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Immigrant Rights

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On Feb. 18, more than 2500 people gathered in Powderhorn Park in Minneapolis to protest President Trump’s recent executive orders against immigrants. The MN Anti-War Committee and the No More Deportations campaign co-sponsored the rally which was followed by a community march to show solidarity with the immigrants and refugees targeted by President Trump’s executive orders.


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More than 2500 people joined the rally and march to show solidarity with the immigrants and refugees targeted by President Trump’s executive orders, Saturday, Feb. 18. The protest was co-sponsored by the Twin Cites based Anti-War Committee and the No More Deportations campaign.

#MinneapolisMN #US #PeoplesStruggles #AntiWarCommittee #DonaldTrump

By Sol Márquez

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With less than a day’s notice, 30 people gathered at the historic Mariachi Plaza, Feb. 16, rallying in support of the undocumented on “A Day Without Immigrants.”


By Michela

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On Feb. 15 protesters gathered on the corner of 5th and 57th, across the street from Trump Towers. The protest was called because earlier that day President Trump and Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had just finished meeting in Washington DC, where they colluded against the Palestinians.


By Masao Suzuki

On Feb. 19, 1942, President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066, which authorized the removal of 120,000 Americans of Japanese descent from the West Coast of the U.S. to concentration camps. Despite not a single case of espionage by Japanese Americans, they were removed en masse by a combination of what has been called “war hysteria, racial prejudice, and a failure of political leadership” under the guise of national security.


By staff

3 arrests, cops use pepper spray

Tucson, AZ – At the federal building in downtown Tucson around 150 people displayed their anger at Trump’s recent ICE raids, Feb.16. The raids targeted hard-working undocumented immigrants, including a mother in Phoenix.


By Fight Back! Editors

The Trump administration has been discussing a proposal to mobilize up to 100,000 National Guard troops in the four states bordering Mexico (California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas) as well as seven more bordering these states (Oregon, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisiana). The National Guard would be used for a massive round-up and deportation of millions of undocumented immigrants, which Trump has pledged to do. The round-up would be based on Trump’s Jan. 25 executive order, which expands to the target of deportations to virtually at least eight of the 11 million undocumented.


By staff

_Reports say Trump administration considering use of National Guard to round up immigrants _

Minneapolis, MN – The Anti-War Committee and the No More Deportations campaign are co-sponsoring a community march to show solidarity with the immigrants and refugees targeted by President Trump’s executive orders, Saturday, Feb. 18, 2017 from 1-3:30 pm. Protesters will rally in Powderhorn Park and then march on Lake Street past hundreds of immigrant owned businesses to say “Immigrants are welcome here!”


By Joe Iosbaker

March in Chicago on Day Without Immigrants.

Chicago, IL – Over 4000 people marched today, Feb. 16, in Chicago as part of the Day Without Immigrants mobilizations across the country. The protest was called by ARISE Chicago, whose Jorge Mujica spoke to the crowd at Union Park. He condemned the order from President Trump that allows ICE officers to detain and deport people without trial. Mujica was one of the conveners 11 years ago of the mega-marches in Chicago that attracted hundreds of thousands for immigrant rights.


By staff

On Feb. 16, the immigrant rights group LUPE (Lucha Unida de Padres y Estudiantes) calls all defenders of immigrants and their families to protest the first wave of Trump’s raids.