA – The Southern California Immigration Coalition (SCIC) led a militant political march and rally in the heart of Los Angeles, May 1, with thousands of garment workers, students and a contingent from Occupy LA. The event was a political protest against the U.S. ICE/police deportations. The clear demand was for legalization for all. The majority of marchers were Latino wearing red shirts and carrying flags from Central America, Latin America, Mexico and the red flag of Aztlan. Many of the speakers expressed an anti-war and pro-worker view in support for people of the world who fight against the U.S. empire. Other May 1 events in L.A. were more like celebrations with music concerts – many wearing white with U.S. flags.


By Jared Hamil

May Day march in Tampa, FL

Tampa, FL – On May 1, a large crowd gathered during a rain storm to demand legalization for all undocumented people and overall genuine immigration reform. May Day, or International Workers' Day, traditionally has been a day for demanding workers' rights. In recent years, it has been a day for Latinos, immigrants and allies to demand legalization and full equality.


By staff

May Day 2013 in Milwaukee

Milwaukee, WI – Thousands attended this year’s May Day celebration here. The May 1 event advanced the demand for immigration reform, including legalization for all undocumented immigrants in the U.S., as well as continued support for the nearly year-long Palermo's workers’ strike.


By staff

May Day in Chicago

Chicago, IL – The largest immigrant rights march since 2008 took place here today, May 1. Ringing with the call for “Legalization for all,” the mostly Latino crowd took the traditional route from Union Park, and ended in Federal Plaza.

#ChicagoIllinois #ChicagoIL #MayDay #immigrantRights #legalizationForAll

By Masao Suzuki

Lucha y Resiste! comentario

El 17 de abril, un grupo bipartidista de ocho senadores lanzó su propuesta de “reforma integral de inmigración.” Si hay partes de la propuesta que mejore las vidas de millones de indocumentados, pero también incluye muchas partes malas que no pueden ser compatibles. Lo que hay que hacer es la reconstrucción de un movimiento amplio y militante por la legalización y contra más militarización de la frontera y contra de la represión laboral. Tenemos que darle fuerte para movilizar el 1 de mayo y mantener la presión sobre los políticos para llegar a un mejor proyecto de reforma migratoria.

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By staff

Los Angeles, CA – A major immigrant rights march is scheduled for here on May 1. Organized by the Southern California Immigration Coalition, marchers will demand, “Legalization for all.” The march begins at 4:00 p.m. at the corner of Broadway and Olympia.


By Masao Suzuki

Fight Back! commentary

On April 17, a bipartisan group of eight senators released their proposal for “Comprehensive Immigration Reform.” While there are parts of the proposal that would improve the lives of millions of undocumented, it falls far short of a real legalization plan and it includes many bad parts that cannot be supported. What needs to be done, first and foremost, is to rebuild a mass and militant movement for legalization and against more militarization of the border and against workplace repression. We need to go all out to mobilize for May 1 and keep the pressure on politicians to come up with a better immigration reform bill.


By Jared Hamil

Activists listen to speakers.

Tampa, FL – On April 18, immigrant rights activists, community members and students demanded that the city of Tampa allow drivers licenses for undocumented people. In the morning, activists with Dream Defenders marched into city hall demanding that the city council pass a resolution in favor of the state of Florida passing a law granting licenses for the undocumented. The Tampa City Council attempted to shut down speakers for demanding licenses for all. After the council meeting, the activists left with council members inviting them to meet again on a personal basis.


By staff

Lucha y Resiste! entrevistó al veterano activista chicano Carlos Montes sobre la lucha para ganar la legalización para los inmigrantes indocumentados. Montes es un veterano luchador por los derechos de los inmigrantes. Lucha y Resiste: ¿Por qué la lucha por la legalización de los indocumentados es tan importante ahora?

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By staff

Salt Lake City, UT –African immigrant Victoria Sethunya will remain in Utah for now. On April 18, Sethunya appeared in immigration court, backed by 20 friends and local activists. Some wore signs taped to their chests saying “Justice for Victoria,” and “Return her passport.”


By Josh West

April 6 protest protest at Wells Fargo

Provo, UT – Students and community members protested in front of the Wells Fargo building on April 6 to voice their opposition to Wells Fargo’s hypocritical marketing. Wells Fargo deeply invests in privately owned prisons through firms like Corrections Corporation of America (CCA), the largest private prison company in the U.S.


By staff

No More Deportations banner at April 10 Minneapolis immigration reform rally

Minneapolis, MN – Protesters rallied in downtown Minneapolis on April 10, a national day of action to demand that politicians in Washington D.C. take action now for immigrant rights. The Minneapolis protest was organized by a coalition of unions, immigrant rights organizations and religious groups. Speakers emphasized that the time is now for immigration reform, and that the reform must not leave immigrant workers in a second class status.

Youth from Southern Minnesota group Pa'delante at the April 10 Minneapolis rally

April 10 Minneapolis immigration reform rally

#MinneapolisMN #immigrationReform

By Cassia Laham

Miami rally for immigrant rights.

Miami, FL – Over 2000 people marched here, April 6, demanding legalization for undocumented workers and calling for an end to the deportations of immigrants. Young and old, undocumented and documented, workers and students came together in order to push local and national policy makers, including President Obama, into immediate action.


By Fight Back! Editors

Veteran Chicano activist Carlos Montes

Fight Back! interviewed veteran Chicano activist Carlos Montes on the fight to win legalization for undocumented immigrants. Montes is a longtime fighter in the struggle for immigrant rights. Fight Back!: Why is the struggle for legalization for the undocumented so important right now?


By Jared Hamil

Tampa 'Legalization For All' event

Tampa, FL – Activists came together here, March 29, to announce a campaign under the demand “Licenses for All” undocumented people in Florida. Members of Dream Defenders, Hondurenos Unidos en Tampa, Mexican American Student Association (MASA), and Latin American Student Association (LASA) at the University of South Florida will be pushing the Tampa City Council to allow drivers licenses for undocumented immigrants. The number of undocumented immigrants in Florida is estimated to be 1 million people. Many of the undocumented end up being deported after being pulled over from driving without a license.