Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Immigrant Rights

By Jim Byrne

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Tucson, AZ – On Aug. 10, Tucson Police (TPD) pulled over Norlan Flores Prado, a day laborer from Nicaragua, for allegedly making an improper right turn. Tucson Police then did exactly what they claim not to: they contacted the Border Patrol. Immediately, nearly 50 activists mobilized into action and flooded the scene. Two women threw themselves under the unmarked government SUV in which Flores was detained. Amid chants of “La Migra, policia, la misma porqueria!” the police and Border Patrol were forced to extract the two activists from underneath the vehicle in order to proceed with the bogus arrest.


By Brad Sigal

Minneapolis stands in solidarity with Central American refugee children

Minneapolis, MN – On Aug. 9 immigrant rights activists organized a vigil in Minneapolis as part of an International Day of Action in solidarity with Central American refugee children. Vigils were held in many cities in the U.S., Mexico and Central America. The vigils demanded protection and legal status, not detention and deportation for the tens of thousands of Central American children crossing the border into the U.S. – fleeing violence and extreme poverty in Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador. The Obama administration is currently focusing on speeding up deportations of the children rather than treating them as refugees that need legal protective status and family reunification.


By Edward Tolentino

Protest en Tucson AZ

Tucson, AZ—El primero de Agosto del 2014 el Departamento de Policías de Tucson (TPD), utilizando la ley de discriminación racial SB1070, detuvo a Gerardo Ruiz Lopez debido a una supuesta infracción de transito. Después de haber sido detenido de manera cínica e inmoral, el conductor fue arrestado y transferido por un oficial encubierto, en un vehículo no identificado.

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By Jim Byrne

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Tucson, AZ—“Que vivan los niños! Que Vivan!” Este era el grito de alrededor de 70 mujeres, hombres y niños, en las afuera de la librería publica del centro de Tucson el 30 de Julio. Una de las madres presente expreso: “Estamos aquí para apoyar a los niños de Guatemala, El Salvador y Honduras, que están huyendo de las gangas, de la violencia y de la pobreza”.

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By Jared Hamil

Marching against deportations in Washington D.C.

Washington D.C. – More than 1000 protesters marched through the streets here, Aug. 2, demanding a stop to deportations of immigrants. Protesters called on President Obama to stop deportations, which have exceeded 2 million under his administration.


By staff

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Tampa, FL – On July 31, two dozen protesters gathered outside the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) office in Ybor City, demanding President Obama extend protection to incoming refugee children from Central America. The protesters stood in front of the office doors, brandishing signs and chanting, “Liberation! Not deportation!” The ICE office directs the detentions of undocumented immigrants in the Tampa Bay area.


By Brad Sigal

Minneapolis protest against deportation of Central American children

Minneapolis, MN – 100 people gathered at Lake Street and Nicollet Avenue to demand that President Obama stop deporting the tens of thousands of Central American refugee children who have crossed the U.S.-Mexico border this year. The protest was organized by the Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAC).


By Jim Byrne

A cage to represent the detention centers holding children.

Tucson, AZ – “Que vivan los ninos! Vivan!” chanted the crowd of nearly 70 outside Tucson’s downtown public library, July 30. They convened, as one mother said, “To support the children from Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras who are fleeing violence, gangs and poverty.” Passersby could not miss the signs naming the causes of migration that read: “U.S. supports coups,” “U.S. fuels civil wars,” “U.S. backs militarization” and “Free Trade ruins lives.”


By Masao Suzuki

_Obama administration begins to speed deportations _

San José, CA – As more Central American children flee violence and poverty and seek to reunite with their families already in the U.S., anti-immigrant vigilantes are targeting buses carrying children. Republican politicians have likened the children to an invading army and have called for changing the law to allow for faster deportations.


By Brad Sigal

Protest outside Obama fundraiser June 26 in Minneapolis

Minneapolis, MN – Protesters confronted President Obama during an electoral-season fundraising swing through Minneapolis on June 26-27. Immigrant rights, anti-war and environmental groups protested together outside a big-money fundraiser where Obama and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi appeared on the evening of June 26.