Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Immigrant Rights

By Jared Hamil

Farmworkers speak to the crowd in downtown Lakeland

Lakeland, FL – For almost five years farmworkers in Immokalee, organized by the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW), have been fighting for higher wages from Publix Supermarkets. Immokalee, located in southwest Florida, grows many crops, including tomatoes and oranges. The city is home to many migrant farmworkers mostly from Mexico and Central America. Publix, whose headquarters is in Lakeland, Florida, is a multi-billion dollar corporation with over 1000 grocery stores throughout the South.


By Brad Sigal

Dreamers speak at the March 14 meeting for drivers licenses for all in Minnesota

Minneapolis, MN – With the new legislative session underway, the drivers licenses for all campaign is kicking back into high gear in Minnesota. The immigrant rights movement is mobilizing to press the state legislature and Governor Dayton to pass a bill that would grant basic equality for immigrants.


By staff

Gabriela Genova speaks out

Gabriela Genova member of DREAMers Moms Orlando

Gabriela Genova is a member of DREAMers Moms Orlando, Florida. Genova recently traveled from her home in Orlando to Phoenix, Arizona to join the United We Dream Congress and the hunger strike. Fight Back!: What is the hunger strike about?


By staff

FSU students march towards the president's office to demand tuition equity.

Tallahassee, FL- On Feb. 28, 35 courageous students gathered at the Florida State University (FSU) Integration Statues. At the very statue that symbolized the supposed diversity that Florida State claims, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and a broad array of organizations – including Advocates for Immigrant and Refugee Rights, Dream Defenders and the Center for Participant Education – demanded tuition equity. This policy that would ensure undocumented students could afford the human right of obtaining an education and be granted in-state tuition like the rest of the Florida population.


By Oscar Hernandez

Voces de la Frontera rally and press conference outside ICE office in Milwaukee

Milwaukee, WI – Taking a stand against courthouse intimidation by Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE), immigrant rights organizers at Voces de la Frontera rallied outside the ICE office in downtown Milwaukee on February 24, 2014.


By Redacción

Protesta en Tampa exige 'licencias para tod@s'

Tampa, FL – Desafiando la lluvia y el tráfico, la gente de todo el área de la ciudad de Tampa se reunió frente a la alcaldía exigiendo licencias de conducir para todos los indocumentados en el estado de Florida. Sostuvieron sombrillas y una pancarta que decía: ¡Licencias ahora! La protesta fue organizada por Raíces en Tampa, un grupo de la comunidad. Exigió a los políticos de la Florida, así como el alcalde de Tampa Bob Buckhorn y el ayuntamiento de Tampa para que apoyen a las licencias para todos los inmigrantes indocumentados.

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By staff

Tampa protest demands “Licenses for all."

Tampa, FL – Braving rain and traffic, people from across the Tampa Bay area rallied outside City Hall, demanding “Driver’s licenses for all undocumented!” Over 30 protesters held up umbrellas, signs and a banner reading, “Licencias ahora, licenses now!”


By staff

Florida State Senator Dwight Bullard speaking in support of student press confe

Tallahassee, FL – On Feb. 20, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) at Florida State University (FSU) held a press conference demanding “Tuition equity for undocumented students” on the school’s campus. Joining SDS was the leadership the Hispanic and Latino Student Union, Advocates for Immigrant and Refugee Rights, the Center for Participant Education, and the Dream Defenders. Florida State Senator Dwight Bullard spoke about SB 300, a bill he drafted to grant in-state tuition to undocumented students in the state of Florida.


By Brad Sigal

Minneapolis Valentines Day protest says 'no more deportations'

Minneapolis, MN – A Valentine’s Day protest here called on Hennepin County Sheriff Stanek to stop cooperating with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in deporting immigrants via the Hennepin County jail. Protesters gathered at noon outside the jail and then marched to Sheriff Stanek’s office inside City Hall. The protest was organized by MIRAc’s No More Deportations campaign and endorsed by several other organizations.


By Sean Orr

During a visit to Capitol Hill, Feb. 3, the leadership of United We Dream (UWD), the largest network of Dreamer (undocumented youth) organizations in the U.S., announced that they might be willing to support the Republican Party’s new “Principles for Immigration Reform,” if it meant that a bill would pass.