Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following Nov. 16 statement from the Information Bureau of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP).


By Dave Schneider

U.S. and Saudi forces purposely target civilians in Yemen.

On Nov. 5, 2017, Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri appeared in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and abruptly announced his resignation. In his resignation speech, Hariri denounced the Islamic Republic of Iran for supposedly interfering in Lebanese politics through Hezbollah, which makes up part of Hariri’s own coalition government.


By Ali Fuhrman

U.S. trade unionists participate

Mass march of Greek workers in Athens.

Athens, Greece – On Nov. 9, more than 170,000 workers in 64 cities across Greece took to the streets to fight government austerity measures, nuclear armament, and court rulings that make labor strikes in the country illegal. 18 U.S. trade unionists attending a week-long seminar with the World Federation of Trade Unions joined the demonstrations at Syntagma Square in the city center of Athens.


By staff

Militant protests slam Trump in Philippines.

Manila, Philippines – Massive demonstrations took place in the Manila, Nov. 13, as thousands of workers, students, faith-based communities and others are taking to the streets to condemn U.S. President Trump and his lackey, Philippine President Duterte.


By staff

Protest slams visit of grandson of Zionist war criminal David Ben-Gurion.

Jacksonville, FL – On Thursday night, Nov. 9, the Jacksonville Palestine Solidarity Network (JPSN) protested in Jacksonville outside of an event celebrating the creation of the apartheid state of Israel, and which hosted the grandson of the first prime minister of Israel, Alon Ben-Gurion.


By staff

A Nov. 7 article published by the Democratic People Republics of Korea’s (DPRK) Worker’s Newspaper warned in a commentary that, “The U.S. accustomed to aggression is now stepping up military pressure on the DPRK under the pretext of ‘nuclear threats from the north.’”


By staff

On Oct. 31, the leaders of the reactionary opposition announced that their parties will boycott the upcoming municipal elections and will expel any of their members that register to run or vote. They also expelled their four governor-elects who swore loyalty to the National Constituent Assembly, signaling that the reactionary forces are abandoning the electoral path. This has happened in the midst of the harshest price inflation in the past few years. Bolivarian revolutionary forces are recognizing the signs and preparing to defend their gains and advance to new ones. Below is a statement from the Gayones Movement, a Marxist-Leninist labor organization, on the recent developments in the country. Translated by Fight Back! staff.


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following Oct. 31 article from Tribuna Popular, the newspaper of the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV). The article was translated by Fight Back! staff.


By staff

On Oct. 28 and 29, the 7th National Meeting of Revolutionary Organizations was held in Caracas, an effort by Revolutionary Anti-Imperialist People’s Unity (UPRA) to build unity among the Bolivarian revolutionary organizations. The gathering happened in the context of ongoing efforts to deepen the Bolivarian Revolution inside the National Constituent Assembly (ANC), to deal with an increasingly violent reactionary opposition, as well as threats of imperialist violence from the Trump administration. Below is the political declaration released by the gathering:


By Kent Mori

Sharon Chung

Minnesota says no war threats on Korea