Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Immigrant Rights

By Carlos Montes

Press conference at L.A.’s Roosevelt High School

Los Angeles, CA – Students and parents in East Los Angeles want decent schools. Centro CSO has been organizing for over two years to pressure the Los Angeles Unified School District to build a new high school in Boyle Heights to relieve the extremely overcrowded conditions at Roosevelt High School. The L.A. Unified School District will present the preliminary design at a community meeting at the Utah Street School on April 14.


By Carlos Montes

Family speaking on stage

Los Angeles, CA – Fernando Suarez Del Solar, from Escondido, father of Jesus Aleberto Suarez del Solar Navarro, a U.S. Marine killed in Iraq, spoke at a rally Aug. 30, in Hollenbeck Park in the heart of Boyle Heights, East Los Angeles. Mr. Solar has been an active vocal critic of the U.S. war on Iraq and the high casualty rate of Latinos in the war.


By Ray Sosa

Los Angeles, CA – Demanding “Escuelas si, guerra no!” – yes to schools no to war – one hundred parents, students and teachers attended a teach-in and rally, June 4. Latinos Against the War, El Centro CSO and the Roosevelt Revolutionary Students group of East L.A.'s Roosevelt High School sponsored the event.


By Carlos Montes

LAWII march against war in Iraq, in East Los Angeles.

Los Angeles, CA – The Latino community has taken a strong stand against the Bush war drive and invasion against the people of Iraq. Here in Los Angeles, a new group, named Latinos Against War In Iraq – LAWII – was formed and immediately plunged into a series of demonstrations.


By Viviana Montes

Centro CSO contingent at historic April 20 anti-war march in San Francisco

Los Angles, CA – Aug. 29 marks the 32nd anniversary of the historic Chicano Moratorium. A little more than three decades ago, the largest Chicano/a mobilization ever took place to protest the Vietnam War. Large numbers of Chicanos were sent to fight the people of Vietnam. The people's movement challenged U.S. foreign policy, the high casualty rate of Chicanos in Vietnam and the negative effects that the war had on our community at home.


By staff

People displaying signs

Los Angeles, CA – A room full of determined Boyle Heights parents and community leaders faced down 2 bureaucrats from the Los Angeles schools, demanding decent conditions for the education of their children. The meeting, at the El Centro Community Service Organization (CSO) office on Dec. 21, was the latest in a string of actions taken by the group in the Clean Schools and Quality Education campaign.


By Carlos Montes

Picketing outside a school

Los Angeles, CA – Parents here were fed up with garbage covered school grounds. So along with the Community Service Organization, they decided to do something about it. “Our schools should be as clean as those in the west side or as those of the rich,” said a CSO parent member. “Let's see their children digest education from a dirty, filthy plate.”


By Ray Sosa

Los Angeles, CA – On Nov. 18, members of the New Raza Left and other community members came together to draft a list of demands for a campaign to make changes in the deplorable conditions of the Los Angeles public school system. The meeting identified three main areas of focus and came up with demands to be placed on the school district.


By Rosario Del Valle

Los Angeles, CA – The New Raza Left Los Angeles, after summing up our last campaign against Proposition 21 has decided to now focus our organizing efforts on educational justice to improve the bad conditions in our schools. In the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) conditions have reached crisis levels.


By staff

Fight Back News Service presents the following statement


By staff

Hunger strikers in good spirits

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from Latinos Against War on the hunger strike for legalization. On April 24 the hunger strike entered its second day and a massive immigrant rights demonstration is planned for May 1.


By Latinos Against War

Hunger srikers at press conference

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from Latinos Against War.


By Brad Sigal

Big crowd. Sign = "Stop the raids"

Hundreds of thousands of immigrant workers and their supporters marched in cities around the U.S. on May 1, International Workers Day. The marchers' main demands were for immediate legalization for all undocumented immigrants and an immediate end to the wave of raids and deportations targeting Mexican, Latin American, and other immigrant workers.


By staff

Police Later Attack Second Rally at MacArthur Park

Lead banner = "Legaliacion"

Los Angeles, CA – 100,000 enthusiastic demonstrators took the streets here May 1. Marching up Broadway to a mass rally at City hall, they demanded legalization for undocumented immigrant workers and an end to raids and deportations. The event was well organized and included security for the protest. The event was led by the March 25 Coalition, which has brought together dozens of community and labor groups, including Latinos Against War.


By staff

Los Angles, CA – The Los Angeles Police Commission hearing on May 8 drew hundreds of angry protesters demanding that Los Angeles Police Department officers be fired and prosecuted for attacking the peaceful Mexican/Latinos families gathered at Macarthur Park on May 1. Some called for the firing of Chief Bratton.


By Fight Back! Editors

In the spring of 2006 millions of Latino and other immigrants rallied against the Sensenbrenner bill, HR4437, that would have criminalized the undocumented. This movement called for legal residency for the undocumented and opposed the Bush administration’s call for a guest worker program.


By staff

Flier in English

Los Angeles, CA – “The struggle continues for legalization and to beat back the new attacks of the Bush administration, including the new policy of beefing up ICE enforcement at worksites and further militarization the border,” says Carlos Montes, one of the organizers of the planned Aug. 18 mass march for immigrant rights. The L.A. march will start at noon at Olympia and Broadway. Large-scale civil disobedience is set for the same week


By Carlos Montes

Carlos Montes on left along with Elvira Arellano and her son Saul

Los Angeles, CA – I met Elvira Arellano briefly on Aug. 18, at Los Angeles’s Placita Catholic Church, after our pro-immigrant rights march in downtown. I was tired but meeting her and her son Saulito energized and inspired me.


By Stephanie Weiner

Poster depicting boy with missing mother.

Chicago, IL – A hundred supporters of Elvira Arellano and her son Saul gathered here, Aug. 19, in the pouring rain outside the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) building. They were protesting the arrest and detention of Elvira earlier that day in Los Angeles. At a 10:00 p.m. emergency press conference, they demanded her freedom and to know her current location and status.


By staff

Big banner: Luchamos por legalization

Los Angeles, CA – More than 4,000 people marched here, Aug. 18 in support of immigrant rights.