Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Immigrant Rights

By Fabian Van Onzin

Over 1000 people protested at Bush Intercontinental Airport against Trump's Muslim ban. According to various news sources, multiple people are being detained at the airport due to the new executive order. The protesters occupied the international terminal and demanded that all the detained be released. The police tried to disperse the crowd, but were unsuccessful as more people poured into the terminal. There were people both inside and outside. At the height of the action, the entire hallway was filled with people from all walks of life. They chanted, “No more borders!” and ''Stop the hate, stop the fear, Muslims are welcome here.”


By Cassia Laham

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Hundreds of protesters gathered at noon, Jan. 29, outside of the departing terminals of Miami International Airport to denounce the U.S.’s recent ban on immigrants from countries throughout the Middle East and North Africa. The crowd grew bigger and more militant throughout the afternoon, despite the pouring rain and chilly weather. Signs and activists were dampened but their spirits were not.


By staff

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Chicago, IL – For the second night in a row, protesters converged at Chicago O'Hare International Airport, Jan. 29, to say no to President Trump’s Muslim ban. The protest was called by the Arab American Action Network.


By Michela

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New York, NY – On Jan. 28, the day after President Trump signed the executive order to restrict Muslims from seven countries from entering the U.S., reports came from the John F. Kennedy International airport saying that 12 people, including an Iranian Ph.D. student and two Iraqi refugees, were being detained under Trump’s new rule.


By Tom Burke

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Grand Rapids, MI – Between 500 and 600 people protested President Trump's Muslim travel ban at Gerald R. Ford International Airport in West Michigan. The protesters stretched for a quarter mile along the busy entrance road to the airport at 3 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 29.


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Milwaukee, WI – About 300 people gathered here in freezing temperatures Saturday morning. Jan. 28, to rally against Donald Trump’s executive order banning immigration from seven Middle Eastern and north African countries.


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The Anti-War Committee has initiated an emergency response protest in response to President Donald Trump’s anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant executive orders. The demonstration will take place Tuesday, Jan. 31, 4:30 p.m., at the Federal Building, 300 S 4th Street, Minneapolis.


By Masao Suzuki

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El 25 de enero, el presidente Trump firmó una orden ejecutiva que da inicio a la construcción de un muro fronterizo entre México y los EE.UU., incrementa el número de agentes de patrulla fronteriza, y aumenta la cooperación entre las autoridades federales de inmigración y las agencias locales de policía. Esta es la primera orden ejecutiva de Trump contra los inmigrantes y sin duda alguna no será la última.

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By Masao Suzuki

Los Angeles May Day march demands legalization for all.

San José, CA – On Jan. 25, President Trump signed an executive order ordering the construction of a wall between the U.S. and Mexico, an increase in the number of Border Patrol staffing, and stepping up federal immigration authorities’ use of local police. This is the first executive order on immigration by Trump, to be followed by others in the near future.


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500 people marched through the streets of downtown Miami, Jan. 20, Inauguration Day, in opposition to the Trump/Pence agenda. The protest was called for by the Anti-Trump Action Committee and brought together a diverse crowd of labor, immigrant rights, anti-war and Black Lives Matter activists. The groups united around the slogan: “Stop the Trump Agenda.”