Los Angeles, CA – More than 3 million voted by mail and in person on November 3 in Los Angeles. District Attorney Jackie Lacey was defeated in a hard-fought race for district attorney of Los Angeles County, the most populous in the United States. Reform candidate George Gascon beat Lacey.
Green Bay, WI – On November 1, the Wisconsin Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression held a car caravan and vigil for Donna Christensen, an Ojibwe woman and member of the Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa, who was found dead in a jail cell in Vilas County, Wisconsiin.
El mundo está observando cómo los americanos votan por la derrota de Trump y de la agenda Republicana de racismo, discriminación, y opresión. Por supuesto, el sistema ya engañó a los americanos en 2016. Trump perdió el voto popular pero fue declarado presidente de los EEUU por el sistema elitista del Colegio Electoral. Ahora Donald Trump amenaza con robar las elecciones de nuevo, tratando de mentir, engañar, y robar su camino de regreso a la Casa Blanca.
The world is watching as Americans vote to defeat Trump and the Republican agenda of racism, discrimination and oppression. Of course, the system already cheated the American people back in 2016. Trump lost the popular vote but was declared U.S. president by the elitist Electoral College system. Now Donald Trump threatens to be at it again, trying to lie, cheat and steal his way back into the White House.
A través del país, el gobierno Gringo, está soltando una oleada de represión atentando a criminalizar a todos aquellos que protestan contra los asesinatos de los afroamericanos y otras gentes oprimidas a manos de la policía. Nosotros le hacemos un llamado al pueblo a resistir la represión y trabajar hacia la revolución por medio de protestas masivas, y a unirse a grupos socialistas como lo es la FRSO.
Baltimore, MD – On the evening of October 28, 14 organizers who were affiliated with the Baltimore March and Car Caravan for November 4 had their Facebook pages disabled. All were administrators or editors on various Facebook pages that endorsed the action, and included Peoples Power Assembly, Youth Against War & Racism, Prisoner’s Solidarity Committee, Women In Struggle/Mujeres En Lucha, and Struggle La Lucha. This action effectively locked down all of these pages, denying thousands of members their constitutional rights.
Tallahassee, FL – On October 22, more than 40 students and community members gathered at Integration Statue and marched to Wescott Fountain. Students for a Democratic Society held the annual protest at Florida State University in honor of the National Day of Protest Against Police Brutality. The assembly gathered with the demands of community control of FSU Police Department, that State Attorney Jack Campbell drops all charges levied against the #Tally19, and permanent removal of the Francis Eppes statue.
Tallahassee, FL – All spring and summer, organized groups of anti-police crimes protesters took to the streets, including the intersection in front of the historic capitol for over an hour at a time and on many occasions. Police regularly redirected traffic at least a block in every direction. Organizers would eventually announce the conclusion of street actions, at which time attendees dispersed without incident. Having spent all summer referring to these frequent street protests as “peaceful,” law enforcement agencies pivoted to making threats to crack down on “unpermitted” protesters for blocking traffic. This change by law enforcement occurred abruptly the afternoon of August 29.
Oshkosh, WI – Over a dozen protesters from many parts of eastern Wisconsin answered a call put out by United Action Oshkosh (UAO). People rallied on October 24 to demand justice for Isaiah Tucker and community control of the police.
Tampa, FL – On October 20, around 40 students and community members protested against the University of South Florida’s (USF) budget cuts and demanded defunding the campus police. Tampa Bay Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) held the protest as part of their Chop from the Top and the Cops campaign and a new demand for USF to keep the College of Education after recent news of the department’s closure.