Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

In-Justice System

By Ryan Hamann

Veronica Roll of UWM SDS speaks during the rally

Milwaukee, WI – On the evening of September 25, organizers with the recently re-formed University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) led a rally in Spaights Plaza on campus. More than 20 students and supporters gathered to demand that the university disarm, defund and ultimately disband the campus police.


By staff

Chicago protest demands justice for Breonna Taylor.

Chicago, IL – Many who arrived at 35th Street and Michigan Avenue on September 24 were visibly upset, given the failure of Kentucky’s attorney general to indict and prosecute the Louisville cops who murdered Breonna Taylor.


By staff

New York protest demands justice for Breonna Taylor.

New York, NY – On September 23, the Louisville, Kentucky court system passed down the decision that none of the three cops involved with the murder of Breonna Taylor, a Black woman and emergency medical technician, would be indicted for her killing. Rather, they charged one officer with wanton endangerment for his bullets potentially putting her neighbors in danger.


By Jess Sundin

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Minneapolis, MN – 1000 people rallied and marched to protest the announcement that no one would be charged for the murder of Breonna Taylor. Organized by Black Lives Matter Minnesota, Twin Cities Coalition for Justice 4 Jamar, Black Lives Matter Twin Cities Metro and others, the group rallied at the state capitol on September 23, and then marched about four miles, including taking over Interstate 94. Three protesters were arrested but released the later that night.

#MinneapolisMN #PeoplesStruggles #PoliceBrutality #Minnesota #Antiracism #TwinCities #BreonnaTaylor

By Ben Grant (he/him)

Tesia Lisbon speaking at a rally outside of City Hall in Tallahassee, FL.

Tallahassee, FL – Community activists gathered in front of city hall September 19 for a protest calling for the formation of an elected Civilian Police Accountability Council (CPAC), and demanding that State Attorney Jack Campbell drop the charges against the #Tally19 – arrested for participating in a protest on September 5 to condemn a grand jury decision that condoned three recent police murders of civilians.


By Rachel Duff

Jacksonville  protest demands People’s Budget, stands with the Tally 19

Jacksonville, FL – On September 19, over 120 people showed up outside city hall in downtown Jacksonville demanding a people’s budget and community control of the police. This action was in response to the call by the National Alliance Against Racist and Pollical Repression (NAARPR) national call to action. The Jacksonville Community Action Committee is an affiliate of NAARPR.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

10 years after the FBI raids

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Across the country the U.S. government is unleashing a wave of repression attempting to criminalize those who protest against police killings of Black men and other oppressed people. We call on people to resist the repression and to build towards revolution by organizing more mass protests and joining groups like the Freedom Road Socialist Organization.


By Dan Pratt

Oshkosh, WI rally against police crimes.

Oshkosh, WI – On the afternoon of September 19, over 30 people gathered in Menominee Park in Oshkosh to demand justice for Isaiah Tucker. The group came together to protest the violent police killing of Tucker and to demand the officers responsible be held accountable. Tucker was a 28-year-old Black man from Oshkosh, and a father of three, who was murdered at the hands of Oshkosh Police Department officers Aaron Achterberg and Kyler Roberts.


By Will Blake

Tampa protest against police crimes.

Tampa, FL – On September 19, the Tampa Bay Community Action Committee participated in the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression’s (NAARPR) national day of protest with a rally of about 40 members of the community in downtown Tampa. NAARPR’s call to action demanded an end to racist police terror, the withdrawal of federal troops in cities across the country and for community control of the police.


By Andy Koch

Chicago protest against police crimes.

Chicago, IL – Over 100 people on foot, and an 80-car caravan with about 200 riders, gathered in downtown Chicago, September 19, to protest police crimes, state repression of activists, demand that federal troops and agents be sent home, and to call for community control of the police. The demonstration was part of a national day of action called by the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression and was organized by the Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression.