Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Washington, DC – The Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) is reporting that Syrian prisoners in Israeli jails have joined the open-ended hunger strike by Palestinian prisoners.


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) Prison Branch.

Comrades Ahmad Sa’adat, Ahed Abu Ghoulmeh join strike with fellow leaders: Statement from the PFLP Prison Branch


By staff

“Trump and the government are once again flirting with war”

Twin Cities vigil opposes U.S. war against the DPRK.

St Paul, MN – For the second week in a row a Twin Cities peace vigil focused on opposition to U.S. war on Korea. On May 3 over 25 people attended the weekly vigil to speak out against the danger of U.S. war in Korea. The vigil is held on the Lake Street/Marshall Avenue bridge over the Mississippi River between Minneapolis and Saint Paul.


By Redacción

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San Salvador, El Salvador – Decenas de miles de trabajadores salvadoreños salieron a marchar aquí en el día internacional de los trabajadores. El evento inició con tres marchas en diferentes partes de San Salvador que culminaron en la Plaza del Salvador del Mundo con un mitín conjunto. Las marchas empezaron en la Plaza Schafik Handal en Mejicanos, Árbol de la Paz por el Estadio Cuscatlán, y Boulevard de los Héroes. A la marcha se unieron muchos sindicatos, organizaciones sociales y organizaciones de izquierda. Los trabajadores celebraron sus logros incluso un aumento del salario mínimo. También expresaron su rechazo a la propuesta del sector privado para privatizar las pensiones. Los sindicatos presentaron su propia propuesta al gobierno del FMLN de una reforma al sistema de pensiones que garantice el derecho de los actuales pensionados y de los futuros pensionados.

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#SanSalvadorElSalvador #SanSalvador #Labor #ElSalvador #1DeMayo #Americas

By staff

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San Salvador, El Salvador – Tens of thousands of Salvadoran workers came out to march here on International Workers Day. The event started with three marches from different parts of San Salvador that converged in the El Salvador del Mundo plaza for a unified rally. The marches started at Schafik Handal Plaza in Mejicanos, at Árbol de la Paz by Cuzcatlan Stadium, and on Boulevard de los Héroes. Many unions, social movement organizations and the left participated in the march. Workers celebrated their accomplishments including an increase to the minimum wage. They also expressed their rejection of a proposal from the private sector to privatize pensions. The unions presented their own proposal to the FMLN government to reform the pension system to guarantee a pension for current and future retirees.

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#SanSalvadorElSalvador #SanSalvador #Labor #ElSalvador #Mayday #Americas

By staff

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St. Paul, MN – The organizers of a weekly peace vigil in the Twin Cities issued an urgent last minute appeal for people to join their vigil on April 26 to make a statement against the growing danger of U.S. war in Korea.


By staff

Delegation from Chicago Teachers Union meets with Brazilian teachers

Sao Paulo, Brazil – Labor unions, progressive political parties and social movements across Brazil have called for a general strike of all workers to protest the neoliberal anti-worker policies being imposed by right-wing politicians including the new president Michel Temer. Temer was put in office only after the illegal removal of progressive President Dilma Rousseff of the Workers Party.


By staff

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Fight Back News Service is circulating the following resolution of the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU)


By Eric Rivera

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New York, New York – About 50 protesters gathered at the U.S. Military Recruiting Center at the heart of Times Square, April 14. The protest was an emergency response to Donald Trump’s escalation of the war on war on Afghanistan. On April 13, a GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast Bomb (MOAB), nicknamed the “mother of all bombs,” was dropped on what is purported to be “ISIS targets” in Afghanistan. This is a continuation of a conflict started by the U.S. and NATO 16 years ago, the longest imperialist war the U.S. has ever been in. The dropping of the MOAB on the Achin district has death counts estimated to reach up to 94 people, and a blast radius estimated at one mile.


By Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine

_ Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)_

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine denounces the U.S. imperialist aggression on Syria. This attack aims to pre-empt any serious international or impartial investigation into the events in Khan Sheikhun and instead acts to liquidate Syrian sovereignty and support the most reactionary, violent forces, exposing the falsity of the Trump administration’s claims that it wants to “fight terrorism.”