Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Immigrant Rights

By Jared Cruz

Minneapolis, MN – Over 800 people marched here on March 23 to demand “Justice for Jeilani.” Half of the protesters were Somali immigrants. The march to the Hennepin County Government Center was a strong statement against the attacks on their community. Less than two weeks earlier, Abu Kassim Jeilani, a Somali man, died after Minneapolis police officers shot him at least 16 times. Police had followed him for blocks, claiming he was a threat because he carried a machete at his side. He was gunned down after placing his hand on a squad car. All police officers were at least 10 feet away from Mr. Jeilani when they shot him. Protesters say this brutal response was unwarranted, and demand prosecution of the police involved in the shooting. Friends and family reported that Mr. Jeilani had been suffering from an episode of mental illness after a recent visit from the FBI. He was afraid that he was in danger from authorities.

#MinneapolisMN #ImmigrantRights #News #PoliceBrutality #SomaliImmigrants

By staff

San Francisco, CA – Hundreds of Filipinos and immigrant families were joined by labor activists and many more supporters at the San Francisco, Oakland and San Jose airports on Feb. 19. They staged multiple press conferences in protest of new legislation requiring all airport screeners to be U.S. citizens. The actions coincided with the Feb. 19 federal takeover of the nation's airports. The demands for airport screener justice and for the safety for passengers served to expose the truth behind the recently enacted Aviation Security Act and the upcoming mass job losses for mostly Filipino immigrant airport screeners.


By J Burger

Jesse Jackson and members of Local 17 march on Hilton Hotel.

Minneapolis, MN – For 13 days, members of Hotel and Restaurant Employees Union (HERE) Local 17 walked the picket lines at Twin Cities hotels. The strike for better wages, dependent healthcare and dignity on the job garnered national attention. “This was a fight for the lowest paid and the most exploited worker,” said Jaye Rykunyk, principle officer of Local 17.


By Josh Sykes

people, signs and bullhorn

Charlotte, NC – Chanting, “The banks got bailed out, and the workers got sold out!” and “Bail out the workers and not the banks!” more than 20 people gathered here for a spirited rally in front of the Bank of America corporate headquarters. Called by UE Local 150, the action was in solidarity with the workers of UE 1110 who have occupied the Republic Windows and Doors factory in Chicago. Participants marched together into the office building to deliver a letter to Kenneth Lewis, Bank of America chairman and CEO, demanding that the Bank of America use some of the $25 billion bailout funds to provide credit to save the jobs at the Chicago plant.

#CharlotteNC #ImmigrantRights #News #UE1110 #ChicanoLatino #UELocal150 #RepublicWindowsAndDoors #BankOfAmerica

By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

On Sept. 1, 2008 the Republican Party will hold its national convention at the Xcel Center in Saint Paul, Minnesota. They will be there to nominate John McCain for president, and justify the wars against – and occupations of – Iraq and Afghanistan. The Republicans will gather to celebrate economic policies that have brought riches to the few and foreclosures, homelessness and unemployment to the many. Republican delegates will cheer the anti-immigrant attacks as party leaders try to use racism to cement their reactionary supporters. We can also expect attacks from the podium on women’s rights to control our own bodies and attacks on gay marriage.


By Coalition to March on the RNC and Stop the War

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following Action Alert from the Coalition to March on the RNC and Stop the War.


By Michael Graham

Asheville, NC – Students and community members confronted North Carolina congressperson Heath Shuler at the University of North Carolina at Asheville March 26.


By mick

Minneapolis, MN – In a great display of unity and solidarity, activists from around the country gathered on the University of Minnesota campus, Feb. 9-10, for an organizing conference to plan the anti-war protests at the Republican National Convention.


By staff

Women carrying banner that says, "Escuelas si... Centro CSO"

Los Angeles, CA – Students, teachers and parents demonstrated here with Latinos Against War on March 20, the fifth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, marching from Roosevelt High School to the building that houses a military recruiting center and the Eastside Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) center.


By Coalition to March on the RNC and Stop the War

ACTION ALERT: Tell St Paul officials to grant permit for RNC anti-war march

Fight Back News Service urges all of our readers to respond to this action alert from the Coalition to March on the RNC and Stop the War. Please forward it as widely as possible.


By staff

photo of a New York demonstration protesting verdict in Diallo case

New York, NY – On February 25, people were outraged at the verdict of “not guilty” in the case of the four undercover police officers who shot and killed an unarmed African man. Four cops fired 41 bullets, hitting Amadou Diallo 19 times. They were acquitted.


By Tony Caldera



By staff

Tony holding sign saying, "Fair Elections."

Chicago, IL – The company and the union officials agreed: The workers would get nothing. These workers that had made the company owners rich by making lamps to be sold to wealthy people around the world, these workers, would now get nothing. The company was being sold and their jobs would be eliminated. Most had worked in this factory for more than 25 years and now they would get nothing.


By staff

Chicago, IL – When rank-and-file members of Teamsters Local 743 arrived at the door of their union hall at 9:00 a.m., Oct. 16, they were forced to stand outside in the cold. Rogelio Garcia, Elizabeth Michaca and Josefina Mendez were denied entrance into the building that is paid for with their dues money. They had come to watch the ballot count in their union officers’ election.


By staff

Immigrant workers again being denied right to vote by union officials

Chicago, IL – Rank-and-file workers will rally Oct. 7 to stop an attempt by the corrupt leaders of Teamsters Local 743 to steal the election for union officers. The rally will take place at Teamster City, 300 S Ashland at 4:30 p.m.


By staff

Chicago, IL – Workers laid off from their jobs at a Bedford Park factory are continuing their fight to win fair compensation. 175 former employees of the Silver Capital Corporation have picketed, held a one-day strike and even rallied outside the union offices for their cause. On Sept. 15, 35 workers went to the National Labor Relations Board and filed charges against the sell-out leadership of Teamster Local 743.


By Meredith Aby

Minneapolis, MN – At a February 19 public meeting at Holy Rosary Church, the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) yielded to demands raised by Minnesota's Latino immigrant communities for improved and increased services.


By Meredith Aby

Minneapolis, MN – One hundred and fifty people took to the streets on August 8, 1998, to protest Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) policy in Minnesota. Chants of “Not my border, Not my war, Stop the INS!” and “Papeles Para Todos (Papers for Everyone)” echoed along the one mile plus march route through South Minneapolis. Participants were energized by the Danzantes, a local Aztec dance group that accompanied the march.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – Video coverage is now available of the Feb. 9-10 Organizing Conference to prepare for RNC Sept. 1 anti-war protest in St Paul, MN. The planned demonstration will coincide with the Republican National Convention.


By staff

Listen to some of the key speeches

Group of people with fists in the air.

Minneapolis, MN – Activists from around the country gathered here Feb. 9-10 for an organizing conference to plan the anti-war protests at the Republican National Convention.