Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

In-Justice System

By Brad Sigal

A year ago police in Minneapolis murdered George Floyd, provoking mass protests and a rebellion. Here are a few photos from the first days of protests and from the rebellion in Minneapolis. Photos by Brad Sigal.


By Frank Chapman

Frank Chapman

Chicago, IL – The murder of George Floyd and the massive rebellion and protest that followed are the most remembered images of 2020. Unfortunately, images of Black people being lynched and murdered by white people in and out of uniform have been the most haunting images of American history. But the images of rebellion in 2020, of millions of people throughout the USA and the world rising up against racist police repression – and the system of oppression that police tyranny serves and protects – have inspired new hope and courage in the struggle for Black liberation.


By Hollie Poupart

Appleton, WI march demands justice for Jimmie Sanders.

Appleton, WI – On May 21, over 50 people from across eastern Wisconsin gathered to remember the life of Jimmie Sanders, who was shot and killed by Appleton Police Officer Jay Steinke four years ago. Jimmie Sanders was an innocent bystander who witnessed a bar fight where a single gunshot was fired. The firearm discharge drew Appleton police to the scene. Officer Steinke was one of the first to respond, barging onto the scene and shooting recklessly into Jack Apples Pub.


By staff

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Tallahassee, FL – On the evening of May 8, activists with the Tallahassee Community Action Committee gathered with community members at Cascades Park to demand answers for Raheem Reeder and his family. Adorned in baby blue and pink bandanas, Raheem’s favorite colors, local activists intended to honor his life while demanding accountability for his death. This action marked one month since Tallahassee Police Department (TPD) officers fatally shot Reeder. TPD has since used Marsy’s Law as a shield to protect their officers from public accountability and has refused to release the names of the officer(s) involved in the shooting. In addition, TPD has also blamed Valerie Hatton for the murder they committed.


By staff

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Fight Back! is circulating the following statement from the Committee to Free Simon Trinidad. Simon Trinidad is a prisoner of the U.S. empire who has done nothing wrong, only struggled to free his country.


By staff

LA press conference blasts LA Sheriffs harassment and retaliation against famili

Los Angeles, CA – A press conference was held in front of ‘Hall of Injustice’ office of LA Sheriff Alex Villanueva, May 4, to denounce the deputy sheriffs’ harassing of grieving Chicano and Black families who have lost their sons to LA Deputy Sheriff gangs killings, like those done by the “Banditos” of the East LA Sheriff Station. A grouping called Check the Sheriff Coalition united families and several organizations for the press conference. The coalition includes the local National Lawyers Guild, American Civil Liberties Union, Black Lives Matter-LA and Centro CSO. Press conference participants also backed a motion by LA County Supervisor Hilda Solis and Holly Mitchell to establish a police complaint process separate from the LA County Sheriffs.


By Joe Iosbaker

Jazmine Salas of the Chicago Alliance speaking at May Day rally.

Chicago, IL – The movements for immigrant rights, against police crimes, and the labor movement of essential workers united today to mark May 1, International Workers Day in Chicago. Banners read “Legalization for all,” “Stop police crimes” and “Justice for essential workers.”


By staff

Students for A Democratic Society protest at Eastcliff Mansion, the home of Univ

St. Paul, MN – Students for A Democratic Society (SDS) held a sit-in at Eastcliff Mansion, the home of University of Minnesota President Joan Gabel, April 30, to demand police accountability on campus, community control of the police, and to divest from the West Command Task Force. The occupation lasted from noon to 6 p.m. and had an extensive program which included marshal training, cop watch, know your rights training, an explanation of CPAC, and a discussion of disability justice and policing.


By staff

SDS protest pushes to disarm and defund the Auraria Campus Police Department.

Denver, CO – Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) rallied here April 29, as a part of their campaign to disarm and defund the Auraria Campus Police Department.


By Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad

El Primero de Mayo empezó como una celebración de la clase obrera y su lucha heroica después de la brutal violencia de la policía en el año 1886. Los trabajadores que manifestaron en Haymarket lucharon en contra condiciones de trabajo bien peor y por una campana de un día de trabajo por ocho horas. Los atacaron la policía, con muchos trabajadores heridos y muertos, muchos de ellos eran inmigrantes, resultado de un evento infamoso llamado la masacre de Haymarket. El estado de Illinois tuvo un juicio y ejecutó cuatro líderes laborales, siempre recordado como los Mártires de Haymarket. Todavía, el espíritu de este día, el primer Primero de Mayo vive y está celebrado alrededor del mundo cada año.

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