Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

¡Lucha y Resiste! entrevistó a Amanda Martínez, una Sandinista leal y patriótica. Su nombre verdadero ha sido omitido porque ella ha recibido amenazas violentas contra sí misma y su familia. Ella viene de la ciudad La Concepción, que está al sur de Managua y al oeste de Masaya. La Concepción tiene alrededor de 30,000 personas y es un área agrícola. ¡Lucha y Resiste!: Como sucedió El Golpe Suave en el pueblo de La Concepción? ¿Había tranques? ¿Secuestraron a gente? ¿Como trataron a la gente Sandinista? ¿Que hizo la Policía Nacional?

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By staff

Fight Back! interviewed Amanda Martinez, a patriotic Sandinista. Her name has been changed to a pseudonym, as counter-revolutionaries have made violent threats against her and her family. She lives in the small city of La Concepcion that is south of Managua and west of Masaya. La Concepcion has a population of around 30,000 people and is mostly an agricultural area. Fight Back!: How did the soft coup against President Ortega play out in the town of La Concepcion? Were there roadblocks? Did they sequester people? How did they treat Sandinista members? What did the National Police do?


By Sol Márquez

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Los Angeles, CA – On October 26, as the caravan of refugees from Central America traveled through Mexico, they were welcomed with food, festivity, aid, and clothing. As Chicanos, we must do the same when the caravan arrives at U.S. border.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

The Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) condemns in the strongest terms the assassination of Luis Fajardo, member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV), who was killed alongside his brother-in-law and comrade Javier Aldana in a drive-by shooting.


By staff

_ “Defending Palestinian struggle and the right to resist occupation by any means necessary must, by necessity, also prioritize the struggle to free all political prisoners.”_

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Fight Back! interviewed Charlotte Kates, International Coordinator of the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, on the fight to free Palestinian political prisoners. We encourage all of our readers to support this effort.


By Jose Maria Sison

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following Oct. 27 statement from Jose Maria Sison, Chief Political Consultant, National Democratic Front of the Philippines.


By staff

According to widespread media reports, two Palestinian protesters were killed in Gaza, October 26, while participating in the Great Return March. According to the news outlet Ma’an, “Spokesperson of the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza, Ashraf al-Qidra, identified one of them as Muhammad Khalid Mahmoud Abed al-Nabi, 27, saying that al-Nabi succumbed to his wounds while being treated at the al-Shifa Hospital.”


By Communist Party of the Philippines

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP).


By Redacción

_Entrevista con Luiza Bezerra de la federación sindical Central de Trabajadores y Trabajadoras de Brasil (CTB) _

El 28 de octubre, los brasileños votarán en la segunda vuelta de sus elecciones presidenciales. La primera vuelta, el 7 de octubre, provocó conmociones en todo el mundo, ya que el candidato de extrema derecha pro-militar de la dictadura Jair Bolsonaro ganó el 46% de los votos y encabeza las urnas en la segunda ronda de votaciones, donde se enfrentará a Fernando Haddad del Partido de los Trabajadores (PT). Brasil es un vasto país que tiene la segunda economía más grande de América, detrás de la economía de los Estados Unidos. Brasil sólo emergió hace 33 años de una dictadura militar de derecha. Bolsonaro proviene de las fuerzas armadas y ha pedido abiertamente el retorno de Brasil al gobierno militar. Los sindicatos y la izquierda en Brasil enfrentan una situación potencialmente sombría si Bolsonaro gana, ya que llama a la represión contra sindicalistas e izquierdistas, así como a promueve ataques contra los Afro-Brasileños, las personas LGBTQ y las mujeres.

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By staff

Interview with Luiza Bezerra of the Brazilian Workers Central (CTB) union federation

On October 28, Brazilians will vote in the second round of their presidential election. The first round on October 7 sent shock waves around the world as extreme right-wing pro-military dictatorship candidate Jair Bolsonaro won 46% of the vote and leads polls heading into the second round of voting, where he will face Fernando Haddad of the Workers Party (PT). Brazil is a vast country which has the second largest economy in the Americas, behind only the U.S. economy. Brazil only emerged 33 years ago from a right-wing military dictatorship. Bolsonaro comes from the military and has openly called for returning Brazil to military rule. Unions and the left in Brazil face a potentially grim situation if Bolsonaro wins, since he calls for repression against trade unionists and leftists as well as promoting attacks on Black people, LGBTQ people and women.